Draft County Roscommon

Heritage Plan 2004-2009

Prepared by County Roscommon Heritage Forum

The aim of the County Roscommon Heritage Plan is to create and promote an increased knowledge, awareness and appreciation of the natural, built and cultural heritage of County Roscommon, and to conserve it for future generations.

Roscommon County Council and County Roscommon Heritage Forum wish to acknowledge the role of the Heritage Council in initiating the County Roscommon Heritage Plan in association with Roscommon County Council.

In particular, the Forum acknowledges the support of the Heritage Council through its funding of the Heritage Officer post in association with Roscommon County Council.

For further information contact

Heritage Officer,

Roscommon County Council,

The Courthouse,


Telephone: 0903 37100/37135

Fax: 0903 37108


© County Roscommon Heritage Forum.

Table of Contents Page

Foreword 4

Introduction 5

Plan Preparation & Implementation Process – Flow Chart 7

Objectives and Actions 8

Statement of Strategy 16


Membership of County Roscommon Heritage Forum 18

Process of Formulating the Plan 19

Public Consultation Process 20

Relevant Heritage Legislation 22


Message from the Chairperson of the County Heritage Forum.

(to be added)

Message from the Cathaoirleach

(to be added)

Message from the County Manager

(to be added)


The aim of the County Roscommon Heritage Plan is to create and promote an increased knowledge, awareness and appreciation of the natural, built and cultural heritage of County Roscommon, and to conserve it for future generations.

The Heritage Act, 1995 defines heritage as including monuments, archaeological objects, heritage objects, architectural heritage, flora, fauna, wildlife habitats, landscapes, seascapes, wrecks, geology, inland waterways and heritage gardens and parks. The County Roscommon Heritage Forum also considers that folklore, industrial heritage and local history are important aspects of the county’s heritage.

County Roscommon has great diversity within its boundaries, for example, the Arigna Mountains, with their geological heritage and mining traditions; the River’s Suck and Shannon, with their navigational history and associated lakes and callows rich in wildlife; the traditions and settlements of Gaelic Ireland, such as the archaeological sites at Rathcroghan with their associated Royal traditions; the active raised bogs, unique in Europe; the wealth of architecture found around the county, from great mansions to thatched houses; and the grasslands, with their associated dry stone walls and hedgerows, which form the basis of the agricultural economy of the county.

These diverse features form the landscape of the county. They are the backdrop to local history, folklore and traditions, giving each place its identity, character and distinctiveness. They reflect the activities of the people of Roscommon down through history. Some aspects of the county’s heritage are considered regionally, nationally or even internationally important and are protected by legislation. Other aspects may be overlooked or under appreciated, dependant on increased awareness and pride. All aspects of heritage contribute to the quality of life of the people of the county; heritage also contributes to the economy of the county, particularly through the tourist industry.

However each era brings changes and each generation leaves its mark. The challenge facing us in the 21st Century is to manage change in a sustainable manner so as to balance the need for legitimate change with the need for reasonable conservation.

The importance of heritage has been recognised by the Government with the publication in 2002 of the National Heritage Plan and the National Biodiversity Plan. A key element of those Plans is a call for the preparation of local plans. It is in this context that the County Roscommon Heritage Plan has been prepared.

The County Roscommon Heritage Plan has been prepared by the County Roscommon Heritage Forum, an advisory group established by Roscommon County Council to provide advice on the preparation and implementation of the County Heritage Plan. The Heritage Forum is composed of representatives from local government, local development, state agencies, landowner representatives, community and voluntary sector and heritage groups. This is the first time that all these different interests have come together in this way to develop an action plan for heritage in the county.

The County Roscommon Heritage Plan has taken into account the County Development Board strategy document ‘Roscommon Common Vision’ which sets out actions for the economic, social and cultural development of the county.

The preparation process followed guidelines set out by the Heritage Council for the preparation of local Heritage Plans and included extensive public consultation. This has lead to the identification of actions for the County Heritage Plan to achieve. These have been grouped into broad objectives of:

·  Objective 1: To raise awareness of our heritage

To facilitate increasing awareness, understanding and enjoyment of Roscommon’s heritage.

