ISO 9001 internal process audit

Audit number
2012.15 / Audit date
13.11.2012 / Completed by
Dave Turnbull / Auditee name/s
Michael Parker

Scope of this internal audit

Sample process steps provided by Maintenance Department for Planned Scheduled Maintenance.

ISO:9001: 2008 clause Number / Quality
Reference / Clause description / Compliant
Resource Management / QM 60
QM 61
QM 63 / Resource Management – Planned Maintenance Infrastructure. / YES

Action log – Internal audits

Internal Observations / Root Cause / Action/Corrective Action/Preventive action
(Provide improvement issue details to assist root cause analysis) / (record investigation findings below)
The current system of planned scheduled maintenance is done using Microsoft Outlook. The Maintenance Manager currently plans all scheduled maintenance by setting a date in Outlook which reminds him when the maintenance is due.
There is software called WORKMATE which is installed on the PC which is designed for planned maintenance but doesn’t have all the information for all equipment and plant on it. This is sometimes used for day to day repairs and minor maintenance. Outlook does work fine for planned maintenance but it doesn’t produce a work sheet and therefore there is no record of the maintenance done for internal maintenance. External maintenance is different because we use external companies who produce their own worksheet. / The main problem with not being able to use the WORKMATE software for all repairs and planned maintenance is lack of spare time on the Maintenance Manager’s behalf which means that all the information needed hasn’t been set up. / The Maintenance Manager needs to put some time aside each week to spend on inputting all the information needed to be able to use the WORKMATE system to its full potential.
This will be monitored by the Management Representative during internal audits carried out during the year.

Objective evidence gathered during this internal audit.

OBS 1 Print out of November 2012 Planned Maintenance schedule in Microsoft Outlook.

OBS 2 Copy of an internal maintenance record from WORKMATE and a signed Jobcard.

OBS 3 Print out of an external planned maintenance schedule from Outlook for the CNC Router machine in the Woodmill and a copy of a worksheet for the maintenance work carried out by an external company.

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