Minutes from the ECCE Q2S Meeting
Program Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)
Date of Meeting November 4, 2010 – 9 am - Noon
Location Central GA Technical College, Macon, Building I
Facilitator Benita Moore, Anita Dailey, and Marcy Smith
Secretary Marcy Smith and Benita Moore
Attendees See list at end of report; 57 attended; 25 colleges represented
Agenda Item 1 Sign In and Welcome – Anita Dailey, IFCC Chair, and Benita Moore, CPS Curriculum Specialist, welcomed the group and provided a summary of the ECCE Q2S process. Attendees were asked to sign in. There were 57 who attended the meeting and 25 colleges were represented. The following handouts were distributed to the attendees:
· Summary Sheet of ECCE Programs with program/major codes (Quarter and Semester codes) and with a listing of the courses in each TCC.
· A crosswalk for ECCE courses and general education courses.
· Detailed program information, including a description of the program, occupational analysis, program outcomes, admission requirements, and a listing of the courses required for completion of the program.
In addition, a representative from each college was given a “Preschool Language and Literature” course from Head Start and an “Infant and Toddler Language and Literature” course from Head Start.
Agenda Item 2 Agenda Review – Anita Dailey went over the agenda with the group. There were no questions.
Agenda Item 3 Curriculum Review – Anita Dailey and Benita Moore reviewed the summary program sheet, the crosswalk, and each program. Copies of each of the following were given out so that each person could review the material. Some of the comments/corrections/questions were as follows:
· Math 1100 should be included as an option in AAS
· On crosswalk (quarter course side) ECE 2060 and 2360 should be listed as ECE 2260; no title appeared for 2360 and it should be the same as 2260.
· Clarification was provided on how minutes were determined, how courses with labs were identified, etc.
Agenda Item 4 5-Week Mini Quarter – Summer 2011 will be a short quarter; suggestions were made on how to select courses that would fit into the short quarter, what to do if a student had to complete an internship in the short quarter. Anita Dailey said she would share how she has put together a 5-week mini quarter after the meeting.
Agenda Item 5 Semester Information – General information, including when semesters will begin, how transition students will be handled, the process to determine if a student should graduate under quarters or semesters were discussed.
Agenda Item 6 Other – The group was reminded that ASQ3/ASQSE (Ages and Stages Development) training would be provided by Anita Dailey beginning at 1:30 pm.
Action Items Benita Moore will make the changes that have been recommended and will submit the corrected documents to ECCE instructors via the list serve.
The meeting adjourned at 11:45 am.
Minutes Submitted by Benita Moore.
Those attending
First Name / Last Name / CollegeJessica / Barfield / Southwest GA
Alison / Barr / Southeastern
Tamika / Brundidge / Chattahoochee
Rodithia / Carr / Augusta
Angela / Chambers / Southern Crescent
Gail / Clark / Heart of GA
Lisa / Cox / Ogeechee
Margaret / Crawford / Augusta
Jaye / Cripe / South GA
Anita / Dailey / Central GA
Donna / Deason / Okefenokee
Charlene / Duncan / Albany
Wendy / Fletcher / Wiregrass
Karen / Freeman / West GA Tech
Kathleen / Green / Chattahoochee
Jill / Griffin / Wiregrass
Sharon / Grooms / Altamaha
Beth / Hefner / Lanier
Valencia / Hickey / Middle GA
Deborah / Higgins / Central GA
Nikki / Hildebrand / Gwinnett
Sharon / Hollingsworth / Columbus
Cathy / Hoover / Middle GA Tech
Jane / Hyche / Gwinnett
Armon / Ingersoll / Columbus
Sharon / Isom / Columbus
Susan / Kendrick / GA Northwestern
Kathryn / Kent / Moultrie
Jacquelin / Kirk-Jackson / West GA
Gary / Larson / Southern Crescent
Sherry / Lowery / DeKalb
Leslie / Malanoski / Athens
Jeannie / McCorkle / Ogeechee
Roslyn / McCurry / Southern Crescent
Valerie / Misch / Central GA
Benita / Moore / TCSG
Beth / Newton / Augusta
Rita / Parmer / West GA
Lisa / Penton / South GA
Hollie / Queen / Chattahoochee
Angela / Raines / Sandersville
Patti / Reed / Lanier
Angela / Robinson / Albany
Gena / Sapp / Southeastern
Valda / Simpkins / Augusta
Linda / Smith / Middle GA Tech
Marcy / Smith / Chattahoochee
Priscilla / Smith / Gwinnett
Stanley / Stephens / West GA
Beatriz / Stitzer / GA Northwestern
Kyle / Taft / Wiregrass
Kathy / Weber / Southern Crescent
Lisa / White / Athens
K / Wilson / South GA
Tracy / Wimberly / GA Northwestern
Deborah / Yarbrough / Okefenokee
Cindy / Young / Savannah