·  Objective 2: To collect and disseminate heritage information

To facilitate the development of a comprehensive heritage database for the county, to make this information available to all, and to ensure effective use of data in policy formulation and decision-making.

·  Objective 3: To promote best practice in heritage conservation and management

To promote and advise on best practice standards for heritage conservation and management.

This is the first Plan of its kind for County Roscommon. It identifies our collective objectives, and the actions needed to achieve them. It provides a framework to enable us to measure our progress. It will require continued partnership to fulfil the actions. The County Roscommon Heritage Forum will oversee implementation of the Plan, which will be supported and co-ordinated by the Heritage Office of Roscommon County Council.

Abbreviations Used in This Plan

GSI Geological Survey of Ireland

DoEHLG Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Government.

DoMNR Department of Marine & Natural Resources

CRHAS County Roscommon Historical & Archaeological Society.

VEC Vocational Education Committee

NUIM National University of Ireland Maynooth.

SRFB Shannon Regional Fisheries Board

SPC Strategic Policy Committee

SAC Special Area of Conservation.

CDB County Development Board

Objective 1: To raise awareness of our heritage

To increase knowledge, awareness, understanding and enjoyment of Roscommon’s heritage.

Target /

Key Actions

/ Proposed
·  1.1 Facilitate the development of Heritage Trails. / ·  1.1.1 Devise a template for a town heritage trail.
·  1.1.2 Pilot 1 town trail.
·  1.1.3 Pilot promotion of areas for wildlife in towns.
·  1.1.4 facilitate the production of a countywide heritage trail. /

Community Fora.

Roscommon Tourism.
Tidy Towns Committee’s.
·  1.2 Liase with clubs and organisations in the county to share information. / ·  1.2.1 Identify relevant clubs and organisations interested in hosting and attending open events.
·  1.2.2 Facilitate promotion of open events, as Heritage Week events. / Community Fora.
·  1.3 Raise awareness and understanding of heritage through the education system. / ·  1.3.1 Audit heritage education systems within the county
·  1.3.2 Identify opportunities for improving heritage awareness in the education system.
·  1.3.3 Facilitate a schools heritage project, e.g. with transition year students.
·  1.3.4 Seek to organise courses such as the NUI Maynooth Local History Diploma Course in the county. /


National University of Ireland, Maynooth (NUIM).

Department of Agriculture,
Agricultural Consultants.
·  1.4 Increase awareness of County Roscommon’s heritage / ·  1.4.1 Liase with local papers on the possibility of establishing a co-ordinated Heritage Column in local papers
·  1.4.2 develop a ‘heritage’ logo for projects implemented under this plan.
·  1.4.3 Host 1 heritage exhibition around the county annually.
·  1.4.4 Raise public awareness about information gathered from archaeological research in the county.
·  1.4.5 Promote and provide information on owl boxes, bat boxes and the bird tables.
·  1.4.6 Publish 1 booklet annually, detailing one aspect of the heritage, including associated local stories.
·  1.4.7 Produce a series of heritage promotion publications, such as guides & maps on the county, each highlighting separate aspects of the county’s heritage e.g. archaeological sites, wells, birds, designated sites, writers, geology etc.
·  1.4.8 Seek to raise awareness of the music and dance traditions of Roscommon.
·  1.4.9 Investigate the possibility of re-publishing standard local history books & Weld’s Statistical Survey of Co. Roscommon.
·  1.4 10 Develop heritage training and structured input of heritage advice for Roscommon County Council. / Community Fora,
Roscommon Champion, Roscommon Herald,
Heritage Forum,
Arts Office,
Roscommon Tourism,
Comhaltas Ceoltori Eireann,
Roscommon Co.Co. DoEHLG,
Heritage Council.

Objective 2: To collect and disseminate heritage information

To facilitate the development of a comprehensive heritage database for the county, to make this information available to all.

