Patrick Lyndon Pilot School PTA

Meeting Minutes –May 10, 2016


Meeting Sponsored by K2:Grade and raised $233 dollars

Board Members in attendance: Rose O’Connor, President; Shauna Donnelly, Vice President; Susan Ashe, Treasurer; Keith Healey, Secretary

Meeting called to order-7:14p.m.

Welcome and Warm up led by Rose, President (Warm up question / “What was your favorite event this year?)

April 2016Minutes-7:15p.m. –a motion was made to approve theminutes, seconded, with all in favor, approved (no opposed).

7:15 p.m.Shauna (RECAP / Previous Month’s activities)

One Boston

Spring Book Fair

Box Tops (1stgrade winners!)

Flower Pots –replanted –Thank you Jennifer Evans!!

Current and up-coming events:

Save the Dance --$8000 (est.) raised to date—equals one day a week of dance class secured for next year.

June 8thshow for lower school in the morning and upper school in the afternoon supporting dance.

Spelling Bee and Geography Bee Plaques presented by Chris Kennedy

**Field day volunteers still needed (Lower school June 15th/ Upper schoolJune 16th) from10a.m. to 2:30p.m.

7:26p.m.Rose, President

*Volunteers needed for school library next year / Kay is moving forward *new point person needed

*Lyndon water fountains have been tested and past.Students can still bring in bottled H2O if they wanted to.

*Parent Music Group Update / FOTL have applied to Boch Grant and are waiting on results

--PTA is giving additional $1500 to music dept. (new stands / cord instruments repairs/replaced some instruments {i.e. drums and gongs})

--Donations for soft chalk for school yard request to members

7:45p.m.Treasure’s Report(Susan Ashe)

Fundraising: recap for April

*Trivia night raised est. $536

*Book fair—funds go back for free books for students

$800 from Bake Sale (Mayor Walsh’s meeting at Lyndon)

Teachers need to submit reimbursements to PTA / $1600 given out for reimbursements

**Audit Committee needed to review the books / Fiscal year submission is June 31stfor filing

7:50p.m.CPC speaker / Sapna

*Water fountains in BPS having issues has strained trust

*School cuts are still pending and if members can make any meetings please due so schedule permitting. (5 million dollar being cut /est. and 38 million dollar for admin.)

*Safe routes survey to BPS being sent in.

8:05pm.Rose, President

**SSC meeting May 26, 2016 at 5:30p.m. in library

**Next meeting is Tuesday, June 8, 2016 hosted by K1second grade.


*Check out on-line newsletter for updates

*Corn Hole results pending (i.e. funds raised) It was a good turn out and great night!

*60 proposals for tech. requests pending review.

*Grant received for $5000 for Lego Robotics!Start date September 2016!

***New PTA Board nominated and approved for 2016-2017.

Congratulations: President –Stefanie Frischknecht, Vice President –Celena Illuzzi, Treasurer—Melissa Callaghan, and Secretary Mary White

Meeting Adjourned after motion at8:36p.m.(all in favor / no opposed)

TH *THANK YOU TO EVERYONE!We could not do what we do, raising money for our students, teachers and school, helping families, and supporting our community without

so many volunteers throughout the year!