Chapter 27 - Plant Tissues

Multiple Choice
1.​Which statement does not apply to carbon dioxide?
a. / ​It is released in the burning of fossil fuels.
b. / ​It contributes to ozone destruction.
c. / ​It is absorbed by plants.
d. / ​It contributes to global warming.
e. / ​It is increasing in abundance in the atmosphere.
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.1 Carbon Sequestration
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.1 - Examine the importance of carbon sequestration.
2.Funds from carbon offsets, which are purchased by companies and individuals, are used for many purposes. What is one of these?​
a. / ​replanting deforested areas
b. / ​burning large expanses of rainforests
c. / ​decreasing plant density in existing forests
d. / ​clear-cutting old growth forests
e. / ​converting forests to cropland
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.1 Carbon Sequestration
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.1 - Examine the importance of carbon sequestration.
3.​What types of plants dominate the plant kingdom?
a. / eudicots​
b. / ​monocots
c. / ​trees
d. / ​flowering plants
e. / ​grasses
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Remember
REFERENCES: / 27.2 The Plant Body
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.2 - Outline the internal and external components of a plant using diagrams.
4.​What are the two organ systems of a vascular plant body?
a. / ​shoots and roots
b. / ​stems and leaves
c. / ​stems and roots
d. / ​leaves and roots
e. / ​leaves and flowers
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.2 The Plant Body
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.2 - Outline the internal and external components of a plant using diagrams.
5.​What are leaves specialized to do?
a. / ​provide structural support
b. / ​intercept sunlight for photosynthesis
c. / ​absorb water
d. / ​absorb minerals
e. / ​distribute water and minerals
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.2 The Plant Body
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.2 - Outline the internal and external components of a plant using diagrams.
6.​Which component distributes water and nutrients throughout the plant body?
a. / ​ground tissue
b. / ​vascular tissue
c. / ​dermal tissue
d. / ​root
e. / ​shoot
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.2 The Plant Body
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.2 - Outline the internal and external components of a plant using diagrams.
7.​One way in which monocots and eudicots differ is in ____.
a. / ​having the capacity to bear seeds
b. / ​their types of tissues
c. / ​their organ systems
d. / ​their pattern of tissue organization
e. / ​having vascular bundles
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Analyze
REFERENCES: / 27.2 The Plant Body
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.2 - Outline the internal and external components of a plant using diagrams.
8.​Most of the plant body is composed of ____.
a. / ​dermal tissue
b. / ​root tissue
c. / ​ground tissue
d. / ​vascular tissue
e. / ​cork tissue
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.2 The Plant Body
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.2 - Outline the internal and external components of a plant using diagrams.

Figure 27.3B
Use the figure above to answer the following two questions.
9.The letter "A" in the accompanying figure represents the ____ plane.
a. / transverse
b. / ​radial
c. / ​tangential
d. / ​elliptical
e. / ​obtuse
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Apply
REFERENCES: / 27.2 The Plant Body
PREFACENAME: / Figure 27.3B
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.2 - Outline the internal and external components of a plant using diagrams.
10.​The letter "C" in the accompanying figure represents the ____ plane.
a. / ​transverse
b. / ​radial
c. / ​tangential
d. / ​elliptical
e. / ​obtuse
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Apply
REFERENCES: / 27.2 The Plant Body
PREFACENAME: / Figure 27.3B
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.2 - Outline the internal and external components of a plant using diagrams.
11.​Complex tissues are tissues consisting of ____.
a. / ​two or more cell types
b. / ​only one cell type
c. / ​only parenchyma cells
d. / ​only collenchyma cells
e. / ​only sclerenchyma cells
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.3 Plant Tissues
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.3 - Examine the structure and function of different plant tissues using examples.
12.Chloroplast-containing parenchyma tissue is called ____.​
a. / ​sclerenchyma
b. / ​collenchyma
c. / ​meristem
d. / ​mesophyll
e. / ​periderm
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.3 Plant Tissues
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.3 - Examine the structure and function of different plant tissues using examples.

