Direct Registration and Servicing of Vulnerable Youth (VY) and Vulnerable Youth Student VY(S) Job Aid
A youngpersonmaypresentdirectly to a Job Services Australia (JSA) provider withoutareferralfrom the Department of Human Services (Human Services) for employment assistance. A JSA provider canDirectlyRegister a youngpersonwheretheymeet the VulnerableYouth or VulnerableYouth (Student) eligibilitycriteria.
Instructions / NotesEligibility
A youngpersoncanDirectlyRegister if they are agedbetween 15 and 21 years inclusive, has a legal right to work in Australia
meets the followingVulnerableYouth (VY) criteria:
- not employed for more than 15 hrsaweek
- has at least one seriousNon-vocationalBarrier, and
- not in receipt of income support.
meets the Vulnerable Youth (Student) (VY(S)) criteria:
- isunable to bereferred to an alternative local youth service
- a full time student
- has at least one serious non-VocationalBarrier, and
- presents in crisis.
The JSA provider should continue to deliver appropriate servicing, while assisting the young person in obtaining identification.
The JSA provider needs to collect basic identity documentation for a VY or VY(S) as Human Services will confirm proof of identity during the future Income Support Payment and assessment process.
Search for an Existing Record on DEEWR’s IT System
Once VY or VY(S) eligibilityisconfirmed, the JSA provider shouldconduct a search for a job seeker registration record on DEEWR’s IT System.
Check if the job seekerisalreadyregisteredwith DEEWR using the Registration Search on the Registration screen:
- Select the ‘Job Seeker’ Tab from the system menu.
- Select the ‘Job SeekerSearch’, select the ‘Registration Search’tab.
The Potential Duplicate Search will allow you to alter some parameters to find the record that best matches the job seeker’s details. All fields must be completed for the duplicate search. JSA providers are advised to conduct both types of search to reduce the likelihood of a duplicate record being created.
Should the information available to the JSA provider indicate the returned record is not a true match, the JSA provider will need to contact the DEEWR Helpdesk on 1300 305 520 to create a new registration record for the job seeker.
Creating/Updating Job Seeker Record
If a job seeker record exists, the JSA provider should select the registration record and update the record accordingly.
- If the job seeker record is not current, the JSA provider shouldregister the job seekerusing the Re-registration functionality.
Link to Centrelink Record
On selecting the VY or VY(S) button on the Circumstances screen, DEEWR’s IT System will generate a list of questions specific to VY or VY(S) that the JSA provider must fill in to determine VY or VY(S) eligibility.
Tick the ‘POI’ field. Click ‘Submit’. If registration is successful, click ‘Link’. A message will come up if the Centrelink system has linked the DEEWR record to the Centrelink record correctly. Click ‘Refresh’. Linking is more reliable when a CRN or exact details are supplied.
DEEWR’s IT System will advise the JSA provider of the eligibility of the job seeker and subsequently apply a VY or VY(S) flag where appropriate. / If a job seeker record indicates that the young person has a Sensitive Client flag and there is a need to update personal information, they should be referred to Human Services.
Commencement and Servicing
The young person can now be immediately commenced in Stream 4 and crisis assistance should be provided if required.
The young person should be referred to Human Services on the day of their commencement, unless other interventions prevent this. All young people MUST be referred to Human Services for an assessment within 4 weeks of commencement in Stream 4.
JSA providers should be aware that referral of VY or VY(S) is a manual process and usually conducted by phone. Ongoing communication between the JSA provider and the local Human Services office is encouraged so that Human Services is informed about VY or VY(S) job seekers.
The JSA provider should contact Human Services and supply relevant information regarding the VY or VY(S) and advise them of the referral. Where possible, the JSA provider should accompany the young person to the Human Services Customer Service Centre.
The JSA provider must continue to deliver appropriate Stream 4 servicing while the assessment is being conducted by Human Services. / When commencing a young person as a VY or VY(S), the JSA provider has to:
- conduct an appointment
- create an EmploymentPathway Plan
- complete all requiredfields on DEEWR’s IT System, and
- providecrisis assistance, whererequired.
Crisis assistance is the priority, and could be provided in-house or by referral to specialist services such as counselling. The JSA provider can use Employment Pathway Funding to assist with providing specialist services.
Referring the young person to Human Services immediately will ensure that any required assessment for Income Support Payments is determined as soon as possible.
Where a vulnerable young person is referred to the JSA provider by Human Services, the young person should not need to be referred to Human Services for the assessment process.
Assessment Completed and Eligibility Determined
Once the assessment has been completed, the JSA provider will receive a notification on DEEWR’s IT System Noticeboard. If the young person is assessed as:
- eligible for Stream 4, then continue servicing in Stream 4
- eligible for Streams 1 to 3, (only for participants directlyregistered as VY), continue servicing in new eligiblestream
- eligible for DES, continue to deliver Stream 4 services until the job seekeriscommenced in DES, or
- not eligible for JSA, then the JSA provider should exit the youngpersonfrom the caseload.
- conduct a comprehensiveidentity check
- assess the youngperson’seligibility for Income Support Payments
- complete a Job Seeker Classification Instrument (JSCI)
- refer the youngperson for an Employment Services Assessment, if appropriate, and
- referyoungperson to a Social Worker or community services appropriate to theirneeds.
- book a ‘regular Contact’Appointment in the appropriate Stream
- explain the service thatwillbeprovided in that Stream, and
- provide all services thatshould have been required if the youngpersonhadcommenced in that Stream.
Suspensions and Exits
If eligibility has not been determined within 90 days, for:
- VY(S), the system willautomatically exit the youngpersonfrom the JSAprovider’scaseload, or
- VYwillbesuspendedpending the outcome of assessment.
- Stream 4, the JSA provider shouldmanually end date the suspension to resumeservicing.
- Streams 1 to 3, the JSA provider shouldmanually end date the suspension and commence the job seeker in the new Stream.
A young person registered as VY or VY(S) are Volunteers (Non-activity Tested) and can choose not to participate at any time during servicing and should be exited in accordance with the Exits Guidelines if required.
A young person registered as VY or VY(S) who is subsequently assessed by Human Services and granted Income Support Payments will be declassified as VY or may be declassified as a VY(S). Former VY may have Activity Test Requirements. / Where a young student registered as a VY(S) is automatically exited due to their eligibility not being determined within 90 days of commencement and returns to servicing within 13 weeks of exiting, the JSA provider needs to apply the No Stream Services Referral Required (NSSRR) flag to the young student’s record—to stop DEEWR’s IT System from exiting the young student again.
The young student should be referred to Human Services to confirm their Stream 4 eligibility. If Stream 4 eligibility is confirmed, the JSA provider should remove the NSSRR flag.
Direct Registration and Servicing of Vulnerable Youth (VY) and Vulnerable Youth Student VY(S) Job Aid
TRIM Id. D12/510392Effective Date: 01 Oct 2012