God’s People Gather

Please observe prayerful silence when the prelude begins.


PRELUDE “How Great Thou Art w/How Great Is Our God” A. Page


Marieva Williams & Donna Strein

We Praise the Lord

*CALL TO WORSHIP (Psalm 36:5-10)

L: Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies.

P: Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, Your justice like the great deep.

L: How priceless is Your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.

P: They feast on the abundance of Your house; You give them drink from Your river of delights.

L: For with You is the fountain of life;

P: In Your light we see light.

*Hymn of Praise: 263 “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”


Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession:

Merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed; by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved You with our whole heart

and mind and strength. We have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. In your mercy forgive what we have been, amend what we are, and direct what we shall be, so that we may delight in Your will and walk in Your ways, to the glory of Your holy name, Amen. (Silent Confession)

Assurance of Pardon

*Response of Praise: 579 “Gloria Patri”

Passing the Peace

L: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

P: And also with you.

Hear God’s Word




Zephaniah 3:14-17 (pg. 945/1439)

GOSPEL READING: John 2:1-11 (pg. 1063/1615)

SPECIAL MUSIC (8:15) “On Eagle's Wings” Debbie Keller


“There's Something About That Name” Chancel Choir


Isaiah 62:1-5 (pg. 744/1123)

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord! People: Thanks Be to God!

SERMON Rejoicing Over You Rev. David C. Smith

*Hymn of Response: 145 “Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart!”

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Apostles' Creed (pg. 14)

The Disciples Give Thanks


Offertory “I Need Thee Every Hour” David Hegarty

*Doxology: 592 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”

*Prayer of Dedication


PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE The Lord’s Prayer (pg. 16)

We Go Forth To Serve


*Hymn of Commitment: 155 “Rejoice, the Lord Is King”


POSTLUDE “Sing Praise To God” Edward Broughton

*Please stand, if able

Worship Leaders

Pastor: Rev. David C. Smith

Greeters & Ushers: (8:15) Steve & Cathy Rush

Greeters: (10:45) Marc & Diane Haas

Ushers: (10:45) G. Conrad, J. Moran, N. Bixler, R. McCloskey

Liturgist: (8:15) Doc Shearer Liturgist: (10:45) Gaetan Casella

Organist: Debbie Keller

Choir Director: Denny Carpenter

Pastor’s Office (570) 368-4747

Church Office: Mon-Thur 9:00 – noon (570) 368-1595

E-mail: Website: www.montourpres.org

Listen to David's sermons at:


This Week at MPC

Sunday, January 17th

8:15am Worship Service (S)

9:15am Coffee Fellowship (FH)

9:30am Sunday School (C)

10:45am Worship Service (S)

Monday, January 18th (Food Pantry/Shep. of the Sts. Delivery)

8:30am Prayer Group (MCEC)

All Day Red Cross Blood Drive (FH)

Tuesday, January 19th (bulletin announcements due)

Wednesday, January 20th

Thursday, January 21st

6:15pm-8:15pm AA Meeting (FH)

7:00pm Choir Practice

Friday, January 22nd

Office Closed

Saturday, January 23rd

Sunday, January 24th

8:15am Worship Service (S)

9:15am Coffee Fellowship (FH)

9:30am Sunday School (C)

10:45am Worship Service (S)

Noon Congregational Meeting (S)

4:00pm FISH Youth Group at the Shearer's

S – Sanctuary C – Classroom FH- Fellowship Hall MCEC –Mendenhall N – Nursery

Last Week's Attendance: 8:15am – 41 10:45am – 95

Announcements for the week of January 17, 2016

Welcome to the Montoursville Presbyterian Church

Visitors: please complete a Visitor Card found in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. If you are looking for a church home or membership, please see the Pastor, an Usher, or call the office.

To assist with your worship experience, we offer:

Personal hearing devices - please see an usher

Pew Cushions – stored above the coat racks in the Narthex

Large print hymnals - in the Narthex

Handicap/family restroom - off the far end of Fellowship Hall

Worship Bags for children - in a basket in the Narthex

Nursery care for children, ages up to 5 yrs old.

