Supervision & Consultation in Applied Psychology Fall 2017
CNCSP 264ACourse Syllabus
University of California, Santa Barbara
Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology
Instructors: Heidi A. Zetzer, Ph.D.
Office Hours:By appointment
Seminar:Monday9:00am – 12:00pm (ED 1205)
This course is designed to provide an overview of theory and research on: a) consultation models in applied psychology, and b) the process and outcome of clinical supervision of professional psychologists. The course is divided into two parts. The consultation section of the course is designed to engage students in learning how to do consultation and to increase their mastery of the evidence base related to various consultation approaches. Further, this section provides an introduction to the knowledge and skills necessary to serve successfully as a consultant in a variety of settings including institutions of higher education, hospitals, schools, community-based organizations, and industry. The supervision component of the course is designed to teach the basic theory and practice of supervision of psychologists and psychotherapists. The supervision component will be comprised of an overview of supervision theory and research and will include in-class activities such as role-plays. Readings will emphasize practical and research-related issues of consultation and supervision.
Alignment with APA Competencies and Program Learning Objectives:This course is designed to meet the following competencies:
Profession-Wide Competencies (Standards of Accreditation; APA, 2015)
- Demonstrate knowledge and theory of consultation and interprofessional/interdisciplinary skills
- Demonstrate knowledge of theory and practice in supervision of psychology practice.
- Consultation
oTo increase knowledge of the models and applications of consultation.
oTo develop the ability to appropriately enter into and terminate from individual and organizational consultative relationships.
oTo increase knowledge of the theory and application of evaluation methods.
oTo increase the ability to design and deliver in-service training to consultees.
oTo increase the ability to identify organizational variables and design, implement, and evaluate appropriate interventions.
- Supervision
oTo develop a solid understanding of relevant theory and research regarding supervision.
oTo start to develop your own identity as a supervisor, incorporating a competency-based approach, and cultural competence.
oTo learn how to cultivate a productive supervisory relationship that incorporates attention to multicultural identity and context.
oTo become familiar with basic supervision skills and strategies.
- Ethics
- To able to apply appropriate legal, ethical, and risk-management procedures.
- Lowman, R.L. (2016). An introduction to consulting psychology: Working with individuals, groups, and organizations. Washington, DC. American Psychological Association.
- Bernard, J.M., & Goodyear, R.K. (2014). Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision (5th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
- Weekly Readings on Gauchospace
The course seminars will consist of a combination of lecture, class discussion, and personal reflection. Students are required to be active participants in the seminar in order to pass the course. You are expected to adhere to university policies regarding cheating and plagiarizing. Don’t do it. If you have a documented learning disability or difficulty and need accommodations, please let me know.
Active participation (20% of your grade): For each discussion topic, students are required to read the textbooks and Gauchospace readings and bring thoughtful questions, responses, and comments to class. Individuals that sit passively in class and do not contribute to discussions will not pass the course.
Consultation Activity (40% of your grade): Write a 6-12page description of the consultation process applied to a real (or imagined[i]) person, group, or organization. Your paper should include:
- A description of the individual, group, or organization.
- What are the individual’s group’s, or organization’s needs?
- Individual: Purpose/Role/Function
- Group: Purpose/Role in the Organization/Function
- Organization: Why does it exist? What are its goals? Does it have a vision or mission statement? Who is in charge? What does the organizational structure look like (managers, supervisors, staff, students, clinicians, volunteers, etc.)?
- A description of the problem.
- Individual: What is the problem? What do you hope to gain from this consultation? What have you tried? How effective were these strategies? What else could be a source of the problem?
- Group: Same as above – interview group and individuals in the group
- Organization: What is the issue? Why does this issue negatively affect the organization? Who does the problem affect the most?
- A description of the role of consultation.
- Why is consultation warranted?
- What approach/model seems to be the best fit for the individual, group, organization?
