College of Southern Nevada Course Syllabus

ALS 101: College Success

Section 2005

Tuesdays/Thursdays 4:30 to 5:50 Room S226

Instructor: Dr. Renée Gammill

Contact information: (for fastest response)

Text or call: 702.588.3769 (Use with respect!)

Course handouts are available at:

Canvas LMS:

Course Description (CSN Catalog): This course is designed to assist the student in obtaining skills and knowledge necessary to reach his/her educational objectives. Topics to be covered include memory development, time/priority management, test-taking, communication skills, study techniques, critical thinking, wellness management, understanding diversity, and career issues that face many college students. This course is recommended for all new students, returning students, and others who may benefit.

Course learning outcomes: After successfully completing ALS 101, students will be able to:

  1. Discuss how they are responsible for creating their own successful college experience,
  2. Practice positive behavioral changes,
  3. Locate and utilize campus and community resources,
  4. Identify and employ specific active learning strategies such as:
  5. Setting realistic and attainable goals
  6. Managing priorities effectively
  7. Reducing stress
  8. Discovering and using one’s dominant learning style to best advantage
  9. Reading texts with improved focus, comprehension, and retention
  10. Listening and comprehending lectures
  11. Taking effective, useful notes
  12. Improving memory and recall techniques
  13. Preparing for and taking tests successfully
  14. Presenting clear oral and written reports
  15. Improving creative and critical thinking skills
  16. Locate and utilize a variety of library and technical resources,
  17. Implement plans to effectively manage financial resources,
  18. Understand personal health and wellness issues,
  19. Recognize and understand the value and complexity of a diverse society,
  20. Develop stronger and healthier relationships, and
  21. Develop a personal, unique career development plan.

Required Textbook: Cornerstones for Community College Success by Sherfield and Moody ISBN-13:978-0-321-86059-0

Academic Integrity Policy: Students are expected to complete their own assigned work. Directly quoting, summarizing, or paraphrasing the ideas of others without specific identification of the sources, and handing in work that is not the student’s own all constitute plagiarism. Cheating and plagiarism carry serious consequences in the college environment. Students who show evidence of academic dishonesty will receive no credit for the assignment in question. CSN has adopted a college-wide Student Academic Integrity Policy which can be viewed here:

CSN Disability Resource Center: If a student has a documented disability that may require assistance, he or she should contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) as soon as possible on any CSN campus:

Cheyenne Campus 651-4045

W. Chas. Campus 651-5644

Henderson Campus 651-3086

Centers for Academic Success (CAS):Free one-on-one and drop-in tutoring is availablein the Communication Centers, Math Resource Centers, Science Resource Centers, Tutorial Learning Centers (one-on-one tutoring), and Writing Centers. Tutors are available in most subjects to provide learning support and help students improve academic motivation and performance, enhance self-esteem and confidence as an independent learner, and achieve educational goals. Visit detailed information about all CAS programs and centers including locations, hours and more.
Library:CSN Library Services offers extensive in-person and online resources to help you complete assignments, including research and citation workshops, online articles and books, and drop-in research assistance at the Reference Desk inside each campus library and online

Course Attendance/Participation Policy: Regular and prompt attendance is expected in ALS 101.

Attendance will be taken at each class meeting. Students are expected to attend all scheduled class meetings.

This course strongly emphasizes your active involvement. Therefore, a substantial portion of your grade is based on attendance and participation. Come to class prepared, get involved in discussions, and make the most of your learning experience. Each person in the class is an educational resource and can contribute important insights. A key requirement of this course is to be prepared, participate, and complete all assigned work BEFORE the due date, including reading assigned chapters and materials, participating in field experiences and submitting assignments. This course will also include a series of in-class and web-based activities. You will be graded on successful completion of all activities and assignments.

After an absence, it is YOUR responsibility to partner with a classmate to obtain notes and other missed information. I will not provide make-up lectures, information, or explanations made necessary by your absence from scheduled classes.

Course Assignments and Evaluation Methods:

Attendance and Participation (50%)

The activities listed below will be included in your attendance and participation grade. All items are weighted equally, and are worth up to 100 points each.