Target /

Key Action

/ Proposed Partners
·  2.1 To facilitate a comprehensive database on the graveyards of the county. / ·  2.1.1 carry out an audit of graveyards in the county to identify location, status, ownership, burial records, inscriptions and produce accompanying maps of plots.
·  2.1.2 facilitate a seminar on the care and conservation of old graveyards for local communities and appropriate Local Authority Staff. / DoEHLG,
Roscommon County Council.
Co. Roscommon Heritage & Genealogy Centre.
·  2.2 to improve access and interpretation at heritage sites in the county. / ·  2.2.1 carry out an audit of heritage sites in the county, to identify those that have public access.
·  2.2.2 Identify and prioritise heritage sites, which require access, signposting and interpretation
·  2.2.3 Provide advice on heritage interpretation options & sourcing funding for information panels & signage.
·  2.2.4 Promote the existing Farmland Code of Conduct for access to the countryside. / Roscommon Co.Co.
Community Fora,
Farm Bodies.
·  2.3 To collect and disseminate information on the heritage of the county / ·  2.3.1 Compile and disseminate an inventory of existing research and studies on all aspects of heritage in the county.
·  2.3.2 Identify gaps in knowledge and facilitate research studies as required to gather baseline data on all aspects of heritage in the county.
·  2.3.3 prepare a county Biodiversity Action Plan.
·  2.3.4.Investigate the impacts of pleasure craft, speedboats and jet ski’s on the flora, fauna and habitats of the county’s waterways to identify any areas under threat.
·  2.3.5 Following the publication of the NIAH for county Roscommon, identify gaps in information and carry out a follow up inventory of structures, including their condition.
·  2.3.6 produce a publication on architectural heritage around the county to highlight buildings and everyday structures including schoolhouses, vernacular houses, iron gates etc.
·  2.3.7 Seek to utilise research students from universities where possible.
·  2.3.8 facilitate the collection and dissemination of folklore & oral history in the county through a co-ordinated network of collectors countywide.
·  2.3.9 provide an equipment bank for recording folklore & oral history.
·  2.3.10 Identify/Investigate crafts & Craftsperson’s still active in the county.
·  2.3.11 Support the publication of the lecture papers of the County Roscommon Historical & Archaeological Society.
·  2.3.12 Facilitate identification of prominent wells around the county and the traditions associated with them.
·  2.3.13 Agriculture & trades – facilitate gathering of information on trades in the county e.g. milling, forges, industry, turf cutting –meitheal, brick making etc. / Heritage Forum,
Library Service,
Geological Survey of Ireland,
Shannon Regional Fisheries Board,
Waterways Ireland,
Roscommon County Council,
·  2.4 To improve access to heritage information. / ·  2.4.1 Create a website for heritage in the county.
·  2.4.2 carry out an audit of existing websites relevant to heritage in County Roscommon.
·  2.4.3 seek a full time county Archivist, with support staff in the county. / Co. Heritage & Genealogical Centre,
Co. Library,
Roscommon County Council,
·  2.5 To compile, record and archive the history of towns, villages and other locations in the county. / ·  2.5.1 develop a database and process for compilation of existing historical information.
·  2.5.2 set up a working group to undertake pilot projects for the compilation of historical information.
·  2.5.3 Research historical information on the cultural impact of the river Shannon.
·  2.5.4 Seek to digitise information on local history, e.g. old school roll books from closed schools. / Community Fora, LEADER,
Active Age Groups, Heritage & Genealogy Centre,
Heritage Groups, Ireland West Tourism, Commissuin Logainmneachta,
·  2.6 To collect and disseminate information on placenames and to develop a policy on traditionally accepted, original and historical placenames. / ·  2.6.1 Establish a working group to develop and adopt a policy paper on place names in the county, work with neighbouring counties in developing the policy.
·  2.6.2 Establish a project to gather information on place & field names. / Community Fora, Glor na Gael, CRHAS,
Ireland West Tourism,
Commissuin Logainmneachta,
Oifigeach Gaeilge.

Objective 3: To promote best practice in heritage conservation and management.

To promote and advise on best practice standards for heritage conservation and management within the county.

