Departmental Organizational Structure
In order to authorize Payroll Personnel System, each department must identify at least 1 Primary Preparer and 1 Back-up Preparer, 1 Mandatory Reviewer and 1 Back-up Reviewer. One individual may double as Back-up Preparer and Back-up Reviewer. An individual may not be the Preparer or sole Mandatory Reviewer of his/her own payroll transactions. Each Preparer, Reviewer, and Back-up must be an approved PPS entry/update user.
Complete the charts below to identify the individuals responsible for each role. Check the boxes for the employee population the preparers and reviewers will be responsible for in STAFF and ACADEMIC employees. If a checkbox is left unchecked the corresponding chart below should be completed with individuals identified for each role, unless no employees fall under this category for your department. All boxes must be checked for staff and,if applicableacademic employees. If any boxes are not checked, an explanation must be provided in the special conditions comments area below.
Please provide the following information along with the PPS Officer or Coordinator approval to the PPS Administrator in Payroll in order to update the department's access to PPS.
Department Name: / Home Department Code:
STAFF: SMG MSP Non-student PSS (career, partial yr. career, limited, contract, floater) Student PSS
Primary Preparer Name * / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
Back-Up Preparer Name * / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
Mandatory Reviewer Name * (Limit 1) / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
Back-up Reviewer Name * (Limit 2) / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
ACADEMIC: Faculty Researchers Acad Adm Other Acad Graduate Division Medicine
Primary Preparer Name** / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
Back-up Preparer Name** / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
Mandatory Reviewer Name** (Limit 1) / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
Back-up Reviewer Name** (Limit 2) / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
PPS Departmental Organizational Structure, page 2
STAFF: SMG MSP Non-student PSS (career, partial yr. career, limited, contract, floater) Student PSSPrimary Preparer Name * / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
Back-up Preparer Name * / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
Mandatory Reviewer Name * (Limit 1) / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
Back-up Reviewer Name * (Limit 2) / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
ACADEMIC: Faculty Researchers Acad Adm Other Acad Graduate Division Medicine
Primary Preparer Name ** / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
Back-up Preparer Name ** / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
Mandatory Reviewer Name ** (Limit 1) / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
Back-up Reviewer Name ** (Limit 2) / PPS User ID / UCD Email Address
Describe any special conditions within your department for routing of post-authorization notifications for personnel transactions:
Signature of PPS Access Officer or Coordinator: /
* Mandatory for all departments
**Mandatory for Academic Departments Only