An internship is a learning experience, related to the career goals of the student, which aims to allow the student to synthesize his/her academic learning in the field of business with real-world operations of an organization. The objectives set forth by each student intern will involve, in a broad sense, the application of theories and concepts in business and related fields and a critical analysis of their findings.

The pursuit of an internship is a serious responsibility. Students will be representing the School of Business and Ithaca College, as well as themselves. Interns are asked to carefully weigh their academic load and other obligations before committing themselves to undertaking an internship.


·  Minimum GPA 2.7

·  Junior standing

·  Completion of Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

·  Completion of Business-Link Professions Program Workshop Themes 1, 2, 3 and BINT 104 and BINT 204 (not applicable for students graduating in 2013, 2014, and 2015.)

·  International students are also required to meet with a Designated School Official from the Office of International Programs. (See page 4 for additional information.)


1.  The completed application with attachments will be reviewed and approved by the Professional Development Coordinator and the Assistant Dean.

2.  Upon approval, the Assistant Dean’s office will complete the registration for the internship and send an e-mail confirmation.

3.  The deadline for receipt of paperwork to the Student Services Team (Dean’s Suite) is the last Add/Drop date for the semester.



/ Meet with Career Services or the School of Business’ Professional Development Coordinator (Park 122)
·  Learn strategies for conducting an effective internships search
·  Strengthen your résumé and develop a tailored cover letter


* / Complete Business-Link Professions Program Workshop Themes 1,2,3 and BINT 104 and BINT 204 (
Complete Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (session locations, dates and times listed at
/ Attach a current resume.
/ Submit completed application, the Organization Sponsorship Agreement and internship job description to the Student Services Team (Dean’s Suite) by the last Add/Drop date for the semester.

*BLPP requirements are not applicable for students graduating in 2013, 2014, and 2015.


1.  MAINTAIN AN INTERNSHIP JOURNAL FOR THE DURATION OF THE INTERNSHIP: Submit bi-weekly journals electronically to the Professional Development Coordinator with a copy to the Internship Supervisor. The one page, single spaced journal submission must include the following:

a.  Internship responsibilities (tasks, defining experiences, how these experiences are shaping your perspective on your concentration and/or future career).

b.  The number of hours worked each week and cumulative hours to date.

The length and frequency of the journal submission will be modified for internships of less than three credits.

2.  FINAL PRESENTATION: At the end of the semester, participate in a 10-minute presentation on the internship. The presentation will cover the following:

a.  An overview of the internship sponsoring organizations and its mission

b.  Description of internship responsibilities

c.  How you secured the internship opportunity

d.  Lessons learned from the internship and what you would have done differently

Please note: Summer interns will receive an “Incomplete” grade at the end of the term. A final pass/fail grade will be issued after the presentation, which will take place within 3 weeks of the start of the following fall semester.


Students will be evaluated based on the following:

1.  The quality of bi-weekly journal submissions and final presentation.

2.  Internship Evaluation: The Internship Supervisor will be provided a performance evaluation of the internship, which will be submitted to the Professional Development Coordinator.

A Pass/Fail Grade will be issued by the Professional Development Coordinator. Your grade will be submitted on Homer after the completion of the internship presentation.


Credits Desired / Onsite Work Hours / Coursework Hours
(Bi-weekly journal entries and preparation for final presentation) / Total Work Hours
1 credit hour / 55 / 5 / 60
2 credit hours / 110 / 10 / 120
3 credit hours
6 credit hours / 165
330 / 15
30 / 180

(Instructions: Type or write clearly.

Retain a copy for your records.)


Name______Student ID #______

Local Address ______

Local/Cell Phone ______Email address ______


Degree Program______

Concentration (s) ______

Cumulative GPA______Number of previous internship credits: _____


Semester in which this internship will take place: Fall 20___ Winter 20___ Spring 20___ Summer 20____

Internship Start Date: ______End Date:______

Anticipated Hours per week: ______

Month/Year Sexual Harassment Prevention Training was completed: ______

Number of credits requested for this internship (Circle One): 1 2 3 6

Note: Credit bearing internships are academic classes. Tuition is charged for each credit if you choose to do it outside of the fall/spring semester or if you go over 18 credits during the fall or spring semester.



Sponsoring Organization______

Department Name ______

Supervisor Name______

Title ______

Phone ______Email address ______

Company Website ______Organization Type: For Profit ____ Not For Profit ____ Government ____
Internship: Paid______Non-Paid _____


1.  I understand that being an intern is a serious responsibility, and that I will be representing the School of Business and Ithaca College, as well as myself. I have carefully considered my academic load and other commitments and am able to devote the time and energy necessary to make my internship experience a successful one.


2.  I understand my responsibility in reporting any harassment, sexual or otherwise, to the Professional Development Coordinator and the organization sponsoring my internship.


Student Intern Signature Date

I have reviewed this student’s internship application and agree to work with him/her and the internship site supervisor toward completion of the internship. I understand my responsibility to report any harassment, sexual or otherwise to the organization sponsoring the internship and to the Business School Dean.

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training verified: yes no


Professional Development Coordinator Signature Date

For International Students Only

International students on F-1 visas are required to meet with a Designated School Official (DSO) from the Office of International Programs. The DSO will review the internship application and determine your eligibility.

CPT Form Required: yes no

I have reviewed this student’s internship application. The student will be eligible for CPT for this internship.


Designated School Official Signature, OIP Date

This internship is: ______approved ______not approved
Assistant Dean’s Signature Date
Credits______CRN #______Registration Date______


The Internship Supervisor will:

§  Provide a preliminary job description of the internship. Internship activities should focus on projects that relate to the student’s academic course of study.

§  Aim to provide meaningful work to the student intern. The balance of accommodating the needs of the sponsoring organization with assignments that complement the student’s academic program is important, and while it understood that some tasks may be repetitive or clerical in nature, the supervisor should endeavor to provide the intern with a variety of tasks that build skills and experience.

§  Be responsive to correspondence from the Professional Development Coordinator, who will oversee the internship. This correspondence may be by telephone, email or mail.

§  Provide an evaluation of the student intern at the end of the semester. An evaluation form will be supplied to the internship supervisor by the Professional Development Coordinator. The evaluation will be on work/tasks completed, professionalism and educational preparation.

The Internship Supervisor agrees that ______will be receiving ______credits for his/her

(Student Name)

internship experience and will provide ______hours of work during the internship period. (See chart below for credit/hour requirements.)

Credits Desired / Onsite Work Hours
1 credit hour / 55
2 credit hours / 110
3 credit hours
6 credit hours / 165


Internship Supervisor Signature Date

(Please attach the preliminary internship job description)

Last revised 8/22/2012; JSH