Mrs. Jennifer Conti

xtra Help: Wednesdays

Trumbull High School

World Languages Department

Italian II Syllabus 2014-2015

Trumbull High School Core Values and Beliefs Statement

The Trumbull High School Community, which engages in an environment conducive to learning, believes that all students will readand write effectively, therefore communicating in an articulate and coherent manner. All students will participate in activities that address problem-solving through criticalthinking. Students will use technology as a tool indecision making. We believe that by fostering self-confidence, self-directed and student-centered activities, we will encourage independent thinking andlearning. We believe ethical conduct to be paramount in sustaining our welcoming school climate.

Course Description

This course continues to develop the four basic skills. The focus of this level will be communicating ideas and needs through situational dialogues reflecting new vocabulary grammatical structures and produced by individual students. The grammatical foundation will be strengthened as the student will be introduced to directed-composition writing. The cultural aspect will be enhanced through films, cultural units, and individual classroom projects, presentations and aural comprehension activities. Students are encouraged to join the Italian Club. Software and interactive materials are available to students.

Prerequisite:Successful completion Italian I or Italian Conversation and Culture I


Text: Prego! An Invitation to Italian 7th edition.Lazzarino, Dini, and Peccianti.With supplementary materials.

Companion Website: and

For this class you will also need:

- writing instruments

- notebook

- a 3-ring binder or folder for handouts

- a pocket sized Italian dictionary is strongly recommended or the WordReference app on your device


Your grade is based on participation, homework, tests and quizzes, lab exercises, skits, and projects. Participation is key in a language class; you are expected to actively participate every day. You will be graded for participation using the World Language Department Level of Engagement Rubric. Homework and classwork is assigned weekly. Tests, quizzes, and projects are scheduled regularly for each chapter. Each grading category is weighted 20%. I drop the lowest homework score. Quizzes count once, tests count twice. You will be given a reasonable amount of time to make-up work due to absences. For any unexcused absences or tardies, you are not allowed to make-up work, and you will receive a 0. Your grades are available on the portal through Infinite Campus Gradebook.

School-Wide Rubrics 1, 2 and 4: Read Effectively, Write Effectively, Social and Civic Expectations

Classroom Policies

You must follow all school rules in this class. You have the responsibility to conduct yourself in a way that does not disrupt the educational process.

You are expected to:

-practice positive communication

-be on time

-be prepared

-be respectful

-follow directions

School Policies

A few things to keep in mind as we progress through the year:


You may use your device to access and save information from the Internet, collaborate with other students, and use the tools available to you. The use of these devices is at the discretion of your teacher and must not become a distraction to the learning process. Any disruption of this kind will result in disciplinary consequences.

Academic Honesty

The THS World Language Department adheres to the THS Academic Honesty Policy. Please read it. The only authorized online aid accepted in this class is or the WordReference app. Failure to comply with this standard will result in the consequences listed in the Academic Honesty Policy and may include any teacher specific consequences.

How do I get into honors?

Students’Marking Period 1, 2, 3 4, mid-term exam, and final exam must average A-at the end of the year. Students who are recommended for Honors at course selection time (3rd quarter) will ALL be re-evaluated at the end of third and fourth quarters, after final exams, and when final grades are posted. Should a student no longer qualify, he/she will be notified and placed in the ACP level of the language.Conversely, if a student is at a B+ at recommendation time, he/she will also be reevaluated, and if after final grades are posted he/she qualifies, he/she will be notified and placed in the Honors level of the language.

Message from the Teacher

Hello, I am Mrs. Conti and this is my 7th year teaching Italian at Trumbull High School. I studied in Italy at the University for Foreigners in Perugia and got my teaching degree at Central Connecticut State University. Welcome to an exciting year of Italian II! I am glad to be your teacher as you take everything you learned in Italian I and start to really see just how far you can go with it. This year you will grow in all 4 areas of language: reading, writing, speaking, and listening all while you learn more about the culture of the Italian people. You will have to work hard to accomplish this- so be prepared to study, practice, and participate. Stay organized, positive, and be kind to one another. Let’s have a great year! “Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I remember. Involve me, and I learn.” –Benjamin Franklin