Enrolment form

Please read our enrolment conditions before completing.

Please, fill in the grey fields on your computer, print the form, sign it and sent it by post.

If you pay by credit/debit card over the phone, send the enrolment form to (without signature, but please tick “Yes I fully agree with the term of conditions).


First Name: First Name:

Surname: Surname:

Address: date of birth:

Town:Name of his/her school:

Post Code:

Tel. (day): .Mobile: Email: @

Occupation: Nationality: BritishEu Other:

Where did you hear about our courses?

How do you wish to receive our cultural programme: by email by post

I wish to enrol with my son/daughterin the following course

(only available in the company of a parent)

3-4 year old: Sat 11-11.40am|£70|

4-6 year old: Sat 12-12.40pm |£70|

P2-P4: Wed 4.30-5.30pm |£80|

P5-P7: Mon4.30-5.30pm|£80|

Masterclasses for secondary school pupils

Mon-Fri (7-11 April 2014)Fee: |£90|

National 5 (10-12noon)Higher (1-3pm)Advanced higher (1-3pm)

Atelier en français pour enfants et jeunes ados bilingues
Club « Les petits fûtés» (6-8 ans)
Tarif : £10 par atelier de 2 heures

Quand? Les vendredis 4 avril, 9 mai, 6 juin 2014 de 14h30 à 16h30

Club des « scientifiques en herbe » (9-12 ans)
Tarif: £10par atelier de 2 heures

Quand? Les vendredis 25 avril, 23 mai, 13 juin de 15h30 à 17h30

Payment : cash at reception cheque credit/debit card

YES, by completing this form I fully agree to the terms and conditions stated.

Terms and Conditions

1. Enrolment & full payment must be made in advanceof attending a course.

2. Places are allocated upon receipt of application with correctpayment. We cannot reserve places without payment.

3. Fees are not transferable, nor refundable.No refunds can be given for unattended classes.

4. We reserve the right to add or cancel classes subject to demandand to return applications at our discretion.

5. If a course is cancelled by the Institut Français,a full refund will be given.

6. We cannot guarantee a specific teacher or classroom.

7. The minimum number of pupils per class is 7. Some classes marked with a * have a reduced number of students and a special fee.

8. Changes of level in the first two weeks are only allowed after agreement of the Courses Department.