The 2010 Gator Swim Club Holiday Classic

Age Group & Senior Invitational Swim Meet

December 3-5, 2010

(Stephen C. O’Connell Center Indoor Pool)

SANCTIONED BY: Florida Swimming of USA Swimming, Sanction #

“In granting this approval it is understood and agreed that USA-S/FL shall be free and held harmless from any liabilities or claims from damages arising by reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of the event.”

CONDITION OF SANCTION: Any swimmer entered in the meet, unaccompanied by a USA-S member coach must be certified by a USA-S member coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. It is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement.

The competition course has been certified in accordance with 104.2.2C(4). The copy of such certification is on file with USA Swimming.

SPONSORED BY: Gator Swim Club of Gainesville, Florida.

TYPE OF MEET: 25 yard course, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16 & Senior preliminary and final competition. 10 & under timed finals competition. Championship Finals for 11-12. Championship Finals will be followed by Consolation Finals for 13-14, 15-16, and Senior.

The 1650free will be swum as a timed final event in prelims.

All relays will be conducted as timed final events and fastest heat swum in Finals with the exception of 10 & Under Relays which will be swum in the afternoon preliminary sessions. Teams are limited to 2 relays per event.

DATE & TIME: 13-14, 15-16, Senior:

Friday and Saturday- prelims start at 8:30 am, finals at 6:00 pm

Sunday - prelims start at 8:30 am, finals at 5:00 pm

10 & Under, 11-12:

Afternoon Sessions – Timed Finals for 10 & Under, Prelims for 11-12

Start Time: Not before 1:00 pm

Finals for 11-12 – same as 13-14, 15-16 & Senior

LOCATION: Stephen C. O'Connell Center Pool , University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.

POOL SPECIFICATIONS: Two certified indoor 8 lane 25 yard courses. Non-turbulent lane lines, regulation starting blocks and a 5 lane 50 meter outdoor heated pool for warm-up use.

Timing Systems – Daktronics - with a full color alpha-numeric scoreboard.

Water Depth: Deep End Start: 12 ft.; Turning End: 5 ft.; Shallow End: 4.5 ft.

WARM-UPS: * Morning warm-up session for both inside pools. Morning warm-up session will be divided as follows:

6:45 am - 7:45 am – General Warm-up

7:45 am - 8:15 am – Pace & Sprint (Starting Lanes will be designated by the Meet Marshal)

8:15 am – 8:25 am – Clear Pool

* Afternoon warm-up session: The indoor pool will be available at least 1/2 hour prior to the start of the session.

* Finals warm-up session: The indoor pool will be available at least 1/2 hour prior to the start of the session.

* No indoor warm-up is scheduled before the 1650.

* On Meet Days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) the outdoor pool will be available beginning at 7:00am and will close when the final session begins.

* On the day preceeding the meet (Thursday), the outdoor pool will be available from 5:30pm - 7:00pm and (4) lanes will be available in the competition course from 5:30pm - 7:00pm.

Warmup Rules:

No Equipment Permitted.

Unless doing a racing start, all swimmers must enter the pool feet first with at least one hand in contact with the deck of the pool.

The Meet Marshal may alter the warm-up, if possible, to meet the needs of the competitors.

ELIGIBILITY: This meet is open to all USA Swimming registered swimmers that have achieved the required time standards included in this meet Information Letter. Times may be proven from LCM and SCM times converted to SCY equivalents using the formula in the current FL Swimming Standing Rules and Regulations ( Article 222.4, page 2).

SEEDING: SCY times will be used for seeding. Entry times may be actual SCY times or SCY times converted from SCM or LCM. If proven SCM or LCM times are submitted and labelled as such they will be seeded at the SCY qualfying time.

This meet will be pre-seeded with the exception of the 400 I.M, 500 free, and 1650 free, which will be “check in to be seeded” (deck seeded) events. Deck entries will not be accepted for deck seeded events.. The Meet Referee may opt to fill empty lanes in deck seeded events with checked in swimmers from the other gender, or combine the slowest heats.

