1 year Mentorship


Disciple Making


Spiritual Growth





GOAL OF MINISTRY MENTORSHIP FOR MISSIONARIES: To help the missionary develop confidence in disciple-making; particularly small group discipleship; to assist the missionary to be practicing the spiritual disciplines, and holding them accountable for their own participation; to help the missionary learn how to disciple others within a 6 month timeframe, developing the life-habits of the 6 disciplines of daily bible reading, bible study-journaling, bible memorization, prayer, local church ministry involvement and witnessing. The mentor and missionary have the freedom to choose the materials they wish to use in discipling others as long as it includes the 6 disciplines. The missionary can disciple a teen, a small group of teens, an adult in need of growth or a small group of adults in need of growth. The important thing is that the missionary get actual experience in disciple-making with those who are not already spiritually mature.

MENTOR QUALIFICATIONS: Godly, mature, experienced in one-on-one or small group disciple-making including the 6 disciplines of daily bible reading, bible study-journaling, bible memorization, prayer, local church ministry involvement and witnessing.

A man for a missionary man; a woman for a missionary woman; or married couple to married couple, if everyone involved participates equally. Multiple mentors are acceptable, with one mentor taking responsibility to submit the brief reports.

MENTOR RESPONSIBILTIES: To agree to provide the ministry guidance as described; to meet 24 times in a 12 month period, including ministry participation times. Some flexibility is allowed here due to scheduling difficulties related to prefield ministry. (You, the missionary, would be expected to sit down and talk with your mentor personally, and explain the above expectations and goals. A sample 6 month and 12 month report follow. They are only required to submit these two reports total. As questions arise, feel free to contact me anytime. Ron Berrus: Director of Missionary Care, ABWE. )

METHOD: To provide the opportunity for the missionary to do one-on-one or small group 6 month discipleship. This process could begin with just the mentor and the missionary at first. The missionary then would be brought into a two-on-two or small group as an observer/participant. If the mentor(s) has an established discipleship plan that doesn’t last six months, we will work with what is available. It must include the 6 disciplines: Bible reading, study, memorization, prayer, local church involvement (active church attendance & ministry participation) and witnessing. Using ABWE’s THE STORY OF HOPE (with THE HOPE DVD) as a beginning booklet for the first four to twelve weeks is suggested, followed by THE WAY TO JOY for the next 10 weeks. The Second Level Disciple Making Guide should be read and worked through in the context of the local church’s disciple making vision.

It is crucial that the discipleship plan isn’t just teaching – it needs to include significant time spent praying together, looking at each other’s devotional journals and notes from daily bible reading, checking each other’s memory verses, and talking about the successes and failures of the last week so it becomes really practical and helpful. If it is only a teaching session, it doesn’t accomplish life-change or establish accountability.

The mentor(s) needs to give the missionary opportunities to teach, pray, and lead. Our goal is for the missionary to become confident in disciple-making since this aspect of ministry is foundational for success on the field.

TIME FRAME: 12 month commitment total – includes a weekly small group or one-on-one discipling session (lasting 60-90 minutes) that should begin with your mentor, but you may go solo after the first month – and also an additional hour twice a month with your mentor to talk about the sessions – what went well, what could be done differently, concerns, praying together. It is a major time investment – but this is crucial ministry mentoring that will really equip the missionary for ministry on the field.

Required/Suggested Reading

My Time With God (Journal 1) – Ron Berrus

Lost Art of Disciple Making – Leroy Eims

Disciplines of a Godly Man – R. Kent Hughes

Intro to the Spiritual Disciplines – Ron Berrus

Second Level Disciple Making Guide – Ron Berrus


How many times did you participate in ministry together in the last 6 months? (Number of one-one-one or small group sessions).

Has the missionary demonstrated proven faithfulness to the spiritual disciplines in his/her own life?

What strengths as a disciple-maker have you observed in this missionary?

What aspects of disciple-making skills still need improvement in his/her life?

Personal practice of the spiritual disciplines

Confidence and boldness in sharing the gospel

Listening skills

Knowledge of theology

Comprehensive bible knowledge

What other recommendations would you make or concerns do you have for this missionary’s continued growth and development as a missionary?