- Invasive Procedures. Will invasive procedures be employed to collect tissue or body fluids from the live animals during this experimentation? (Any procedure that penetrates a body orifice, the skin, or a hollow visceral organ is invasive.) Answer YES only if animals survive after the collection.
NOTE: If tissue collection is done as a part of a terminal procedure or after euthanasia, answer NO.
☐No. Proceed to item 5. / ☐Yes. Characterize the procedures below and answer items 2-4.Tissue / fluid collected / Method of Collection / Amount or volume collected per sample / Age and Frequency of sampling / Maximum number of samples that will be collected
1 / ☐ For Genotyping / ☐Ear Punch (preferred)
☐ Tail Biopsy (may require anesthesia
☐ Toe Clipping
2 / ☐ Ascites
3 / ☐ Blood Collection
4 / ☐ Urine
5 / ☐ Feces
6 / ☐ Tissue
7 / ☐ Other. Describe below. Fill in each column.
If performing blood collection, bleeding of the animal must be controlled by using pressure. Also, silver nitrate is available through the Institute for Animal Studies, Ullmann 1005.
- Will tail biopsy samples be collected more than once?
☐No. / ☐Yes. If Yes, you must provide rationale in 2A.
(Please visit see: Policy # 2011-2 Tail Clipping Mice and Rats for Genotyping)
2A.Rationale:- Will samples for Genotyping be collected by more than one method?
☐No. / ☐Yes. If Yes, you must provide rationale in 3A.
3A. Rationale:
- Will these procedures be performed under anesthesia?
☐No. / ☐Yes. If Yes, complete table below and items 4A and 4B.
Procedure from item 1 above / Anesthetic Drug / Dose / Route of Administration
4A. Describe the method of restraint used to execute this task for all procedures where surgical planes of general anesthesia are not induced.
Respond below.4B. Will any procedure cause more than momentary pain or distress (anything more than a needle prick)? Will these procedures be performed under anesthesia?
☐ No. / ☐ Yes. If Yes, answer 4C.4C) If anesthesia will not be used, and the procedure will cause more than momentary pain or distress, provide a scientific justification for omission of anesthetics or pain-relieving agents?
Respond below.- Non Invasive Procedures. Will noninvasive procedures be employed to collect tissue or body fluid from the live animals (for example, metabolic cages for urine or feces collection)?
☐ No. / ☐ Yes. If Yes, complete 5A.
5A. Briefly describe the non-invasive procedure, the specimens, and how they will be collected below.
Respond below.[1]