Instructor: Mr. James Huang
Web Page:
Office Hours: Monday & Thursday: 6:45 – 7:15, 15:30 – 16:00
Wednesday: 6:45 – 7:15 (Library)
Friday: 6:45 – 7:15
Course Description
Course Description:This class is the one full year of beginning Algebra. Algebra is the study of a branch of mathematics that includes the use of variables to represent rules about numbers, operations, relationships between numbers as well as a unique way to problem solve. This class will begin looking at Geometric shapes in algebraic terms and solving for unknown angles and measurements as an introduction to next year’s Geometry math course. Course standards can be found at
The following materials will be used in class on a regular basis:
· Three – ring binder (2 or 3 inch is best)
· Graphing Calculator - TI-Nspire (non CAS) is recommended
· Loose leaf paper
· Graphing paper (Preferably hole-punched to fit a three-ring binder.)
· Pencils and erasers
· 1 folder to keep tests and quizzes
School and Classroom Policies
1.) Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices
The use of cellular phones, earphones, iPods, tablets, or any similar electronic device without prior permission is prohibited in class. All devices must be turned off and out of sight during class time. Trying to charge your phone is prohibited. If they are used, visible, ring and/or vibrate during class time, they will be confiscated and given to Mrs. Buchanan in the front office. Only your parent/guardian will be authorized to redeem your electronic device from the office. I am authorized to confiscate your electronic device.
To maintain a secure testing environment, all students will be required to forfeit their cell phone to a designated area in the classroom prior to all assessments. This expectation mimics the regulations enforced by all state-and national regulated standardized tests that students will take throughout their high school career. In case of an emergency during the testing time, parents and/or guardians may contact the front office to reach their student.
2.) Absences
If you are absent, you are responsible for catching up. You are responsible for copying missed notes. Assignments missed are due the day you return. If you are absent on the day an assignment is given, you have one day for every day that you are absent to make up the work. Please write “ABSENT” on top of your assignments or you will not be given full credit. If you are absent the day before an assessment, you will take the assessment the same day as everyone else. If you are absent the day of an assessment, you have one week to make-up the missed exam or quiz. You are responsible for making up the missed assessment. All assignments are posted online. There is no excuse for missing work.
3.) Tardy
Students must be in their assigned seatswhen the tardy bell ringsor theywill be considered tardy.All tardies will be assigned to after school detention per school policy.Three (3) or more tardies will result in a referral to administration and assignment to Saturday school. Saturday school is held on the first (1st) and third (3rd) Saturday of the month.
4.) Restroom
Because our class time is short and valuable, you need to go to the restroom between classes. Do not ask to go to the restroom during classroom instruction/discussion, or during the first and last ten (10) minutes of class. There are certain emergencies that may come up, but otherwise, you must deal with it before or after class.
5.) Gum, Food, Drinks, and Candy
Food is not permitted in the classroom. You may have water. If you bring a beverage other than water, it will be thrown away. If I catch you sticking gum under a desk, you will come in during lunch and clean the bottom of EVERY desk in the classroom.
6.) Assignments
Unless otherwise specified, all assignments are due the day after they are assigned. All homework will be placed in your binder. Homework is a valuable tool to be used when studying and reviewing. Keep it neat, complete, and thorough. No credit will be given for assignments lacking work. Incomplete or late homework assignments will not be accepted.
7.) Late Work
Late work will not be accepted unless you are absent on the day that it is collected.
8.) Tests and Quizzes
Tests will always be announced beforehand. They will be over material that has been studied both in class and through homework assignments. It is up to you to make sure you study all material. Quizzes may be announced or may be a “pop-quiz”. Some quizzes will be open note. If a test or quiz is completed in any color besides blue, black, or pencil, it will be marked as a zero.
9.) Test/Quiz Retakes
There are no retakes or corrections accepted, however you will have the opportunity to replace your lowest test score with your midterm test grade.
10.) Cheating
Cheating/copying of any sort will not be tolerated and will result in a zero (0) for that assignment/assessment. Students will not be allowed to make up that assignment/assessment. A referral will be received for cheating. A student contract will also be written.