Most of your paper will focus on discussion of all four generic steps to consultation:
- Entry Stage:
- Exploring needs
- Contracting
- Physically Entering the System
- Psychologically Entering the System
- Diagnosis:
- Gathering Information
- Defining the Problem
- Setting Goals
- Generating/Brainstorming Possible Interventions
- Implementation Stage:
- Choosing an Intervention – What level(s)?
- Formulating a Plan
- Implementing the Plan
- Evaluating the Plan – What issues came up?
- Disengagement Stage:
- Evaluating the Consultation Process
- Planning Post-Consultation Matters
- Reducing Involvement and Following Up
- Terminating
Instructions: Identify an individual, group, or organization for whom who might provide a briefconsultation. Possibilities include: a) individual-teachers, administrators, group leaders, student clinicians, and instructors; b) groups of any kind, including clubs, sports teams, and work groups, and c) organizations, including student associations, schools, etc. Activities include conducting a needs assessment and providing an intervention including a formal assessment with feedback, training, program evaluation, recommendations, and other interventions. Be sure to evaluate the impact of your activity using a written evaluation, survey, interview, or focus group. Due by 11:59pm, Fri, 11/3/17.
Supervision Paper: (40% of your grade): Imagine that you are writing a book chapter that is part of an edited volume called, Contemporary Issues in Supervision: Counseling, Clinical, & School Psychologists in Action
The audience is counseling, clinical, and school psychology graduate students and early career professionals. The editors of the volume hope that the book will become the go-to textbook for graduate level supervision courses and become a vital resource for new supervisors.
Select a topic in supervision and write a chapter that integrates at least two of the following domains:
- Legal and Ethical Issues
- Multiculturalism and Diversity
- Research
- Theory
- Your specialty area
For example, you might choose a theory of supervision and then discuss the research that supports its tenets or you could identify an issue related to multicultural competence in supervision and discuss the research on that. Alternatively, you could describe common legal and ethical concerns in the context of a particular theory (e.g., family systems or ecological systems) and present a case (de-identified of course).
Use the literature. Use APA Style. Write 6-12 pages. Think of your audience and make it interesting! Don’t just write a lit review. Have a message. Make a point. Forward an argument. Motivate the reader. Aim for their enlightenment. Due by 11:59pmSunday12/8/17.
Week / Topic & Assignments Due / Journal Article(s) / Text Chapters1
10/2/17 / Review of Syllabus and Assignments
Introduction to Consultation Models / Gauchospace Readings
10/9/17 / Consultation Entry & Diagnosis
Guest Speaker: Dr. Kirsten Olson: Consulting on Campus
9-10am / Gauchospace Readings / Lowman, Ch 1-4
10/16/17 / Consultation as an Implementation Strategy
Guest Speaker: Dr. Pauline Venieris: Internal Consulting for Diversity, 11am-Noon / Gauchospace Readings / Lowman, Ch 5-6
10/23/17 / Consultation Interventions
Guest Speakers: Drs. Steve Smith & David Botsford:
Consulting with Athletes and Sports Teams,10-11am / Gauchospace Readings / Lowman, Ch. 7 - 8
10/30/17 / Consultation Implementation and Disengagement
Consultation paper due Sunday at 11:59pm, Fri, 11/3/17
(Upload to Gauchospace) / Gauchospace Readings
11/6/17 / Introduction to Supervision / Gauchospace Readings / B&G 1-2
11/13/17 / Supervision Models / Gauchospace Readings / B&G 3-5
11/20/17 / Supervision Competencies / Gauchospace Readings / B&G 6-8
11/27/17 / Supervision Interventions / Gauchospace Readings / B&G 9-10
12/4/17 / Legal and Ethical Issues in Supervision
Supervision Paper due Sunday at 11:59pm, Fri, 12/8/17 (Upload to Gauchospace) / Gauchospace Readings / B&G
11& 12
Finals Week / No Class
[i] If imagined, you might describe a former boss/supervisor, group or team, or organization of which you were a part and for which you hoped someone would hire a consultant!