Target /

Key Actions

/ Proposed Partners
·  3.1 To promote best practice heritage conservation and management. / ·  3.1.1 appoint a Conservation Officer.
·  3.1.2 Facilitate training courses on traditional buildings skills such as -Dry stone wall building, Maintenance of sash windows, use of Lime renders & mortars.
·  3.1.3 produce a Register of Skills in the county, to include traditional building skills and crafts.
·  3.1.4 facilitate a seminar on the care and conservation of traditional buildings.
·  3.1.5 Promote regeneration of food sources for wildlife such as the ‘Linnet’ winterfeed scheme and the Woodland Schemes.
·  3.1.6 Promote seed collection events
·  3.1.7 Investigate the possibility of establishing nurseries for growing collected seed on and making available for supply local provenance seedlings.
·  3.1.8 facilitate the prioritising and preparation of management plans for significant archaeological sites in the county.
·  3.1.9 establish a working group to prepare a conservation plan for the Rathcroghan Area, to include access to the sites and planning policy for this important landscape.
·  3.1.10 Support the preparation of an Indicative Forest Strategy for the county.
·  3.1.11 Support the preparation of a Landscape Character Assessment for the county.
·  3.1.12 Support the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the county.
·  3.1.13 Support the use of Heritage Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment on Development and Local Area Plans.
·  3.1.14 Seek to develop a structure to improve the response from Roscommon CoCo to referrals and consultations, such as from the Forest Service etc. / Roscommon County Council,
Heritage Council,
Conservation Volunteers Ireland.
Mote Park Conservation Group,
Landowner groups,
Community Fora,
Church Bodies,
The Forest Service.
·  3.2 To develop implement & evaluate a Hedgerow Conservation Policy for the County. / ·  3.2.1 Establish baseline data on the county’s Hedgerow Resource to incorporate flora, fauna and archaeological value.
·  3.2.2 Develop a hedgerow management plan for Co. Roscommon to cover management from seed to mature bush, traffic, safety, and road works.
·  3.2.3 Use data gathered to inform planning policy & standard planning conditions. / Roscommon County Council,

Utilities Companies,

Networks for Nature,
·  3.3 To promote awareness of the heritage value of dry stonewalls. / ·  3.3.1 Establish baseline data on the county’s dry stonewall resource to incorporate archaeological value, local style variation, and habitat value.
·  3.3.2 Identify areas of the county where dry stonewalls are important and devise a planning policy for their protection. / Roscommon County Council,
·  3.4 Access National Museum Artefacts and return to public display in Co. Roscommon where possible. / ·  3.4.1 initiate a programme of works to ensure that all local libraries and museums are equipped to receive and display local National Museum owned artefacts.
·  3.4.2 Liase with National Museum to investigate base line requirements for loan and display of artefacts.
·  3.4.3 Identify potential repositories for national museum artefacts and facilitate development to attain standard required to display National Museum Artefacts.
·  3.4.4 Cary out a feasibility study for the provision of a county museum service.
·  3.4.5 facilitate a ‘Running a Museum on a Shoestring’ course.
·  3.4.6 Identify and publicise locally Roscommon artefacts available in the National Museum. / King House,
Co. Library,
Heritage Council.
Strokestown Park House.
·  3.5 To build on existing knowledge and expertise in the county. / ·  3.5.1 establish a heritage network in the county.
·  3.5.2 Seek to build capacity among interested groups to take on heritage projects and gather heritage information. /

Community Fora,

Heritage Forum.

·  3.6 To facilitate best practice management of Local Authority property. / ·  3.6.1 carry out a heritage audit of Co.Co. property to identify heritage structures and sites.
·  3.6.2 establish an in-house advisory group to oversee their management and maintenance. /

Roscommon County Council,

Statement of Strategy

The County Roscommon Heritage Plan is a countywide plan with many partners responsible for implementing it. The County Roscommon Heritage Forum will oversee the implementation of the Heritage Plan. Roscommon County Council is a key partner and the Heritage Officer will in many cases act as co-ordinator for projects. The Heritage Forum will seek the participation of key partners in all the work it carries out.