February 24, 2004

Principal, PTA President and PTA Board Members

Boude Storey Middle School

Ladies and Gentlemen:

As always, thank you for your willingness to serve the cause of public education in Dallas. We want to call your attention to important information regarding the upcoming elections for Dallas Council of PTA (DCPTA) officers that will be held at the Dallas Council of PTAs General Meeting at 6:30 pm on April 20, 2004 at the Administration Building, 3700 Ross Ave. Please take note of the rules governing nominations being made from the floor. We have reprinted the pertinent section from the Dallas Council of PTAs Bylaws here for your convenience.

Section 4. Nominating Committee:

f. The nominating committee shall nominate one eligible person for each office to be filled at the election meeting in April. Nominees from the floor shall have given notice of their intent to run forty-five (45) days prior to the election meeting. Notification must be given in writing to the Dallas Council PTA President…

This means the cutoff time for submissions of nominations from the floor is SaturdayMarch 6. Notices received after that time will be deemed ineligible according to the Dallas Council of PTAs Bylaws. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Walter Price at (214) 330-7862 (hm) or

(214) 943-5323 (ofc).

Also, please use the attached form forward to us at the address below the names, telephone numbers and qualifications of individuals to consider for service on Council. Per the DCPTA Bylaws, all candidates must be graduates of the current Texas PTA Leadership Orientation Training Course.

Please share this information with your general membership. Spanish translations of these notices will be available to you very soon. Once again, thank you for your dedicated service.


Nominating Committee, Dallas Council of PTAs

Walter L. Price, Chair

Use this form to recommend individuals who are qualified and interested in serving on the Dallas Council of PTAs for the 2004-2005 School year. Please return it as soon as possible to the address listed below or it may be faxed to (214) 361-8293. Make copies as necessary.

Name ______DISD employee? Yes __ No __

Address ______City ______Zip ______

Telephone: ______(hm) ______(wk)

Cell ______Email: ______

Bilingual? Yes__ No__Spanish only? Yes__ No__ PTA experience? Yes__ No __

School(s) where PTA membership is held ______


Briefly explain why you recommend this person to serve on PTA Council. Please include volunteer experience, business experience, resume, references OR any additional information you feel would be useful to assist us in evaluating this candidate. Per the DCPTA Bylaws, all candidates must be graduates of the current Texas PTA Leadership Orientation Training Course. Attach additional sheets if necessary. (A person may recommend her/himself.)







