Bibliography of Sources of Application Questions

Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible, [BEB],Copyright 1988, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Walter A. Elwell

Beacon Bible Commentary, Earle, Copyright 1968 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, Kansas City,

Missouri, Dr. Ralph Earle.

Complete Biblical Library, New Testament Study Bible, [CBL], World copyright 1986 by Thoraf Gilbrant and Tor Inge Gilbrant. Published 1989 by The Complete Biblical Library, Spring field, Missouri, 65802.

Authors: Volume 8, Galatians-Philemon: Stanley M. Horton, Th.D.

Volume 8, Galatians-Philemon: Gary Leggett, M.A.

Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, Copyright 1993 by Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship of the U.S.A.

Fire Bible Student Edition, [FBSE],Copyright, 2007 by Life Publishers(A/G), Springfield, Missouri.

Note: The Bible Text printed in the Fire Bible Student Edition has not been updated to the NIV 2011 and should not be used as a study guide for Teen Bible Quiz. However, the study notes are of great value for

those who desire a deeper understanding of the Word.

Junior Bible Quiz Study Guide,[JBQ] Revised 2012, Copyright 2012, Gospel Publishing House,

Springfield, Missouri.

Matthew Henry’s Commentary, [MHC], Copyright 1961 by Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

New International Biblical Commentary, [NIBC], Copyright 1983 by Hendrichson Publishers, Peabody, MA. F.F. Bruce

The Bible Exposition Commentary, [BEC], Copyright 1989 by Scripture Press Publications, Inc., Victor Books, a division of Scripture press, Wheaton, Illinois. Warren Wiersbe.

The Communicator’s Commentary, [CC], Copyright 1982 by Word, Inc, Waco, Texas. Maxie D. Dunnan.

The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians, Copyright 1954 by The Westminster Press, Philadelphia, PA

The New International Commentary on the New Testament [NIC], Copyright 1984 by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan. F.F. Bruce.

The New Unger’s Bible Hand-book, [NUB], Copyright 1966 by Moody Press, Chicago, Illinois. Gary N. Larson

The NIV Galatians Application Commentary, [GAC] Copyright 1995 by Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Scott McKnight.

The NIV Colossians/Philemon Application Commentary, [C/PAC] Copyright 1998 by Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan. David E. Garland.

The Message of Ephesians, [MOE], Copyright 1979 by Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois.

John R. W. Stott.

The Message of Galatians, [MOG], Copyright 1968 by Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois.

John R. W. Stott.

Word Biblical Commentary, [WBC], Copyright 1982 by Word, Inc., Waco, TX. Peter O’Brien.

Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon Scripture Portion [G, E, P, C, P SP]

Question number 1 for 10 points. Application Question.

When was Galatians written?

G 1:1 A.D. 49FBSE, page 1687

Question number 2 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Galatians.

What is the significance of Paul greeting his readers with both "grace" and "peace."

G 1:3 “Grace” was the Gentiles' greeting to each other. "Peace" was the Jews' greeting.

This indicates that each congregation was comprised of both Gentiles and Jews.

CBL, Gal. page 293

Question number 3 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Galatians.

What is a doxology?

G 1:4,5 An acknowledgment of both the glory and power of God, usually followed by an "Amen."

MOG, page 19; NIC, page 331

Question number 4 for 10 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Galatians.

What does the word “Amen” mean?

G 1:5 “So be it” or “I agree”GAC, page 95

Question number 5 for 10 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Galatians.

What is the first and most effective step to take to avoid accepting a counterfeit gospel?

G1:6, 7 Fully knowing the genuine

Question number 6 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Galatians.

Who were Judaizers?

G 1:7 Those who taught that the keeping of Old Testament ritual laws were essential to salvation.

GAC, pages 21, 24, 25

Question number 7 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Galatians Chapter 2.

Since there is no favoritism with God, of what are we assured?

G 2:6 God does not value the fellowship or prayers of the rich more than the poor, of the educated

more than the uneducated, or the socially accepted more than the social outcast.

FBSE, page 1692

Question number 8 for 20 points. Application Quotation Question. From Galatians Chapter 2.

What was the only thing the pillars asked Paul to do?

G 2:10 All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had

been eager to do all along. G, E, P, C, P SP

Question number 9 for 10 points. Application Question. Give Two Complete Answers. From Galatians.

In the New Testament, to what does the word "Law" usually refer?

G 2:21 The five Books of Moses

The Ten CommandmentsMOG, page 61

Question number 10 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Galatians.

What does the word "justify" mean?

G 3:8 To declare one righteous and to give power to live in righteousness. FBSE, page 1578.1579

Questions number 11 for 10 points. Statement and Application Question. Chapter Analysis Answer.

Martin Lutherrecovered the doctrine of justification by faith alone as he studied Romans 1:17, sparking the Protestant Reformation. As found in Galatians,give this same Old Testament scripture.

G 3:11 The righteous will live by faith.

Question number 12 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Galatians

What does the word "redeemed" mean?

