Civil Rights Movement Timeline Project
Directions: Create a timeline of the following events that occurred during the Civil Rights Movement. The timeline should include a hand written explanation (minimum 2 sentences) of each event and at least one picture. Each event must be accurately described in at least 2 sentences and the pictures may be hand drawn or photographs of the event.
The list of events provided ARE NOT IN ORDER, so be sure to organize them in order on your timeline.
YOUR PROJECT CAN LOOK ANY WAY YOU WANT IT TO! BE CREATIVE! See grading rubric for point breakdown.
This project will count as a test grade. There will also be a standard exam on the Civil Rights Movement (Chapter 29, Sections 1-3)
Here is the list of the events that you must include in your Civil Rights Movement timeline:
Freedom SummerLetter from Birmingham Jail
Southern Manifesto
Executive Order 11246
Loving v. Virginia
Brown vs. Board of Education
Freedom Rides
Murder of Emmitt Till
Bombing of 16th Street Baptist Church
Little Rock Nine (Barnett and Eisenhower)
CORE is founded (be sure to name by who)
Malcolm Little arrested and prison time
James Meredith and integration of Ole Miss
Civil Rights Act of 1957
Nation of Islam is founded
Kerner Commission
24th Amendment
Jackie Robinson integrates Major League Baseball
Civil Rights Act of 1964
“Bull” Connor and Birmingham, Alabama protests
Ruby Bridges / SCLC is founded
Executive Order 9981
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Murder of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
Greensboro Sit-in’s
Newark and Detroit Race Riots
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Murder of Medgar Evers
Malcolm X Assassinated
Black Panthers are founded
Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike
Stokely Carmichael and ‘black power”
Watts Riots
Civil Rights Act of 1968
Bloody Sunday
Tommie Smith and John Carlos black power Olympic salute
SNCC is founded (be sure to name by who)
of 1964
1865 Thirteenth Amendment
1868 Fourteenth Amendment
1870 Fifteenth Amendment
1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson
1942 CORE founded (James Farmer)
1948 Integration of the Armed Forces (Executive Order 9981)
1954 Brown vs. Board of Education
1955 Emmett Till is murdered
1956 Southern Manifesto
Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
1957 Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) founded (3 main founders)
Crisis at Central High School and the “Little Rock Nine” (Faubus and Eisenhower)
Civil Rights Act of 1957
1960 Greensboro Sit-ins (Woolworth’s, NC A&T)
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) is founded (Shaw University)
John F. Kennedy elected President
1961 Freedom Rides
1962 Integration of the University of Mississippi “James Meredith”
1963 MLK arrested and jailed in Birmingham, Alabama “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”/Bull Connor in response to Birmingham protesters
Murder of Medgar Evers
March on Washington DC “I Have a Dream Speech”
16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham bombed
John F. Kennedy assassinated and Lyndon B. Johnson becomes President
1964 Twenty Fourth Amendment “Poll Tax abolished”
Civil Rights Act 1964
Freedom Summer
Three civil-rights workers murdered in Mississippi
1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965 passed
“Bloody Sunday”
Malcolm X assassinated
Watts Riots
Executive Order 11246
1966 Black Panthers are founded
1967 Stokely Carmichael coins the phrase “Black Power”
Loving v. Virginia
Newark and Detroit race riots
Kerner Commission
1968 Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike MLK assassinated
Civil Rights Act of 1968 passed