Academic Writing Workshop atStrasbourg
8-10 July 2015
This version: July3rd
Sponsored by the French-German University
Preliminary program
Participants are asked to submit their papers on June 15th. Their papers are assigned to instructors who will read and give written comments on the 2 or 3 papers assigned to them.
Wednesday 8th July
10:00Welcome, Coffee
10:30Presentations, session 1
Prepare a short power point presentation of your study. The presentation should focus on the motivation (why are you interested in what you are doing), the methods that you use, and some results. Do not elaborate on technical details. The objective of the presentation is to learn more about you and your research field. The time limit is about 20 minutes for each presentation, so that we can ask a few questions. About 5-8 slides will do.
1)Christoph Frey, Adjusting VaR Forecasts to Minimize Capital Requirements
2)Jan Hausfeld,How Stress and Skill Influence the Choice and Performance in Penalty Kicks
3)Paul-Olivier Klein, How does market perceive bond issuance in China?
14:00Presentations, session 2
4)Michal Marencak, Nominal threshold prices, microeconomic and aggregate price stickiness
5)Marco Menner,An Empirical Investigation of the Ross Recovery Theorem
6)Jean-Loup Soula, Measuring banks’ individual exposure to aggregate liquidity conditions
15:30Georgi Kocharkov (University of Konstanz)
Dos and don’ts in academic writing: Abstract and introduction (to be confirmed)
16:30Marcel Fischer (University of Konstanz)
Organizing the writing process
17:00Participants rewrite their abstract/introduction
20:00Dinner at Meiselocker, 39, Rue des Frères, Strasbourg
Thursday,9th July
9:00Presentations, session 3
7)Anika Stephan, Bootlegging in a technology driven corporate – challenges and opportunities
8)Vincent Vergnat, Youth employment dynamics and labor adjustment costs: evidence from France
10:00Coffee break (small)
9)Horatio Cuesdeanu, Reconfirming the Pricing Kernel Puzzle
10)Quoc Tran Nam, Environmental voluntary, Innovation and Productivity
11:00Participants work on the Introductionand submit their abstract and introduction to the instructors
14:00Bertrand Koebel/ Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira (University of Strasbourg)
Writing technical stuff: methods/results
14:30Laurent Weil(University of Strasbourg)
Journals, referee reports and all that stuff
15:00Team work with the instructors
17:00Participants work on the methods and results section
20:00 Dinner at Brasserie de la Bourse, 1 Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, Strasbourg
Friday 10th July
9:00Team work with the instructors
10:00Coffee break
10:20Participants revise their papers
12:30Lunch break
14:00 Team work with the instructors
16:00End of the workshop (in the ideal case, participants should submit their paper to a journal)
Horatio CuesdeanuU
Christoph FreyU
Jan HausfeldU
Paul-Olivier KleinU
Michal MarencakU
Marco MennerU
Jean-Loup SoulaU
Anika StephanU
Quoc Tran NamU
Vincent VergnatU
Rodolphe Dos Santos Feirrera U
Marcel FisherU
Bertrand KoebelU
Georgi KocharkovU
Laurent WeillU
The different teams of PhDs and instructors
Group Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
Michal Marencak
Marco Menner
Group Marcel Fisher
Jean-Loup Soula
Paul-Olivier Klein
Group Bertrand Koebel
Christoph Frey
Quoc Tran Nam
Group Georgi Kocharkov
Anika Stephan
Vincent Vergnat
Group Laurent Weill
Horatio Cuesdeanu
Jan Hausfeld