WP 3
Work Placement – Trainee Induction Checklist
This checklist should be given to all trainees before undertaking work placement and should ideally accompany the “Be-Safe” booklet.
Name of Trainee……………………………………… Trainee No:…………………….
Start Date…………………………………………………………………………….
The following items should be included in your induction into the organization preferably on your first day. Please check off the items below when they occur and inform your placement organiser of any items not covered within one week of the start of your placement. This list is not exhaustive and other topics may be covered which you should note in the space provided or separately as appropriate.
This form should be placed into your School Experience File within the first week of placement.
Health and Safety Issues
Introduction to key staff members and their roles explained. The name(s) of your workplace supervisor.General Information - Covering items such as:
Toilet, canteen, rest facilities. Dress code, special and protective clothing required. Hours of work, car parking.
Introduced to the person responsible for trainees’ health & safety during placement
Opportunity to discuss and agree any reasonable adjustments for disabilities, or pre-existing medical conditions likely to require emergency action/treatment
Receive a briefing on the emergency procedures incorporating: what to do if discovering fire, what to do on hearing the fire alarm, the location of call points, escape routes and assembly points.
Safety policy received or location known
Find Location of First Aid box and signs
Be made aware of First Aid arrangements (including name of first aiders)
Be made aware of Accident Reporting and location of accident book
Be made aware of Risk Assessments particular to the tasks being undertaken
Be made aware of appropriate assessments such as: COSHH, Display Screen Equipment, Manual Handling (as appropriate)
Be made aware of Protective clothing arrangements (as appropriate)
Be given instruction on equipment you will be using (list equipment you will be using below)*
This section is for overseas placements only:
An outline of the significant social and cultural aspects of the country
* The equipment being used should conform to electrical safety and workplace equipment regulations. The trainee should be supervised, until competent, in the use of any equipment.
I agree to follow the school policy for absence if for any reason I am unable to attend my school experience and to inform my mentor and university tutor of any difficulties with the placement or any other problem, which affects my work.
Signed: ………………………………….. Trainee Date:
Name (please print)
Placement Organisation
I have provided…………………………………….. with an induction to his/ her work placement, covering health, safety and welfare arrangements whilst on placement. I will provide regular supervision and will contact the university tutor if any problems arise with the placement or the trainee. I will provide the university tutor with feedback on progress on request.
Signed:……………………………………Placement organisation Date:
Name (please print)
This form should be placed into your School Experience File within the first week of placement.