G 3:13 On the cross, Jesus paid the debt of our sin which was owed to God so we can be set free

from sin's penalties and powers.FBSE, page 1694

Question number 13 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Galatians

What does the word "Abba" mean?

G 4:6 The term “Abba” is Aramaic, meaning “Father”. It was the word Jesus used when referring

to his heavenly Father.FBSE, page 1696

Question number 14 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Galatians

What is "saving faith"?

G 5:6 A living faith in a living Savior. A faith so vital that it cannot avoid expression in love-

motivated actions.FBSE, page 1697

Question number 15 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Galatians

In Scripture, what does yeast usually represent?

G 5:9 Subtle contaminating doctrines and practices which pervert the truth of the gospel.

BEC, pages 715-176

Question number 16 for 20 points. Application Quotation Question. From Galatians.

How is the entire law fulfilled?

G 5:14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." G, E, P, C, P SP

Question number 17 for 30 points. Application Quotation Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Galatians.

Quote the verse that tells why the flesh and the Spirit are in conflict with each other.

G 5:17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh.

They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. G, E, P, C, P SP

Question number 18 for 10 points. Application Question. From Galatians.

What does the word "idolatry" mean?

G 5:20 Idolatry is simply putting things ahead of God.BEC, page 718

Number 19 for 20 points. Application Question. Give Two Complete Answers. From

Galatians Chapter 6.

What are ways we can carry each other's burdens?

G 6:2 By assisting people in their physical, spiritual, or financial testings.

By sharing in the support of missionaries and ministersFBSE, page 1699

Question number 20 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Galatians.

Why is sin so deceitful?

G 6:7 It will take you deeper than you want to go; it will keep you longer than you want to stay;

and it will cost you more than you want to pay.

Question number 21 for 10 points. Application Question.

When was Ephesians written?

E 1:1 A.D. 62FBSE, page 1702

Question number 22 for 10 points. Application Question.

Which of the seven ancient wonders of the world was at Ephesus?

E 1:1 The Temple of ArtemisFBSE, page 1703

Question number 23 for 30 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Ephesians.

Does God elect, or predestine, some people to be eternally lost?

E 1:4-7 God has chosen to save those who, through grace, are "in Christ." Each individual must, by

faith, accept God's provision of salvation which is offered to "whosoever will." God desires everyone to be saved. FBSE, pages 1706-1707

Question number 24 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Ephesians.

Referring to the Spirit, what does the word "seal" mean?

E 1:13 The seal of the Holy Spirit marks us as belonging to God and identifies us as His genuine heirs.

NIC, page 265

Question number 25 for 10 points. Application Question. From Ephesians Chapter 2.

Who is the ruler of the kingdom of the air?

E 2:2 The devil NIC, page 282

Question number 26 for 20 points. Application Quotation Question. From Ephesians Chapter 2.

Quote the verse that reveals what motivated God to save us.

E 2:4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, NIC, page 285

Question number 27 for 20 points. Application Quotation Question. From Ephesians.

Since we are saved by grace without works, why do Christians do good works?

E 2:10 For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in

advance for us to do.G, E, P, C, P SP/JBQ # 368

Question number 28 for 10 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer.

Where was Paul when he wrote Ephesians?

E 3:1 In a Roman prison FBSE, page 1701

Question number 29 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Ephesians.

Who are prophets?

E 4:11 Believers who speak under the direct influence of the Holy Spirit to reveal God's will so the Church

is built up and its purity maintained. The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians, Page 172, 173

Question number 30 for 30 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Ephesians.

What was the role of the original apostles?

E 4:11 They were commissioned by Jesus to be witnesses of His resurrection, establish the Church, and

transmit His teachings to the Church through their writings. As such, they have no successors nor

can their message be changed. FBSE, page 1714

Question number 31 for 20 points. Application Question. Give Two Complete Answers. From Ephesians.

What does "speaking the truth in love" imply?

E 4:15 The clear presentation of the Scriptures with compassion for the lost.Confronting believers who are

in error without expressing condemnation or projecting a spirit of superiority. MHC, page 1854

Question number 32 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Ephesians Chapter 4.

How do people lose "all sensitivity"?

E 4:19 Their consciences become calloused by continual sin until they no longer feel pain or guilt for

what they do. MHC, page 1854

Question number 33 for 20 points. ApplicationEssence Question. From Ephesians Chapter 4.

Give, in essence, the verse that reveals drugs, pornography, and other sinful indulgences never

bring satisfaction but only create desire for more and more.

E 4:19 Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge

in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed. G, E, P, C, P SP

Question number 34 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Ephesians Chapter 4.

What should our goal be for everything we speak?

E 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building

others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. G, E, P, C, P SP

Question number 35 for 10 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Ephesians Chapter 5.

What does the word "greed" mean?

E 5:3 The desire to have more and more. The inability to be content or satisfied with what we have.

NUB, page 543

Question number 36 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Ephesians Chapter 5.

Why is a greedy person an idolater?

E 5:5 Because he allows possessions and pleasures to be more important than God.NUB, page 543

Question number 37 for 10 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Ephesians.

How can we determine what pleases God?