Class discussions/in-class activities: All students are required to participate in class discussions and in-class activities.

Additional Activities: You will be expected to complete various quizzes, assignments, questionnaires and inventories designed to help you discover your academic strengths and weaknesses, learning styles, and career aptitudes. You may also be required to participate in additional in-class activities and field experiences.

CSN Services Presentation (25%) Each student will collect information about a student organization or department, [Counseling and Advising, Student Financial Services and Academic Scholarships, Office of Student Retention, Student Tutorial Services, Library Services, e-Learning, CSN Online Campus, Disability Services, Online Textbook Options (rentals, e-texts, online book retailers, etc.)], and present findings to the class using a class handout and PowerPoint® presentation software. In order to collect information, each student will interview a member of the organization or visit the center being researched. Pictures and informational brochures and documents should be included as part of the presentation. The electronic presentation and class handout must be submitted in hard copy format at the beginning of class on the date the presentation is made. To engage the audience, include an activity to direct their focus. Please be creative and original in selecting your activity. (Examples: For financial aid, a student brought chocolate coins to share. For stress management, a student engaged the audience by providing a stress-relief activity. For Psych Services, a student had the audience analyze Rorschach Ink Blots.) For each member of the class, you will be expected to provide a handout which summarizes the content of the presentation. On the day of your presentation you are to bring a printed copy of the CSN Services Presentation Evaluation form.

Students who are presenting must present at the BEGINNING of class on the due date. Students are expected to be in class on time on the day they will present. Presentations that are not ready when a student is called on to present will be subject to a 25-point penalty.

Career Portfolio and Presentation (25%) The career portfolio should be organized in hard copy format in a report cover to research related to three possible careers, including education requirements, working conditions, and salary. You may use the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( as a resource for career information. You will also record your observations about each potential career choice, and then select one career in which you are interested. After choosing the career, you will use Internet resources to locate a job in the field and then prepare a cover letter, resume, and follow-up letter to be used to apply for the job. The ad, the cover letter, resume, and follow-up letter will be included in the portfolio. For the portfolio, you will also prepare and include a list of five questions and answers commonly asked in an interview. You will also include a list of questions that a job applicant might ask an interviewer. The portfolio must include a title page in APA format, a table of contents, and dividers with labeled tabs. The essay portion of the portfolio will include information about THREE jobs in your career field. For the portfolio presentation, you will present an overview of the ONE job that is best suited for you. The presentation should include five slides: Title, Education, Salary, Working Conditions, and Discussion—Why did you choose this career? How is this career suited to your skills, abilities and interests? In your portfolio, the first item included should be a printed copy of the Career Portfolio Evaluation form.

Career portfolios are due at the BEGINNING of class on the due date. Portfolios submitted after class begins will be subject to a 25-point penalty. Students are expected to be on time and to remain in class until all presentations are completed, subject to a 25-point penalty. Portfolios will not be accepted via email. If a student will not be in class on the date the portfolio is due, he or she should make arrangements with the professor to submit the portfolio in class prior to the due date. Otherwise, the 25-point penalty will apply.

Class decorum: College students are expected to come to class prepared with all necessary materials including their textbook and be prepared to constructively and respectfully participate in class discussions and activities. Disruptive devices such as cell phones should be turned to “silent” mode during class meetings. Students should not bring children or other guests to class with them. The instructor reserves the right to dismiss a student who is sleeping, disruptive, listening to music (even with earbuds), using a cell phone or otherwise a detriment to the learning environment. In the rare instance a student is asked to leave the classroom, he or she will receive no attendance points for that class period.

Students’ Rights and Responsibilities: Information about CSN Student policies can be found in the current catalog and online via the college’s website.

Final Grade Calculation:

Letter / Point Range
A / 90-100
B / 80-89
C / 70-79
D / 60-69
F / 0-59

Policy on Late Work/Makeup Work:

All papers, assignments, and quizzes are to be submitted in hard copy format and are due at the beginning of class on the date listed in the syllabus or as indicated by the instructor; all times are given in Pacific Time. Please review the schedule carefully and mark due dates on your calendar. DO NOT wait until the last minute to complete assignments. All assignments must include a cover page in APA style. (

Late assignments will be accepted up to one week after the due date and are subject to a 25-point penalty.

