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Regular Meeting

February 9, 2016

PRESENT: Council Members: Mayor Stalboerger, Loreth, Annette, Boyer and Bryngelson


Employees: PWD Dillon, Manger Spry


The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

Motion Loreth, second Bryngelson to approve January Regular Minutes, Bills, Committed Monies as presented. Motion carried. (5-0)

Liquor Department:

·  Delaney Consulting is scheduled to do training for Manager and Employees at Mahnomen on 4/3/16.

·  Two Valentines Baskets will be raffled on 2/12/16 after Bingo.

·  16 Chilies were judged at the Cook-Off.

·  One p/t bartender is out on medical and one p/t bartender is going to on call/as needed.

·  Two new touch screens were purchased for on and off sale.

·  Manager will be going to Twin Valley to try new appetizers from Henry’s Foods for our Oven Eats Oven.

·  General discussion on replacing cooler doors ($15,000) versus building a beer cave ($54,277). Clerk to gather information regarding financing and the effect it will have on financial statements.

Motion Boyer, second Annette to approve hiring Crystal Anderson as a Part-Time Bartender contingent on passing the background check. Effective 2/9/2016. Motion carried. (5-0)

Motion Boyer, second Annette to approve Land Use Permit at 13 Ernster Street. Motion carried. (5-0)

Motion Annette, second Loreth to approve Resolution 20160209-01 approving entering into a Limited Use Agreement with MN DOT to allow the City to do routine maintenance of the City signs in the US HWY 59 right of way. Motion carried. (5-0)

Motion Annette, second Bryngelson to proceed with Public Hearing and Special Meeting on Feb 25th, 6pm; regarding Zoning Amendment change (commercial to residential) at 300 Main Ave. Motion Carried. (5-0)

Motion by Annette, second Bryngelson to approve Dillon to attend the MRWA Conference in St. Cloud on March 1-3, this includes registration, hotel, food and mileage. Motion carried. (5-0)

Public Works Department:

·  2016 Seal Coat Project has been let out for bids. Bid opening will be February 25th at 1pm.

·  General consensus of council to not put antennas on the water tower at this time.

Fire Department:

Motion Annette, second Loreth to approve Ottertail County TIP gaming (raffle) permit for the Firefighters Banquet, contingent on a gaming license from the White Earth Tribal Council. Motion carried. (5-0)

Motion Boyer, second Loreth to approve contract with Janis Golkowski, City Assessor for one year; $1500. Motion carried. (5-0)

Becker County Board of Review is scheduled for April 18, 2016 at 2pm.

Motion to adjourn at 8:31pm, by Loreth, second Annette. Motion carried. (5-0)

Respectfully submitted, Shelly L Dillon Clerk/Treasurer