Chipping Children’s Community Alliance

Appraisal Scheme – Policy and Procedures.

1. Objectives.

This Appraisal process is used by Chipping Children’s Community Alliance as:

  • An element of quality assurance
  • A formal part of the staff support system
  • An essential part of staff deployment

The objectives of this scheme will be to:

  • Set personal objectives
  • Set objectives linked to the business plan
  • Review personal performance
  • Identify strengths and areas for improvement
  • Talk over personal development and training needs
  • Plan career development
  • Recognise good performance
  • Identify individual action plans

The annual appraisal meeting is not part of the settings disciplinary procedure, nor is it the appropriate forum to discuss pay and conditions of employment.

2. General Principles.

The appraisal meeting will take place once a year between members of staff and their immediate line manager.

Meetings will take place during June of each year with the aim of processing all reports by the end of the Summer Term.

Appraisal reports will be highly confidential, their contents accessible to the appraiser and appraisee only. There will be no appeals procedure attached to the scheme, although any disagreements between the appraiser and appraisee should be noted before parties sign the report as a true record of the meeting.

Regular meetings will take place monthly throughout the year to review the objectives set and progress made against them.

3. Procedure.

Appraisees will agree a date for the appraisal with the manager and complete Part 1 of the appraisal form.

The Manager will give the Appraisee Part 2 of the form, with a copy of their job description and a copy of last year’s action plan.

The Appraisee will be asked to complete Part 2 and return to the Manager at least one week before the Appraisal.

The Appraiser will complete Part 3 of the documentation after the interview. It will be given to the Appraisee to read and if both parties are in agreement that it is a true record of the meeting, they will both sign it.

The completed and signed from will be copied and both parties will keep a copy.

All objectives will be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound)

When looking at training needs, various methods of training will be considered alongside formalised training courses, such as job shadowing, mentor systems, on the job training and guided reading.

The appraisal scheme is designed to confirm what managers and their staff should already know. As the line manager, the appraiser will give feed back to staff and monitor objectives on an on going basis.

This policy was adopted at a meeting of the CCCA held on ……………………………………

Signed on behalf of the CCCA…………………………………………………………………

Name and role of signatory………………………………………………………………….

This policy was reviewed on 30 September 2010. Date of next review October 2011.