Elliot Judd Outstanding Teacher Award

Nomination Form

Tell us about yourself:

Name: ______

Address: ______

Phone #: ______E-mail address: ______

Tell us about the nominee:

Name: ______

Area(s) of Instruction: ______

School or Program: ______Years of ESL/BE experience: ______

Address: ______

Phone #: ______E-mail address: ______

In no more than 50 words, please summarize the major accomplishments and qualifications of the nominee. If the nominee is selected for the award, this summary may be used for presentation of the award, publication in convention materials and/or for press release.

Nominations must include two recommendations. If you are nominating yourself, please have two professional colleagues complete and return recommendations (see next page). If you are nominating someone else, you may complete one recommendation and have another colleague complete the second. Send the nomination form and recommendations via mail or email to:

Leah D. Miller, Awards Chair

4019 N. Clarendon Ave., Apt. 3 S.

Chicago, IL 60613

All nomination materials must be received by December 2, 2011

Elliot Judd Outstanding Teacher Award

Recommendation Form

Nominee’s Name: ______

Nominee’s Program: ______

Your Name: ______

Your Phone #:______Your E-mail Address:______

In no more than TWO pages, please tell us about the nominee. Please consider the following questions as you write your recommendation:

·  How long have you known the nominee professionally? What qualifies you to speak to the nominee’s career?

·  What makes the nominee an outstanding teacher? Please describe classroom practices, relationships to students, and anything else that makes this teacher outstanding.

·  How has the nominee demonstrated a dedication to the field of TESOL? Please include the nominee’s participation in professional organizations, relevant publications, advocacy for students and the professional field, positions of leadership, and any other pertinent information.

·  How has the nominee shown his/her commitment to the professional development of colleagues? Please describe any mentoring activities of the nominee, presentations at professional workshops or conferences, work in teacher preparation, and any other information that illustrates the nominee’s dedication to colleagues.

Attach your recommendation to this form and send via mail or email to:

Leah D. Miller, Awards Chair

4019 N. Clarendon Ave., Apt. 3 S.

Chicago, IL 60613

All nomination materials must be received by December 2, 2011