Transformation of the Czech International Development Cooperation System
Part of the International Development Cooperation (IDC) System Transformation is the necessary centralization of the IDC and the establishment as of January 1, 2008 of the Czech Development Agency (CZDA) to replace the original Development Centre. As a government organization, the CZDA is directly subordinated to theMinistry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).
In the bilateral International Development Cooperation System, the CZDA is to gradually become an implementation agency. The MFA would continue to play a key role instrategy preparation, planning and subsequent evaluation, while project realization itself (specific project identification, preparation, call for tenders and monitoring) would fall within the competence of the CZDA. Multilateral International Development Cooperation System will remain solely within the competence oftheMFA.
Since January 1, 2008, development projects are gradually transferred from thecompetence ofother ministries to the competence of the MFA. This year, the MFA coordinates new projects in the field of health, education, social development and transport.
From 2009, projects falling within the MFA competence will include also the environment, agriculture and industrial development.
In the newly shaping system, coordination with other ministries will be preserved withintheInternational Development Cooperation Council (IDC Council), presided by Deputy Minister ofForeign Affairs Jan Kohout. The Council and its working groups will gradually establish new mechanisms forproviding theIDC, including the identification of new project fields or project evaluation.
One of the long-term transformation goals in providing IDC is the reduction of the number ofthetarget countries in accordance with the conclusions of the OECD Report. To this end, partner countries have been newly categorized and new terminology introduced as follows:
1)8 programme countries - Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yemen, Moldova, Mongolia, Serbia, Vietnam, Zambia (so-called priority target countries so far – financed under a government approval).
2)4 + 2 project countries – Cambodia, Palestinian Autonomy, Kosovo, Ethiopia; and Afghanistan and Iraq (medium-term priority countries). Czech development activities in these countries are significant with new programmes to be initiated.
3)Other countries (non-priority target countries)– implementation only of projects launched inthe past years or this year.
Timetable of the Czech International Development Cooperation (IDC) System Transformation
IDC Implementation / IDC Conceptual Framework2007 / On July 25, the Government approved the Plan of Bilateral IDC for 2008.
By September 30, the MFA submitted to the government the “IDC System Transformation".
By December 31, the Statute of the IDC Council was prepared and submitted to the government. / By December 31, the MFA submitted to the government the bill on the IDC and humanitarian aid (HA).
Opening of the process of evaluation of cooperation programmes with priority countries.
Analysis of the comparative advantages of the Czech Republic from the viewpoint of main IDC sectors.
2008 / January 1, establishment of the IDC Council
The MFA takes over new projects from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Transport
By May, 31, the bilateral IDC plan for 2009 approved
By June 30, the MFA, in cooperation with other government bodies, submitted draft staffing of the Development Centre after 2009 / Preparation of a new concept of IDC for the 2010-2015 period, including sectoral and territorial priorities
Preparation of strategies for priority IDC sectors; preparation of multilateral IDC strategy
Preparation of the bill on IDC and HA
2009 / Strengthening the capacities of the Czech Development Agency (CZDA)
The MFA takes over new projects from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry for the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture plus some ongoing projects agreed with individual government bodies
Bilateral IDC plan for 2010 to be approved by May 31 / Preparation of new cooperation programmes with the priority countries for the 2011-2015 period
Envisaged debate in and approval by the Parliament of the Czech Republic of the bill on IDC and HA
2010 / Full operation of the CZDA
The Plan of bilateral IDC for 2011 to be approved by May 31 (IDC 2011 budget included in the MFA chapter; after 2011 the MFA coordinates and implements all projects with the exception of scholarships and new temporary exemptions)
Completion of the IDC system transformation / From January 1, the new IDC Concept will be applied for the 2010-2015 period
Anticipated entry into force of the law on IDC and HA.
