Prayer requests for Earthquake victims in Taiwan

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Date: September 20, 1999

Subject: Pray for Earthquake victims

Dear friends in prayer,

A 7.6 Earthquake in Taiwan occurred after 1AM on 9/20/199. There are over 2000 injured and another estimated 1000 trapped. The current death toll of over 400 is increasing. Please pray for the victims. Please pray for the survival of the trapped, and for local and international help. Please pray for the families of the victims. Please pray for the love of God upon them.

Thank you very much for your prayers.

From: teachgod[SMTP:

Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 1:02 AM

Subject: Re: Pray for Earthquake victims

Dear Network friends in Prayer,

Here is a brief earthquake report from Taipei.

You have heard about our earthquake by now. We are okay, thanks be to God. It was a very frightening experience, as our building shook violently forward and backward, to and fro for what felt like two minutes or more. Our plant rack in the patio fell over as did our statue of Jesus that was on the 8th floor mantle. I was very surprised that despite the strength of the quake, all our dishes, food items, etc. remained in the cupboards.

At the moment the building began to shake, everything went dark. Throughout the whole island electricity was out for 8 hours, as a power pole toppled over. Our electricity was restored about an hour ago, so we are able to see the TV news.

In the Taipei area, the radio reported a few buildings falling, people still missing, several deaths. At ground level the quake measured a 4 on the Richter scale here, but to me it felt a lot worse than the 1971 earthquake in L.A. News reporters said this was due to buildings on rollers, so the time we felt the shaking was lengthier. At the center, the earth only shook for 2 to 3 seconds and measured 7.3 on the Richter scale. The damage there was great. Several high rise buildings collapsed, with the upper floors instantly falling to street level.

It was reported a family of three who live on the 12th floor, opened their eyes and were surprised to see motorcycles and street light poles in front of them. It happened so quickly that they had no idea what was going on. Others are not so lucky. Many people are still trapped inside, the death toll is over 600 and rising. Apparently there was no serious damage in Hsin Tien where Tien Hospital is.

Just talked with Sr. Mary Ann's secretary, and there are still without electricity there. Of course they have an emergency generator for the vital functions of a hospital, but there is no air conditioning, so patients are uncomfortable. The emergency ward has some cases of people injured from falling objects in their homes, but no serious injuries or damage to the structure.

Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for all those needing to be rescued and those who are missing and families who have lost loved ones. A serious aftershake (we've had 500 small ones so far) could bring down buildings that are unsteady due to the first quake.

St. Matthew and St. Emydius, intercede for us!

In Jesus,

Sister Mary Beth

Sacred Heart Sisters, Taipei, Taiwan

Dear Friends:

I am sure you have thought about us, when hearing the news about the Eartquake of last evening. We have received some calls from USA and Faxes from Spain and elsewhere. The shocks were more powerful that it was first thought. The number of announced victims is on the increase. Only the dead goes over 660 people. Buildings damaged or collapsed, over 900. Here in the South no damage has been reported.

The news is quite accurate. I have to add only that, as far as we know now, none of our houses, nor none of our Jesuit cofreres has suffer any substantial damage nor hurt.

Please, join us to thank the Lord and to give us the opportunity to serve the victims, the wonderful people we have been sent to serve.

Fr. Jess. Brena, S.J. (Wang, Deh Ding)


From: Benny Hung-Junn Chang <>

Subject: Earthquake in Taiwan

Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 17:55:10 -0500 (CDT)

Dear everyone,

Pray for our brothers and sisters there, please.

Benny, Texas

From: IvaN KwoNg[SMTP:

Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 2:53 AM

Subject: Earthquake in Taiwan

Please pray for my uncle and aunt that I cannot even get a hold of...thanks.



Subject: Pray for Earthquake victims update

Dear friends in prayer,

Thank you for your prayers.

At over 12 hours after the quake, there were 1,119 people dead, with 3,427 injured and more than 1,000 trapped. Over 1000 aftershocks are predicted within the next 10 days. 24 registered five or higher on the Richter scale and are posing danger for rescue workers searching for people trapped in damaged buildings.

Despite the power of the quake, damage appeared to be less severe than in Turkey last month when the dead toll was 15,000. This is because most buildings on quake-prone Taiwan were solidly built with concrete.

