6th/7th/8thGrade Keyboard/General Music Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Ohler

Phone: 879-4650 ext 5917


Course Description: This course will focus on basic general music topics to provide students with an understanding of musical concepts through small lecture sessions, many hands-on activities, and performance/written assessments at the end of each unit. All concepts covered are aligned with the National Standards.

Policy for Make-Up Work: Should a student be absent, it is his or her responsibility to get make-up work on the day they return to school. Makeup work may also be requested through email—class assignments, unit targets, web research information may all be requested through email.

Materials Needed:Tiger Book,Folder, Pencil, paper (each day)

A location in the classroom is provided for storing folders in the classroom if a student wishes to do this.

(Optional) Inexpensive Headphones (small jack such as MP3 or Ipod phones) If the student wishes to use these on the keyboard, he/she will also need a Stereo Plug 6.35mm (1/4 Inch) TRS Adaptor Male to Female 3.5mm Stereo Jack Audio Adaptor (available on Amazon for around $3).

Unit One: Melody

Arts and Humanities 07-1.1.1 Students will identify or describe the elements in a variety of music—Melody (DOK 2)

AH-07-4.1.1 Students will create and notate in similar style answers to musical phrases

AH-07-4.1.5 Students will sing or play alone and sustain own part in an ensemble, a given piece of music with increasingly complex melodies and rhythmic patterns in treble and bass clef

Topics to be covered:

Melodic phrase, Treble/bass clef, pitch notation, letter names on a grand staff,

Natural sign, sharp sign, flat sign, scales

Unit Two: Rhythm

Arts and Humanities 07-1.1.1 Students will identify or describe the elements in a variety of music—Rhythm, Tempo, Dynamics (DOK2)

AH-07-4.1.2 Students will improvise variations on given rhythms or melodies

Topics to be covered:

Note/Rest Values: Whole, Half, Quarter, Eighth (review), Sixteenth

Time Signature: 4/4, ¾, 6/8, 2/4, compound meters

Tempo: Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Largo

Dynamics: Forte, Mezzo-Forte, Mezzo-Piano, Piano

Unit Three: Composition and Tone Color

Arts and Humanities 07-1.1.1 Students will identify or describe the elements in a variety of music—Rhythm, Tempo, Dynamics (DOK2)

AH-07-4.1.1 Students will create and notate in similar style answers to musical phrases

Topics to be covered:

Musical Instruments and how they produce sound and pitches, how to write a simple melody and harmony (sequence, repetition, tonic/dominant chords)

Grading Breakdown:

Formative Assessments /In-Class Work (flashbacks, exit slips, Music Ace progress)and daily participation: 30%

Summative Assessments (End of Unit Assessment—can be written assessment, performance (playing skills) or product or combination as defined by the teacher): 70%

Remember, these opportunities will be limited—only 2-3 each 9 weeks

Classroom Procedures

Please be in class, on time, each day and in your assigned seat (1st period) or lined up outside the classroom before the scheduled class start time. Tardy slip or teacher excuse is required for entry after this time. Please have all materials (Tiger Book, Folder, Pencil, Paper). Items on the overhead must be copied into the Tiger Book (daily agenda, targets, test dates, etc).

Restroom Pass- 1st 10/Last 10 Rule. Must be recorded ono log sheet. Hall Pass is for 3 minutes.

Pencil Sharpening- Upon arrival each day—limit use during class. Additional pencils (sharpened) are available near the pencil sharpener. Pencils may be borrowed—please remember to return them at the end of class. Pencil’s which are not returned will cost 10 pts or a replacement pencil.

Please, no running, pushing, or horseplay in the classroom. Four legs of the chair must remain on the floor for your safety. You must sit in your assigned seat when you enter the classroom.

You are responsible for the equipment assigned to you (keyboard, jack, headphones, computer). Please report any issue immediately. These items will be assigned to you by contract.

You will be given one copy of all classroom materials (music, worksheets, etc) for your use. You are required to have this material for each class. If you lose the materials, you may email me for additional copies (copies of non-copyrighted work will be available on the class website). Copies may be borrowed, but there is a 5 pt. rental fee.New for 2016-17—music may be displayed on your device, if you wish.

WCMS behavior expectations are enforced in my classroom.

Parent Signature ______(worth 10 bonus points if returned by8/18/16)
