Amherst College Peer Advocates of Sexual Respect Application Fall 2015


Peer Advocatesare trained educators supervised by the Sexual Respect Educator to provide programming, written material, social media content and resourcereferrals to Amherst College students. Peer Advocates educate the Amherst College Community on issues of sexual violence and sexual respect. Peer Advocates are trained to refer individuals to appropriate on and off campus resources. In addition, they sponsor various awareness activities and educational programs to help prevent sexual violence. The Peer Advocatesreceive specialized training in activelistening, dialogue facilitation, program planning, resource and referral, and bystander intervention.


  • Creating and facilitating workshops and dialogues
  • Planning and implementing mass media campaigns
  • Utilizing social media to foster a culture of sexual respect
  • Creating materials to support Sexual Respect Education on campus
  • Logistical and organizational support for workshops and programming

Starting salary: $10.00 per hour after training

Time Commitment: 3-7 hours per week, flexible (we have two required hours per week, plus events and workshops)

Becoming a Peer Advocate has many rewards, including...

  • Increased knowledge about sexual violence and sexual respect
  • An opportunity to make a difference in the lives of fellow students
  • Interaction and collaboration with various campus organizations
  • Improved self-awareness
  • Be recognized as a student leader andpositive role model
  • Develop skills in program planning, public speaking, communication, and group facilitation— skills that will last a lifetime and be useful in every profession
  • Gain experience for professional development and/or graduate school
  • Meet, help, and serve others
  • Make newfriends

Allies of all genders, sexual identities, races, religions/faiths, abilities, ages, and income levels are encouraged to apply for the Peer Advocates of Sexual Respect. Our continued goal is to be fully representative of the community we serve.


Peer Advocate training is January 18-22, 2016. You must be available to attend training.

Are you available? Yes No

What other activities do you plan on being involved with next year? (On-campus & Off-campus)

Do you plan to go abroad? Yes No If so, when?



  1. All PAs must be present at January Interterm Training. This time will be used to train all new Peer Advocates on issues of sexual respect and related issues. The trainings will be on January 18-22 from 9:00-5:00 with a maximum of 2 evening trainings.
  2. You will be expected to attend weekly Peer Advocate meetings that will be held during the day on a schedule to be determined by group availability. Our default time will be Friday morning, pending PA availabilities.
  3. PAs are required to work 1 hour of office time per week (duties include checking PA email, program support and creating materials).
  4. As a Peer Advocate, you are a mandated reporter. All cases of sexual misconduct must be reported to a member of the Title IX team.
  5. You will be given the opportunity to help facilitate First-Year Orientation.
  6. Peer Advocates are expected to be involved in the planning and execution at least two projects. Projects may include: Healthy Relationships Week; It’s On Us Campaigns; ConsentFEST; Clothesline Project, etc.

To assure that you understand and can comply with these responsibilities and guidelines, to the best of your knowledge, please print and sign your name and enter the date below.

Print Name______Date: ______

Signature: ______

Amherst College Peer Advocate Program Application


Name: ______email: ______

Campus Address: ______Year: ______

Hometown and state: ______Cell Phone: ______

Major(s): ______Minor(s)/Certificate(s): ______

One word that describes you: ______

Please return this application and a list of 2 references to:

Keefe Health Center Front Desk OR Amanda Collings Vann at AC # 2246 OR . For an electronic copy visit our webpage.

Submit NO LATER THAN 6 AM, Friday, October 16, 2016

Feel free to use additional paper if necessary.
  1. Why are you interested in becoming a Peer Advocate?
  1. What characteristics or attributes do you possess that would make you a good Peer Advocate?
  1. What do you imagine will be most challenging for you personally if you are chosen to be a PA?
  1. What do you think will be most rewarding about working as a PA?
  1. Historically, PAs have addressed a broad range of topics related to sexual respect (consent, harassment, and relationship violence), what ideas to you have for addressing these or other issues?
  1. If you could get one message acrossaboutsexual respect, what would it be?
  1. Please describe any personal or academic experiences or skills you may have in any of the following areas. Note that previous experience is helpful but not required:

Abuse against persons, including harassment, assault, and relationship violence.

Previous experience as an educator (including programming), community organizer, counselor or other related role.

Working with individuals whose identities (race, ethnicity, gender identity, age, religion/spitiuality, sexual orientation etc.) are different than your own.

Graphic Design, social media, video editing or other computer related skills