Figure 27.5
Use the figure above to answer the following two questions.
13.​The letter "A" in the accompanying figure represents ____.
a. / ​sclerenchyma fibers
b. / ​parenchyma
c. / ​xylem
d. / ​epidermis
e. / phloem
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.3 Plant Tissues
PREFACENAME: / Figure 27.5
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.3 - Examine the structure and function of different plant tissues using examples.
14.​The letter "B" in the accompanying figure represents ____.
a. / ​sclerenchyma fibers
b. / ​parenchyma
c. / ​xylem
d. / ​epidermis
e. / ​phloem
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.3 Plant Tissues
PREFACENAME: / Figure 27.5
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.3 - Examine the structure and function of different plant tissues using examples.
15.​The complex polysaccharide that provides flexibility to the primary walls of collenchyma cells is called ____.
a. / ​cellulose
b. / ​lignin
c. / ​fiber
d. / ​pectin
e. / ​cuticle
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.3 Plant Tissues
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.3 - Examine the structure and function of different plant tissues using examples.
16.Which cells are alive at maturity?​
a. / ​sieve elements
b. / ​vessel members
c. / ​tracheids
d. / ​vessel members and tracheids
e. / ​sieve elements and vessel members
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.3 Plant Tissues
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.3 - Examine the structure and function of different plant tissues using examples.
17.​Plants control the diffusion of water vapor and gases across the epidermis by means of ____.
a. / ​xylem
b. / ​phloem
c. / ​periderm
d. / ​companion cells
e. / ​stomata
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.3 Plant Tissues
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.3 - Examine the structure and function of different plant tissues using examples.
18.The vascular tissue that conducts water and mineral ions is called ____.​
a. / ​sieve elements
b. / ​companion cells
c. / ​sclerenchyma
d. / ​xylem
e. / ​phloem
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.3 Plant Tissues
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.3 - Examine the structure and function of different plant tissues using examples.
19.Regions of a stem that give rise to new shoots or roots are called ____.​
a. / ​ground tissue
b. / ​dermal tissue
c. / ​cortex cells
d. / internodes
e. / ​nodes
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.4 Stems
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.10 - Examine the different types of specializations of plant stem using examples.
20.​____ are short sections of underground stem encased by overlapping layers of thickened, modified leaves called scales.
a. / ​Stolons
b. / ​Rhizomes
c. / ​Bulbs
d. / ​Corms
e. / ​Tubers
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.4 Stems
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.10 - Examine the different types of specializations of plant stem using examples.
21.​Runners are modified stems that resemble roots and are also known as ____.
a. / ​stolons
b. / ​rhizomes
c. / ​bulbs
d. / ​corms
e. / ​Tubers
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.4 Stems
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.10 - Examine the different types of specializations of plant stem using examples.

Figure 27.13
22.​The accompanying figure shows a cross-section through the vascular cylinder of a(n) ____.
a. / ​monocot stem
b. / ​eudicot stem
c. / ​monocot root
d. / ​eudicot root
e. / ​eudicot leaf vein
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.6 Roots
PREFACENAME: / Figure 27.13
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.7 - Examine the structure of a plant root.
23.In most eudicots, a short stalk called a ____ attaches the leaf to a stem.​
a. / vascular bundle​
b. / ​petiole
c. / ​node
d. / ​bundle sheath
e. / ​stomata
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.5 Leaves
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.6 - Examine the structure of a leaf using a diagram.
Figure 27.8A