SCRATCHES: PRELIMS: No penalty for scratching on the block in the Preliminary or Timed Final events with the exception of the deck-seeded events. Any swimmer entered in an individual event that is “deck seeded” who has checked in for the event, must swim the event unless he/she notifies the clerk of course before the seeding for that event has begun, that he/she wishes to scratch. Failure to do so and not swim will result in the swimmer being barred (scratched) from the next individual event (Preliminary or Timed Final) in which the swimmer is entered.

FINALS: Any swimmer who competes in a preliminary heat and qualifies for either championship or consolation finals and fails to swim in the final without notifying the Meet Referee that he/she may withdraw from the finals within thirty (30) minutes after the announcement of the qualifiers for that event and further fails to declare his/her final intention within thirty (30) minutes of his/her last individual preliminary event, will be penalized by being automatically scratched from Finals in the remainder of the meet, including any Finals not already swum. The Referee may insert the next eligible swimmer into Finals or Consolation Finals once a “failure to swim” is declared and in any vacant lanes resulting from the penalty. Declared False Starts in Finals will be considered a “failure to swim” and will draw the same penalty. In the event of illness or injury, certified to the satisfaction of the Meet Referee, there will be no penalty.

ENTRY LIMITS: 11-12, 13-14, 15-16 & Senior swimmers may enter a maximum of three (3) individual events per day and a maximum of seven (7) individual events for the meet. 10 & Under swimmers may enter a maximum of three (3) individual events per day and a maximum of nine (9) individual events for the meet. Relay Entry Limit is two (2) per team per event. Entries which exceed either limit will be automatically dropped. The total meet entry limit will be 800 swimmers. The following criteria will be used in limiting the meet size:

1.  If a team’s entry is the first to exceed the limit, all of that team’s entry will be accepted.

2.  Entries will be accepted in the order that they are received. An entry is considered as received when the team’s entries are Finalized in OME.

3.  If entries from more than one team are finalized at the same time, first priority for acceptance will go to Florida Swimming teams.

4. Second priority for acceptance will be the team having the most entries.

5. Teams not accepted will be notified by phone or faxby the first Wednesday after the entry deadline and any entry fees received will be returned.

ENTRY PROCEDURES: Entries must be in USA Swimming SDIF format or Hy-Tek CL2 format. A signed hard copy printout is acceptable as proof of entry in place of the enclosed entry forms. Free text e-mail entries will not be accepted. Disk or e-mailed entries must be accompanied by a backup hard copy of the entry. List all attending coaches, contact phone numbers, and RELAY ONLY swimmers in the body of the e-mail. Corrupted, unreadable, or incorrectly formatted files must be corrected within 24 hours. Errors in entries submitted electronically are the responsibility of the applicant. Electronic mail confirmation will be sent upon receipt of file. If using the enclosed Entry Form, the form will serve as proof of entry. The legal name and current USA Swimming Registration Number for each swimmer must be listed on the Entry Form, including “relay-only” swimmers. The Master Entry Form must accompany the proof of entries and a current USA Swimming Member must sign the form.

Checks for all entry fees must be mailed to Gator Swim Club at:

Gator Swim Club

C/O Nancy Hennessy

PO Box 357221

Gainesville, FL 32635

ENTRY FEE: All individual events: 10 & Under $3.00 All Relays: $8.00

All individual P/F events: 11 & Above $4.00 All Relays: $8.00

All individual Timed Final events: 11 & 12 $3.00


ENTRY DEADLINE: All entries must be finalized by Tuesday, Novermber 23rd by 5:00pm. No email, phone or fax entries will be accepted after this deadline.

This will be a first come, first serve entry process (no reservations).

DECK ENTRIES: Deck entries will be permitted under the following guidelines:

*  Deck entries will not be accepted for Deck Seeded Events.

*  Swimmers must meet the qualifications already required for this meet, and must complete the deck entry form obtained from the Clerk of Course.

*  Deck entries must be turned in to the Clerk of Course with fees, including the FACILITY CHARGE if applicable, at least 30 minutes before the start of the session.

