On-Grounds Recruiting Reservation Request Form

Please complete this form and submit to your employer relations manager via e-mail.


Company Name / Corporate Address
Contact Name / City, State and Zip
Title / E-Mail Address
Telephone / Company Website


Position Title / Second Year*/
First Year / Number/Type of Schedules / 1st choice / 2nd choice / 3rd choice
1. / 30 min. Rotating
45 min. Rotating
60 min. Rotating
2. / 30 min. Rotating
45 min. Rotating
60 min. Rotating
3. / 30 min. Rotating
45 min. Rotating
60 min. Rotating

*SY job opportunities are open to students in the fulltime MBA, MBA for Executives and Global MBA for Executives programs unless otherwise requested.


Events / Dates / Target
Audience / Fee / 1st choice / 2nd choice / 3rd choice
(Available to companies with briefing attendance of 20+ in 2013.) / 23-25 September
4-6 November / First Year
Students / $200
(Networking luncheon included)
29 September – 2 October*
6-9, 13-16, 20-23, 27-28 October
10-13 November / First Year
Students / Company provides catering
Second Year Networking Nights / 9, 16, 23-25 September / Second Year
Students / $400
First Year Networking Nights / 4-6 November / First Year
Students / $400

*Dates available to Leader level Corporate Partners and to companies with briefing attendance of 100+ in 2013.

ADDITIONAL BRAND BUILDING OPPORTUNITIES (Ctrl + click on the event links to learn more.)

CDC Facilitated Events / Target Audience / Dates Requested
Office Hours* / SY (Fulltime MBA, EMBA, GEMBA)
(Maximum of two sign-up office hours per year.)
FY (Fulltime MBA only)
(Maximum of two sign-up office hours per year.) / Preferred Date(s):
Preferred Date(s):
Workshops* / SY (Fulltime MBA, EMBA, GEMBA)
FY (Fulltime MBA only) / Preferred Date(s):
Preferred Date(s):
*Please note: In response to student feedback, we require two weeks lead time to schedule office hours and/or workshops. This will allow students time to plan their schedules accordingly and ensure better participation. Event dates are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Please keep in mind that there is more flexibility with your event dates if confirmed prior to the start of school.
Other Events and Partnering Opportunities / For more information, please contact:
Corporate Partners Program / Casey Floyd, +1-434-243-4400
First Coffee
(Company sponsorship is not available during dedicated recruiting days 23-25 Sept. and 4-6 Nov.) / Casey Floyd, +1-434-243-4400
Speaking Opportunities / Elizabeth Eckert, +1-434-924-7898
Student Club Events and Conferences / Refer to the Student Organizations list for individual club contacts.
Football Tailgates / Rachel Penny