International Development Cooperation Council (IDC Council) - List of Members
Governmental Body / Member of the Council / Tel. / Fax / E-mailMFA / Jan Kohout
Deputy Minister / tel.: 224 182 839
fax: 224 182 069 /
Ministry of Transport / Libor Tejnil
Director-General / tel: 225 131 312
fax: 225 131 226 /
Ministry of Finance / Tomáš Zídek
Deputy Minister / tel: 257 043 292
fax: 257 042 532 /
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs / Iva Šolcová
Deputy Director-General / tel: 257 196 843
fax: 257 196 899 /
Ministry of Industry and Trade
/ Milan Hovorka
Deputy Minister / tel 227 485 2885
fax: 224 221 824 /
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports / Eva Bartoňová
First Deputy Minister / tel: 257 193 568
fax: 257 193 798 /
Ministry of the Interior / Rudolf Vyčichla
Director of the Cabinet of the Minister / tel: 974 832 843
fax: 974 833 500 /
Ministry of Health / Marek Šnajdr
First Deputy Minister / tel: 224 972 537
fax: 224 923 798 /
Ministry of Agriculture / Ivo Hlaváč
First Deputy Minister / tel: 221 812 089
fax: 224 812 121 /
Ministry for the Environment / Jan Dusík
First Deputy Minister / tel: 267 122 377
fax: 267 311 596 /
Ministry of Culture / František Mikeš
First Deputy Minister / tel: 257 085 491
fax: 233 371 872 /
Ministry of Defence / Martin Barták
First Deputy Minister / tel: 973 200 700
fax: 973 200 703 /
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs
(UMVEZ) / Marek Mora
Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs / tel: 224 002 508
fax: 224 002 789 /
State Office for Nuclear Safety
(SUJB) / Petr Krs
Deputy / tel: 221 624 207
fax: 221 624 821 /
Czech Statistical Office (CSU) / Stanislav Drápal
Deputy Chairman / tel: 274 052 173
fax: 274 052 177 /
Institution / Associated Member of the Council / Tel./ Fax / E-mail
Czech Development Agency (CZDA) / Petr Jelínek
Director / tel: 251 108 130
fax: 251 102 225 /
Czech Forum for Development Co-operation
(FoRS) / Šimon Pánek
Board of Directors Chairman / tel: 226 200 450
fax: 226 200 401 /
Industry and Transport Association
Platform for Foreign
Development Cooperation
(PPZRS) / Dagmar Kuchtová
Executive Committee Chairman / tel: 234 379 484
fax: 234 379 489 /
Institution / Permanent Observer / Tel./ Fax / E-mail
Association of Regions of the Czech Republic
(AKČR) / Josef Pavel,
Governor of Region,
Deputy Chairman / tel: 353 502 105
fax: 353 502 108 /
Secretariat / Council Secretary / Tel./ Fax / E-mail
MFA /Department of Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Aid (ORS) / Hana Ševčíková
Department Director / tel: 224 182 366
fax: 224 182 491 /
Unification of the Czech International Development Cooperation (IDC)
MZV = Ministry of Foreign Affairs
MPO = Ministry of Industry and Trade
MSMT = Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
MZP = Ministry for the Environment
MZe = Ministry of Agriculture
MD = Ministry of Transport
MZd = Ministry of Health
MPSV = Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
MV = Ministry of the Interior
MF = Ministry of Finance
Stipendia = Scholarship
MZV = Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Výjimky = exceptions
Stipendia = scholarship
Implementation of International Development Cooperation (IDC)
The procedures concern the implementation of Czech Republic IDC projects in the field of transport, education, social development and health launched in the period beginning January 1, 2008 and projects in the field of industrial development, agriculture and the environment in the period beginning January 1, 2009.
At least by the end of 2010, the procedure does not apply to projects in the field of public finance management, projects in the field of migration and security projects – in the "Aid for Trade", transformation projects of cooperation, projects to support the development of education, awareness raising projects on the IDC, capacity building projects for NGOs, projects for regions and municipalities, triangular projects and local projects managed by embassies.
The possible change in the provision of these types of projects will be decided within the preparation of the new concept of international development cooperation the Czech Republic for the 2010-2015 period.
Government material "IDC in 2009 and Outlook for its Funding in 2010-2011"
The MFA has asked the Ministry of Finance to increase the budget so that the Czech Republic could meet by 2010 the 0.17 percent GNI pledge. For the time being, the MFA proceeds from amounts approved in last year’s Government Resolution No. 847/2007for 2008:
CZK 840 million for 2009
CZK 860 million for 2010
CZK 900 million are proposed for 2011
The 2010 budget will be divided as follows: the joint activities (scholarships, coordination, Czech Development Agency operation, NGOs support etc.) will be deduced from the overall budget and the remaining amount will be distributed in a standard way among individual sectors. The individual ministries will receive funds for ongoing projects, with new funds for new projects exclusively within the competence of the MFA.
There are also plans to reduce the number of sectors so as to have less sectors than ministries (e.g.agriculture and the environment will fall within one sector).