*  A swimmer may not drop an event to deck enter an event.

*  The swimmer will be placed in available lanes in existing heats only; no new heats will be created. Also see “Seeding” above.

*  The cost of a deck-entered event is $ 10.00 and must be paid at the time of the entry.

AWARDS: Individuals awards will ONLY be given to 12 & Under Swimmers.

Individual Events: 1st thru 3rd places medals

4th thru 8th places – ribbons

Relay Events: 1st thru 3rd places – ribbons

Team Awards: Overall combined (men & women) team winner.

Cash Award

Individual High Point: Top swimmer in each age group, male and female

SCORING: Individual Events: 9 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1

Relay Events: 18 - 14 - 12 - 10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2

RULES: The current USA Swimming Technical Rules and Regulations and Florida Swimming Rules and Regulations will govern the conduct of the meet.

OFFICIALS: Meet Referee: Bob Griffiths Head Starter: Angela Jones

Admin Referee: Jack Witzel

Chief Stroke & Turn: Doug Soltis Head Marshall: Bryon Petersen

MEET DIRECTOR: Erva Gilliam (352) 375-4683, ext. 4545.


ATTENDING COACHES: Coaches (and Officials) are required to have their credentials on their person and visible on deck at all times.

SMOKING: Smoking and use of other tobacco products are prohibited on deck, in bleachers, locker rooms, or any other area designated as a warmup area or swimmers’ rest area.

COURSES: Events will be assigned a course (Deep or Shallow) by gender and/or age group.

Assignments will be posted in the heat sheet program. Caution: Due to time constraints and because of assigning a course to a certain age group and gender, relays will not be delayed to accomodate younger swimmers who intend to swim in Senior relays.

400 IM / 500 FREE/1650 FREE:

*  The 11-12 500 Free and 400 IM are deck-seeded timed finals events and all heats will be swum in the afternoon session fastest to slowest. Check-in by noon (12:00 pm) on the day of the event is required to be seeded in the event. Proof of entry time is required to be seeded and to swim. Swimmers entered in the event, but failing to check in may swim in an open lane if available. No new heats will be created. Note: Checked in swimmers from the other gender will be given first priority in filling empty lanes.

*  The 1650 Free is a deck-seeded timed final event. Age groups will be swum together by gender, but scored separately, and heats will be swum fastest to slowest and, if one pool is used, alternating – one female heat followed by a male heat. All heats will be swum during preliminaries. It will be limited to the fastest 40 female and fastest 40 male swimmers regardless of age. If time permits(1), additional heats may be swum. Positive check in deadline is 9:00 am on Sunday morning. Proof of entry time is required to be seeded and to swim. Swimmers entered in the event, but failing to check in may swim in an open lane if available - no new heats will be created. 13-14, 15-16, & Senior age groups will be scored separately. Swimmers entered as seniors will be scored as seniors. The fastest heat of women and men will be swum in the deepest pool regardless of how the rest of the session is swum. The Meet Referee will announce how this will be accomplished at least one hour before the projected start time of any 1650 yd event. The Meet Referee may combine the slowest heats of each gender into one heat and swim it in the order of the gender with the fewest number of heats. If the event in one pool is projected to be completed sufficiently far in advance, the Meet Referee may elect to move remaining heats from the other pool into it, or permit combined gender “additional” heats, if time permits(1). Decisions on combination of heats, movement of heats or additional heats will be announced at least one hour before the expected start of the first 1650 event.

*  The 13-14, 15-16, and Senior 400 IM and 500 Free are deck seeded prelim/final events and limited to the fastest 96 swimmers of each gender regardless of age group. Additional heats will be swum if time permits(1). During prelims, all age groups will be swum together by gender, but separated for finals. Preliminary heats will be swum fastest to slowest and the fastest three heats of each gender will be circle-seeded. Swimmers entered as seniors will be scored as seniors. Check-in by 9:00am on the day of the event is required to be seeded. Swimmers entered in the event, but failing to check-in may swim in an open lane if available. No new heats will be created.