11.) Math Tutoring and Homework Help
If students are struggling with a homework assignment, concept, or have questions regarding the course, I am often available after school. If you are planning on coming in after school please make sure to let me know ahead of time as I frequently have meetings and other commitments. Tutoring is available in the Tutoring Lab located in the media center Monday - Friday before school (6:45 - 7:15 am) and after school (2:10-4:10 pm Mon - Thurs).
12.) General Information
You are not to touch any my belongings (both on and off my desk)or anyone else’s without permission. You are not to mess with the thermostat, Smart board, projector, computer, or any other equipment without permission.. When going to the computer lab, library, assemblies, etc. as a class, you are to walk quietly and orderly.
Parents can access their student’s grades and assignments by going to the school’s website and clicking on ParentVue/StudentVue on the quick links bar (right side of the page).Teachers may include digital documents, classroom assignments, points and percentages, and individual feedback and comments. Students’ information is only accessible by using an individualized password assigned by the school. Parents may contact office personnel/counselor for their child’s password at 480-279-8000.
a. Synergy will be updated weekly. It is the sole responsibility of each student to stay up to date.
b. A dash in Synergy means the assignment has not been graded or not factored into the grade book. A zero for an assignment means that the assignment was not turned in.
c. Any discrepancies should be brought to our attention as soon as possible.
The grading policy for the class is as follows:Tests: / 35%
Quizzes: / 25%
Quarterly Assessments, Midterm & Final: / 20%
Homework/Classwork/Notebook / 20%
/ The grading scale is as follows:
90% - 100% / = / A
80% - 89% / = / B
70% - 79% / = / C
60% - 69% / = / D
Below 60 % / = / F
All individuals have a right to an educational environment free from bias, prejudice and bigotry. As members of the Williams Field High School educational community, students are expected to refrain from participating in acts of harassment that are designed to demean another student’s race, gender, ethnicity, religious preference, disability or sexual orientation.
Students are expected to know and comply with ALL Williams Field High School regulations as printed in the student handbook, as these rules, polices, and procedures will be followed in class. Students are also asked to:
Be Respectful
· Teachers have the right to teach. Students have the right to learn. No one has the right to interfere.
· I expect students to be quietly and actively listening, taking notes, or asking questions whenever I am explaining new material or reviewing homework, as well as when classmates are presenting material.
· Use only language that builds others up, not tears them down. Students have a right to be in classroom where they feel safe to voice their opinions and questions without the risk of verbal humiliation from their peers.
· Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. In order to have a safe and orderly classroom, students need to know that they are protected from being hit, kicked, or their property being taken or destroyed.
Be Prepared
· Come to class ready to learn.
· Bring all materials necessary for your success in class.
· Never settle for anything less than your best.
· Strive to learn something new each day.
All of your teachers believe that you are able to make good choices and can be trusted to follow the rules and guidelines set up by the school. It is your responsibility to show good character and follow the expectation and procedures listed in this handout. Understand that actions have consequences. You are responsible for your actions and your actions have consequences; good AND bad. Think before you act! Some of the positive consequences you will receive for following procedures and expectations are: Verbal praise, positive phone calls home, etc. Listed below are the negative consequences should you CHOOSE to break a rule or CHOOSE to be disrespectful:
1st Offense: / Verbal reminder of the class rule.2nd Offense: / The student will write a Student Contract with a parent signature that will be kept on file for the rest of the year.
3rd Offense: / Office referral
More severe offenses such as fighting, stealing, or other safety issues will be referred to the school administration.
Note to parents: 5 ways to help your student be successful in math
1. Never say that your student is weak in math. Focus on what your student is capable of doing in math and continue to motive your student. It is very helpful to find ways to provide transportation for your student to or from tutoring.
2. Be involved in your student’s learning. Question them daily on what they learned in class.
3. Check your student’s math notebook frequently. Check for completion of homework/assignment.
4. Check my teacher page & class calendar to stay current with lessons.
5. When in doubt “Google” the lesson. YouTube is a great resource.
* Mr. Huang reserves the right to modify any and all portions of the syllabus to improve the instructional and learning processes throughout the year. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will be notified if modifications are made.*
**Keep this syllabus in your notebook for future reference.
Please verify that you have read and understand this syllabus by signing and returning this syllabus.
Class: ______Period: ______
Parent Signature
Student Signature