Please send the completed form to , together with a scanned copy of the registration certificate of your organisation in your country.

Please note that the list of invited organisations will be made publicly available as participants to the first meeting of the EMF. Please read our Data Privacy Statement.

  1. A) Organisation

Name of organisation:
Date of Registration:
Registration No.:
Registered with the following authority:
B) Contact person
Name and surname:
Email(also functional mailbox, if possible):
Telephone number:
  1. Type of organisation

Non-governmental organisation
Trade union
Employers' organisation
Social or professional organisation
Church, religious, philosophical or non-confessional organisation
Academic institution (university, think tank, research centre)
Other, please specify
  1. Is your organisation a migrant-led organisation?
yes no
  1. A) Is your organisation a European level organisation / European network organisation?
yes no
If your organisation is a membership organisation, please specify:
a) How many member organisations does your network represent: ………
b) From how many Member States: ………
4. B) If your answer to the above question (4. A) is no, are the activities of your organisation primarily directed at:
Local level/grassroots level
National level
If your organisation is a membership organisation, please specify how many members does your organisation represent: ………
b) Does your organisation belong to any European network(s)? If so, which one(s)? ………
  1. Are the activities of your organisation primarily focused on (max 2 answers possible)

Work with target groups (assistance, services…)
Awareness raising/ campaigning
Other, please specify
  1. Organisation’s main activities / mandate/ mission [max. 1250 characters]

  1. What are the issues of greatest expertise of your organisation (max 2 answers possible)

International protection / asylum
Visa and borders
Citizenship acquisition / citizenship law reform / statelessness
Economic migration
Irregular migration
Return and detention
Migrant integration
Migrant children
Migrant women
Trafficking/smuggling in human beings
Other, please specify
  1. The first meeting of the EMF will focus on the current situation of the Mediterranean. Please describe your organisation's expertise in relation to this topic (to be seen in a broader context). Please be specific and describe relevant research/publication/conferences/projects/practical activities your organisation has been involved in over the past 24 months. [max. 2000 characters]

  1. Why do you want to participate in the European Migration Forum? Describe your motivation. [max.800 characters]

By submitting this application, I agree that the information was completed accurately and truthfully to the best of my knowledge

Place and Date: …………