Rotary Club of Raleigh

Vocational Service Award Nomination Form

The driving force of Rotary International is “Service above self.” Vocational Service is one of

Rotary’s four Avenues of Service. The concept of vocational service is rooted in the Rotary’s Second Objective, which calls on Rotarians to “encourage and foster”:

  1. High ethical standards in business and professions
  2. The recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations
  3. The dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society

The Rotary Club of Raleigh is pleased to recognize an individual who lives or works in Raleigh with our Vocational Service Award for outstanding vocational service. The purpose of this award is to recognize persons in the community (non-Rotarians) who exemplify integrity and high ethical standards in their vocation and who use their vocational talents to serve the community. This award will be presented annually at the Mayor of Raleigh’s State of the City address.

Nominees must:

Not be a current Rotarian

Have achieved distinction through exceptional leadership, creativity, and/or effort in their profession, business, and/or community service.

Demonstrate high ethical standards, living and working to meet the Rotary 4-Way Test:

  1. Is it the truth?
  2. Is it fair to all concerned?
  3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Nominations can only be submitted by, and with the support of, a current member of the Rotary Club of Raleigh. The deadline to submit nominations is November 30.

The selected honoree must agree to attend a Rotary Club of Raleigh regular meeting to talk about how his/her vocation has been leveraged to serve the community. The nominee must also plan to attend the award ceremony (Mayor’s State of the City address).

Please complete the form on page 2 and return your completed form, with supporting materials, to a Vocational Award committee member, to Linda Monaghan or email to the club email address at .

Thank you!

Rotary Club of Raleigh

2016 Vocational Service Award Nomination Form

Please provide the information below to help our Vocational Service Committee select an honoree.

  1. Nominee’s Name ______
  1. Submitting Rotarian ______

3. Please describe in detail this person’s outstanding vocational service (use additional space as necessary and attach support such as articles, links, and materials).

4. Please describe how our community has benefited from this person’s efforts (use

additional space as necessary and attach support such as articles, links, and materials).

The committee may not be familiar with your nominee, so please provide adequate information.