Our nursery staff members are:

Deb Rupert, Mary Strein, Michelle Beggs and Gaetan Casella.

Upcoming FISH events

January 24th - Swimming Party at the home of Doc and Kay Shearer, 915 Elm St. Bring a swimsuit and a towel and be ready for a warm pool in the middle of the winter! Swimming begins at4:00 pmand we’ll finish by7:00 pm. We will be handing out information about the retreat in February too.

February 7th - In the morning, we will collect the Souper Bowl of Caring offering. Come at9:15 amto collect donations for the early service and/or come to the second service to collect donations afterwards. In the evening,Super Bowl Party at the home of the Casellas at 5:30 pm. Interest in football not required. You can watch the game, eat, plays games or all of the above! More details in coming weeks.

DEADLINE to register for the retreat. Please remember to bring your check and paperwork and give it to a FISH leader TODAY!!

January 31st - Bible study and games at the MCEC at5:30 pm. Dinner provided!

February 12th -14th - Retreat at Camp Krislund

There will be a congregational meeting onJanuary 24th, following the second service, to elect an elder for the 2018 term.

Coffee Fellowship: The sign-up sheet is on the hallway bulletin board for anyone wanting to host the9:15a..m. coffee fellowship. You are asked to bring a snack and clean up when it is over. It is a great time of fellowship between the first service andSundayschool.

Note to all committee chairpersons: Year-end reports are due by January 31st. Please E-mail your reports to . If you are unable to email them, you may bring them to the office.

Fundraiser for the Church Basketball Teams
We are excited to team up with Hoss's to raise money for our teams. Please consider visiting Hoss's onJanuary 31st from 11:00am to 9:00pmto aid us in raising money to benefit Montoursville Presbyterian Church Basketball.

Please see Vince Shearer for a coupon to present when ordering.
Thanks for your support.

Lighting of the Christ Candle

January 24 – Sue & Tom Ulmer

January 31 – Denise, Hunter, & McKenna Amer

February 7 – Priscilla Wirt, Laurie Fontaine, & Carolyn Lynch

February 14 – Kathy & Gary Williams

February 21 – Nancy & Jim Bergen

February 28 – Catheal & Dale Weiser

Ushers and Greeters for February 7th & February 14th

(8:15am) Ushers and Greeters: Carl Fulton

(10:45am) Greeters: Jim & Lois Thomas

Ushers: T. Strein, T. Strein, S. Mathias, L. Keller

From Audrey Dochter: Thank you to everyone who remembered me at Christmastime this year. I won't be able to write to all of you, but I wanted you to know I appreciate your thinking of me.

Prayer List

Illness, recovery and support: Harriett Bernier, Eileen Bettig, Marge Bieber, Doug Bird, Barb Campbell, Callie Cavanaugh,

Diane Chesnut, Mike Cillo, Sherry Delaney, Audrey Dochter,

Ellie English, Betty Farley, Ramona Fausey, Tad Fiser, Janine Fisher, Irv Fox, Tim Garman, Rich Hartman, Lois Hungerford, Rod Husted, Larry Kanour Sr., Valerie Kline, Craig Kurtz, Sandy Kurtz, Missy Kuzo, Mark Lehman, Russ Lentz, Dick Mathias,

Hazel McGuinness, Angela Mitchell, Elizabeth Moores, Tom Parker, Chris and Shauna Peterson, Meredith Reedy, Rev. Walter Schell,

Jim Schafer, Sandy Shimmel, Bob Shimp Sr., Clair Springman,

Elliott Storms, Stella Wallmer, Jane Wendel

Military: Duane (DJ) Burleigh, Ryan Burns, Joe Cardone,

Capt. Brady Cillo, Jessie Confer, Maj. Laurie Fontaine, Ben Hepburn, Ethan Jones, Dani Kline, Sgt. J Patrick Lawracy, Jeremy Loveland, David McCollin, Marissa Patterson, Paul Wenner

Others: Nthemba Church (Sister church in Africa), Ministries of MPC, Peace in the World, Camp Krislund, General Assembly Moderator, Heath Rada, Women's Circle 2 Retreat