Social Evolution and History, the Journal's aim is to contribute to the integration of such fields of knowledge as anthropology, history, sociology, and the philosophy and theory of history. The Journal is devoted to the study of many aspects of the evolutionary changes that have occurred over the long course of human history.

Information for contributors:

Social Evolution and History invites articles, review articles and brief reviews. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editors both by email (as attached files in the rtf format) and by mail.

Electronic versions should be sent to all the editors to the addresses as follows:

Prof. Dmitri M. Bondarenko

Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies <

Prof. Leonid E. Grinin

‘Uchitel’ Publishing House <H

Prof. Andrey V. Korotayev

RussianStateUniversity for the Humanities <>

A hard copy should be sent to Prof. Leonid Grinin only, to the address as follows:

257 Krasnykh Komandirov St., P.O. 79, 400079 Volgograd, RUSSIA

Manuscripts are not returned. Obtaining permission for any quoted or reprinted material that requires permission, and paying any and all associated fees, is the responsibility of the author. Submission of a manuscript implies commitment to publish in the Journal. Social Evolution and History is a refereed journal. Articles, which are to be in English, should be original and should not be under consideration elsewhere.

Preparation of manuscripts. Articles should generally be no longer than 8000 words, review articles should not exceed 2500 words, and brief reviews should be no longer than 600 words. A separate sheet should give the author's name and academic affiliation, the title and a short abstract of no more than 150 words. All contributions, whether articles or reviews, should be clearly typed on one side of A4 paper or American Quarto, double-spaced and with wide margins throughout (including footnotes and bibliographical references). Footnotes, references, tables, and charts should be typed on separate pages.

Footnotes should be kept to a minimum. Essential notes should be presented in a typed list at the end of the article, double spaced.

Bibliographical references should be given in parentheses in standard author-date form in the body of the text: (Claessen 1985: 196–198, 201, 207; 2000, 2002; Ehrenreich, Crumley, and Levy 1995; Kradin et al. 2000; Lee and Devore 1968: 236).
A complete list of references cited, arranged alphabetically by author's surname, should be typed at the end of the article along the following lines:

Kuper, A., and Gillet, S.

1970. Aspects of Administration in Western Botswana. African Studies 29: 169–182.

Lee,R.B., and Devore, I. (eds.)

1968. Man the Hunter. New York: Aldine.

McCall,D. F.

1975.The Hornbill and Analogous Forms in West African Sculpture. In McCall,D.F., and Bay,E.G. (eds.), African Images: Essays in African Iconology (pp.268–324). New YorkLondon: Routledge.

Bodde, D.

1956. Feudalism in China. In Le Blank and Forei 1956: 85–131.


1978. Economic and Social Organization of a Complex Chiefdom: The Halelea District, Kiua'i, Hawaii.Ann Arbor,MI: University of Michigan Press.

Subheadings should be typed flush left without preceding numbers or letters. Where subheadings are of a different order of importance this should be indicated by A, B, or C pencilled in the margin.

Quotations. Single inverted commas should be used except for quotations within quotations, which should have double inverted commas. Quotations of more than about 60 words should be set off from the text with an extra line of space above and below, and typed without inverted commas.

Proofreading. First proofs may be read and corrected by contributors provided that they can guarantee to return corrected proofs to the Editor, by email or airmail when appropriate, within four days of receipt. Corrections in proof should be restricted to any printer's and publisher's errors.

Offprints. Authors of articles and review articles will receive two copies of the issue and five offprints free of charge; additional copies may be purchased if ordered at proof stage.

Inquiries should be addressed to the editors by email to the addresses mentioned above, by fax: + (7) (8442) 44 85 53, or by telephone: + (7) (495) 291 4119.


Social Evolution and History (ISSN 1681–4363) is published twice a year in March and September. Two parts form a volume. Regular institutional subscription rate $50.00 per year, single-issue rate $33. Individuals may subscribe at a one-year rate of $25.00, single-issue $17.00. Special subscription rates are available to students: $16.00, single-issue $10.00. All subscription inquiries, orders and renewals must be addressed to our distributors (see the back cover).

The electronic archive of all the back issues for 2002–2008 can be reached at


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