Course Schedule:

Class meeting/Date / Topic / Readings
Assigned readings should be completed prior to coming to class on the day they are assigned. / Assignments/Quizzes
All assignments are due at the BEGINNING of the class period on the specified due date.
Tues / About ALS 101 (Syllabus review)
Day One Questionnaire
Small group introductions
Adjusting to college culture
CSN Services:
Disability Resource Center
Student Tutorial Services/Honors Program
Computer Lab Resources
CSN Daycare
Counseling and Advising Services
e-learning/CSN Online Campus
Student Financial Services/FAFSA/Learning& Earning Program
CSN Bookstore
CSN Writing Center
Academic Calendar/Catalog
Psychological Services
Jump Start
Technology Services
International Student Services
Career Services Center/Transcript Services/Transfer Services / Syllabus
Discuss textbook purchase options:
rentals, e-texts, online booksellers.
Textbooks also on reserve in the library.
Connect on Facebook! / Canvas Overview
Each student will choose one of the CSN services and sign the presentation schedule.
Thurs / Adjusting to college culture / Cornerstone, Chapter , pp. 1-29
Discuss p. 68-72, Academic Integrity/Student Services/GPA
Calculating your GPA, pp. 71-2
Review information about CSN:
About the college:
Student life:
Clubs and organizations:
Academic calendar: / Bring a printed copy of the course syllabus to class.
Bring a printed copy of the CSN Services Presentation Checklist.
Tues / Developing motivation / Cornerstone, Chapter 2, pp. 30-50
Student topic presentations
Discuss personal mission statements using Internet resources and Chapter 2, p. 45. / Syllabus Quiz
Be prepared to make a two-minute presentation on a topic of your choice from the assigned reading for Chapter 2. Be prepared to explain how you will apply this information to your life.
Review examples of personal mission statements:
Choose an example of a personal mission statement that appeals to you.
Review tips for writing personal mission/guiding statements:
Develop a personal mission statement. Use the information on p. 45 under the heading Point 8 to prepare your statement.
Answer questions on p. 49.
Be prepared to present your mission statement to the class.
Thurs / Developing motivation / Cornerstone, Chapter 2, pp. 30-50 / “Me in a Box” presentation
Be prepared to make a two-minute presentation on a topic of your choice from the assigned reading for Chapter 2. Be prepared to explain how you will apply this information to your life.
Tues / Staying in college / Guest Speaker: Shellie Keller, Advisor/Success Coach, Retention Services Email:
Cornerstone, Chapter 3, pp. 51-79
Student topic presentations
Explain guidelines for CSN services presentations.
Student will choose presentation topics. / Be prepared to make a two-minute presentation on a topic of your choice from the assigned reading. Be prepared to explain how you will apply this information to your life.
Bring a printed copy of the CSN Services Presentation Evaluation to class.
Thurs / Library Tour / Meet in the classroom, we will go to the library together.
Library Tour
Jack Sawyer, Librarian
Office 2100G (C2A)

Tues / Improving communication and conflict resolution skills / Cornerstone, Chapter 12, pp. 285-308
Discuss pp. 298-307
Student topic presentations
CSN Services Presentation / Canvas assignment: Participate in the Library Tour discussion.
Be prepared to make a two-minute presentation on a topic of your choice from the assigned reading. Be prepared to explain how you will apply this information to your life.
Bring to class:
Completed Conflict Management Assessment, p. 302.
Think about conflicts in which you have been involved that could have been avoided. Examples?
Be prepared to discuss appropriate ways for diffusing conflict.
Thurs / Improving communication and conflict resolution skills / Cornerstone, Chapter 12, pp. 285-308
Student topic presentations
CSN Services Presentation
Write solutions for conflict resolution scenarios. / Be prepared to make a two-minute presentation on a topic of your choice from the assigned reading. Be prepared to explain how you will apply this information to your life.