Admission of Pupils - (from September 2017)

Keelham nursery is set within the Foundation Unit in KeelhamPrimary School. 15 pupils will be admitted each academic year; these places are on a part time basis of 15 hours per week. The split is 2.5 days per week and organised full day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning or afternoon.

The School will keep a waiting list of children who wish to be admitted to the nursery. Parents wishing their child to attend the nursery should put their child’s name on the waiting list as soon as practicable.

At the appropriate time (usually the April of the year the child is due to start in September) the school will contact the parents of those children who have met the following criteria and been allocated a place in the nursery.

Please note: - The offer of a nursery place does not guarantee the child a place in the reception class. A fresh application will be required in accordance with the criteria for admission to reception class.

Allocation of places

Children are normally admitted to nursery in September in the academic year following their 3rd birthday. Date of birth should fall between the following dates for admittance to nursery in September 2017, 01/9/2013 & 31/8/2014.

If there are more applications to nursery than there are places available the following oversubscription criteria will be used to allocate places.

  • Children looked after by the Local Authority and looked after children who have ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardian ship order).
  • Siblings* of children already in the school, living at the same home address and who will be attending school at the time of admission.
  • Children who live closest to the school. The distance will be measured by the shortest distance by accessible road from directly outside the home address* to directly outside the main school gates. Where the offer of places to applicants measuring equal distance would lead to over subscription, the decision who will be offered a place would be made by random selection.
  • *2 – The term ‘sibling’ means a brother or sister who lives with the same family at the same address. Children living permanently with the same family, e.g. fostered, adopted and step children are also included. Twins or triplets – where a family of twins or triplets request admission and only one of the siblings can be offered a place, the remaining siblings will also be offered places above the admission number.
  • *3 - “Home address” refers to the child’s permanent home at the date of admission. Where the child lives with parents with shared responsibility, it is for the parents to determine which address to use when applying for a primary school. Once a place has been allocated the school will need secure evidence of the child’s residency. This will take the form of child benefit information or family tax credit details. If this cannot be secured the place may be withdrawn.We cannot use the address of a relative or child-minder.

From September 2017 due to the increase to 30 hours offer of free childcare from the Government. Keelham have initially agreed to offer up to 22.5 hours within nursery for those eligible. This is offered on a fair basis to all eligible families any extra hours available will be allocated using the following criteria

  • Siblings of children in school and attending Keelham at the point of admission
  • Single parents

This will be reviewed before admissions in September 2018.