E 5:8 Live as children of lightBEC, page 46

Question number 38 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Ephesians.

Why should you have nothing to do with deeds of darkness?

E 5:12 For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.G, E, P, C, P SP

Question number 39 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Ephesians.

What does the word "debauchery" mean?

E 5:18 To totally yield to the depths of sin without any sense of shame.

Question number 40 for 30 points. Application Question. Give Three Complete Answers. From Ephesians Chapter 5.

What are evidences of the Spirit-filled life?

E 5:19 A joyful life that produces music in our hearts

Being thankful to God for everything

Willingness to submit our desires and rights to others in reverence for ChristBEC, page 48

Question number 41 for 10 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer.

When was Philippians written?

Phs1:1 About A.D. 62 or 63FBSE, page 1722

Question number 42 for 10 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer.

Where was Paul when Philippians was written?

Phs 1:1 A Roman prisonFBSE, page 1723

Question number 43 for 10 points. Application Question.

Which of Paul's letters was a "thank you" note?

Phs 1:1 PhilippiansFBSE, page 1723

Question number 44 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer.

Describe Philippi.

Phs 1:1 Philippi was a Roman colony in eastern Macedonia, named for Philip, the father ofAlexander

the Great. It was the first church Paul established in Europe.FBSE, page 1722

Question number 45 for 20 points. Application Essence Question. From Philippians.

Did Paul see prayer as a duty or a joy?

Phs 1:4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joyG, E, P, C, P SP

Question number 46 for 20 points. Application Quotation Question. From Philippians.

Quote the verse that assures God will complete His work in our lives.

Phs 1:6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion

until the day of Christ Jesus.G, E, P, C, P SP

Question number 47 for 20 points. Application Quotation Question. From Philippians.

Quote the verse expressing Paul's philosophy for both living and dying.

Phs 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.G, E, P, C, P SP

Question number 48 for 10 points. Application Question. Give Two Complete Answers. From Philippians.

What should not be our motives for anything we do?

Phs 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.G, E, P, C, P SP

Question number 49 for 20 points. Application Question. From Philippians.

How do you continue to work out your salvation with "fear and trembling"?

Phs 2:12 By continually growing closer to Christ. In doing so, we take on his character and desires

as well as the power to fulfill God’s purposes for our lives. FBSE, page 1727

Question number 50 for 10 points. Application Question. Two Part Answer. From Philippians.

The Philippians lived among what kind of generation?

Phs 2:15 warped and crookedG, E, P, C, P SP

Question number 51 for 10 points. Application Question. From Philippians.

What does the name "Timothy" mean?

Phs 2:19 One who honors God. BEB, page 2069

Question number 52 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer.

How does Philippians 3:2 describe Judaizers?

Phs 3:2 Watch out for those dogs, those men who do evil, those mutilators of the flesh. G, E, P, C, P SP

Question number 53 for 10 points. Two Part Application Question. From Philippians.

Following Paul's example, how should we consider our earthly accomplishments and why?

Phs 3:8 Consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ. G, E, P, C, P SP

Question number 54 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer from Two Consecutive Verses. From Philippians Chapter 3.

What should a Christian's priority be?

Phs 3:13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do:

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,

Phs 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in

Christ Jesus.G, E, P, C, P SP

Question number 55 for 20 points. Three Part Application Question. From Philippians Chapter 3.

Concerning the enemies of the cross, what are their destiny, their god, and their glory?

Phs 3:19 Destruction, stomach, shameG, E, P, C, P SP

Question number 56 for 20 points. Application Quotation Question. From Philippians Chapter 4.

Quote the verse which most clearly states the theme of the epistle.

Phs 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!G, E, P, C, P SP/JBQ # 267

Question number 57 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Philippians Chapter 4.

Concerning prayer, what does the word "thanksgiving" mean?

Phs 4:6 Thanksgiving is expressing our praise to God for past answers to prayer. Thanksgiving opens our

hearts so God can give us further answers and increases our faith as we appreciate the faithfulness

of God.

Question number 58 for 10 points. Application Question. From Philippians.

The Philippians had financially assisted Paul in pioneering in what city?

Phs 4:16 ThessalonicaNIBC, page 153

Question number 59 for 20 points. Application Essence Question. From Philippians.

Give in essence the doxology.

Phs 4:20 To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen.NIBC, page 156

Question number 60 for 20 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Philippians.

Who comprised Caesar's household?

Phs 4:22 All who worked in various government services, many of whom were slaves.NIBC, page 157/158

Question number 61 for 10 points. Application Question.

When was Colossians written?

C 1:1 A.D. 62FBSE, page 1732

Question number 62 for 10 points. Application Question. From Colossians.

Who founded the Colossian church?

C 1:7 EpaphrasFBSE, page 1733

Question number 63 for 10 points. Application Question. Give a Complete Answer. From Colossians.

What is redemption?

C 1:13, 14 Redemption is the price Jesus paid for our salvation.JBQ # 277

Question number 64 for 20 points. Application Quotation Question. From Colossians Chapter 1.

Quote the verse which answers this question: Is Christ fully God?