Dear God, Please accept the souls of the departed into your love. Please grant both physical and spiritual strength to the victims and their families. Please pour your abundant graces on them.

We thank you for the gift of the stronger structured buildings that survive. Please protect them to also survive the aftershocks. Please bless the rescuers and medical staff with strength and wisdom.

Please strength those who had lost all their possession. Please fill the island with your love and peace when the people were awakened in disaster by the quake. Please also wake up our ungrateful hearts when we wake up safely every morning.

We thank you for your love.

H Anthony Chan, New Jersey


Sent:Wednesday, September 22, 1999 4:23 PM

Our prayers include the imprisoned priests and bishops in China; and the people in Taipei, the earthquake victims. May the Father lay his protecting hands on the shoulders of the injured. And may those who died see Him face to face for eternity. Amen

May God guard you and your family

Markus Boehmer, Germany

From: [SMTP:

Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 8:27 PM

Last Friday, Ying-Jeou Ma, Mayor of Taipei, was at a reception at the Parkman House (33 Beacon St) given by Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston. Mayor Ma was here for 2 days before he returned to Taipei. He was then talking about enhancing the sister city relationship between Taipei and Boston, about his vision of student and cultural exchanges, about inviting Mayor Menino to visit Taipei. Now, he has a city that must rise up to rebuild the disastrous impact of an earthquake. He will need to console the victims' families.

Well, at the age of 49, I pray that he will be able to meet this and other challenges.

God's love and peace, and our prayers with Mayor Ma and the people of Taiwan,

Peter Chan, Boston


Subject: Pray for Taiwan Earthquake update

Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 16:26:23 -0400

Dear God,

As the hope for finding the trapped alive isvanishing today, please receive them in the love ofyour Kingdom. Please shower your comfort and loveto their family members and relatives.Please take care of the homeless.Please protect the city from epidemics.Please send more people to help.Please also bless the donating efforts andsend more people to donate. ..

My dear God, I understand this is a very long do-list,but you have already created many of us.You even make us in your image to look like you.

We thank you for your love.

From: [mailto:

Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 9:26 AM

Subject: Re: Pray for Earthquake victims

Keep up the good work as a Catholic evangelizer. The people of Taiwan are in our prayers. We have been praying for them here too. We also have Daughters of St. Paul and their families in Taiwan.

In Jesus,

Sr Mary Peter,

Daughters of St. Paul.

From: [SMTP:

Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 8:27 PM

God's love and peace, and our prayers with Mayor Ma and the people of Taiwan.

Last Friday, Ying-Jeou Ma, Mayor of Taipei, was at a reception at the Parkman House (33 Beacon St) given by Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston. Mayor Ma was here for 2 days before he returned to Taipei. He was then talking about enhancing the sister city relationship between Taipei and Boston, about his vision of student and cultural exchanges, about inviting Mayor Menino to visit Taipei. Now, he has a city that must rise up to rebuild the disastrous impact of an earthquake. He will need to console the victims' families.

I pray that he, who is at the age of 49, will be able to meet this and other challenges.

Peter Chan, Boston

From: James Hua [mailto:

Sent: Thursday, September 23, 1999 7:47 PM

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We as a Church need to let the love and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ shine in everywhere. The Catholic Church has good channels to send in relief donations.

James Hua, San Jose

From: Lucy Lee

Sent: Sunday, September 26, 1999 1:22 AM

Subject: Taiwan powerful aftershock

Taiwan was hit by a powerful aftershock on Sunday morning (Sept. 26, 1999). The magnitude was 6.8 on the Richter scale. At least four people were reported to have been killed. Also two brothers were pulled out alive and that there are still three other people who need to be pulled out.

Let us pray that there will be only minimal aftershocks that will not cause any damage to life or property. Let us ask the Guardian Angel of Taiwan protect Taiwan. The Guardian Angel of Portugal appeared to the children at Fatima and taught them to say the prayer of adoration. Our Lady has promised that Portugal will always keep the Faith. Portugal was one of the very few countries in Europe, which was not invaded by Germany during World War II. September 29 is the feast day of the Archangels.

Let us also pray that God will help the rescue teams to pull out as many people as possible and for God to sustain the victims until they are rescued.

Lucy, Wash DC