24.Figure "A" in the accompanying figure is a ____.​
a. / ​cotyledon
b. / ​cladode
c. / ​corm
d. / ​eudicot leaf
e. / ​monocot leaf
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.5 Leaves
PREFACENAME: / Figure 27.8A
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.6 - Examine the structure of a leaf using a diagram.
25.What are leaf veins?​
a. / ​vascular bundles of leaves
b. / ​photosynthetic cells of leaves
c. / ​sclerenchyma cells of leaves
d. / ​palisade mesophyll of leaves
e. / ​spongy mesophyll of leaves
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.5 Leaves
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.6 - Examine the structure of a leaf using a diagram.
26.Epidermal cells secrete a translucent, waxy ____ to slow water loss.​
a. / ​mesophyll
b. / ​cuticle
c. / ​pectin layer
d. / ​lignin layer
e. / ​trichome
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.5 Leaves
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.6 - Examine the structure of a leaf using a diagram.
27.Roots that form on stems or leaves are called ____.​
a. / ​taproots
b. / ​fibrous
c. / ​adventitious
d. / ​primary
e. / ​secondary
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.6 Roots
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.7 - Examine the structure of a plant root.
28.In most eudicots, the primary root that emerges from a seed thickens and grows longer to become a(n) ____.​
a. / ​taproot
b. / ​fibrous root system
c. / ​secondary root
d. / ​adventitious root
e. / ​lateral root
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.6 Roots
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.7 - Examine the structure of a plant root.
29.Which structure gives rise to lateral roots?​
a. / ​endodermis
b. / ​cortex
c. / ​epidermis
d. / ​pericycle
e. / ​pith
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.6 Roots
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.7 - Examine the structure of a plant root.

Figure 27.13B
Use the figure above to answer the following two questions.
30.​The letter "B" in the accompanying figure represents ____.
a. / ​pericycle
b. / ​endodermis
c. / ​xylem
d. / ​root cortex
e. / phloem
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Apply
REFERENCES: / 27.6 Roots
PREFACENAME: / Figure 27.13B
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.7 - Examine the structure of a plant root.
31.​The letter "A" in the accompanying figure represents ____.
a. / ​pericycle
b. / ​endodermis
c. / ​primary xylem
d. / ​root cortex
e. / ​primary phloem
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Apply
REFERENCES: / 27.6 Roots
PREFACENAME: / Figure 27.13B
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.7 - Examine the structure of a plant root.
32.​The outer boundary of a root’s vascular cylinder is a layer of cells called ____.
a. / ​pericycle
b. / ​cortex
c. / ​epidermis
d. / ​stele
e. / ​endodermis
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.6 Roots
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.7 - Examine the structure of a plant root.
33.​A mass of ____ lies just below the surface of a terminal bud of an actively lengthening shoot.
a. / ​ground tissue
b. / ​dermal tissue
c. / ​vascular tissue
d. / ​apical meristem
e. / ​cortex cells
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.7 Primary Growth
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.5 - Examine the impact of the apical meristems on plant growth.
34.Division and differentiation of ground meristem gives rise to ____.​
a. / ​ground tissue
b. / ​vascular tissue
c. / ​dermal tissue
d. / ​protoderm
e. / ​procambium
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.7 Primary Growth
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.5 - Examine the impact of the apical meristems on plant growth.
35.Primary growth in roots originates from ____.​
a. / ​dermal cells
b. / ​vascular cells
c. / ​apical meristems
d. / ​lateral meristems
e. / ​the pericycle
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.7 Primary Growth
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.5 - Examine the impact of the apical meristems on plant growth.
36.What is periderm?​
a. / ​special epidermal cells that regulate gas exchange
b. / ​outer layer of the vascular cylinder in a plant root
c. / layers of cells just inside root endodermis​
d. / ​dermal tissue that replaces epidermis on the surfaces of older stems and roots
e. / ​tissue that consists of densely packed dead cells with thickened, waxy walls
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.8 Secondary Growth
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.8 - Outline the process of secondary growth in plants using diagrams and examples.
37.Cylindrical layers of meristem that run lengthwise through shoots and roots, and allow for thickening, are called ____.​
a. / lateral meristems
b. / ​apical meristems
c. / ​ground meristem
d. / ​Procambium
e. / Protoderm​
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.8 Secondary Growth
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.8 - Outline the process of secondary growth in plants using diagrams and examples.
38.What is wood?​
a. / secondary xylem that has accumulated outside a cylinder of vascular cambium​
b. / ​secondary xylem that has accumulated inside a cylinder of vascular cambium
c. / ​primary xylem that has accumulated outside a cylinder of vascular cambium
d. / ​primary xylem that has accumulated inside a cylinder of vascular cambium
e. / ​vascular cambium cells
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom's: Understand
REFERENCES: / 27.8 Secondary Growth
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.27.8 - Outline the process of secondary growth in plants using diagrams and examples.
39.Which environment is most likely to produce trees without annual rings?​