English Result Intermediate Topic Wordlists

The people in your life your language

acquaintance ______
aunt ______
best friend ______
boss ______
(brother)-in-law ______
colleague ______
cousin ______
ex-(boyfriend) ______
flatmate ______
neighbour ______
nephew ______
niece ______
parents ______
step-(father) ______
uncle ______
widow ______
widower ______





Greetings your language
bow ______
hug (each other) ______
kiss (each other on the cheeks) ______

kiss (each other on the lips) ______

put your hand on the other person’s shoulder ______

shake hands (with each other) ______

wave (to each other) ______






Position your language

at the back (of the room) ______

at the front (of …) ______

behind (the girl) ______

in front (of the girl) ______

in the middle (of …) ______

on the left (of …) ______

on the right (of …) ______

to the left (of …) ______

to the right (of …) ______






Misunderstandings your language

I don’t understand ______

I meant … ______

I thought you said … ______

Oh, I see! ______

Pardon? ______

Sorry, I misunderstood ______






People and places your language

age ______

continent ______

country ______

environment ______

ethnic background ______

gender ______

nationality ______

region ______

religion ______

tradition ______

tourist attraction ______






Time expressions your language

a bit later ______

a couple of years ago ______

after ______

at first ______

before ______

during the first week ______

finally ______

first time ______

for a moment ______

for a while ______

in the end ______

in the evening ______

next time ______

the second week ______

when I returned ______

then ______






School words your language

assembly ______

canteen ______

playground ______






Achievement words your language

achieve ______

achievement ______

fail ______

give up ______

keep doing (something) ______

manage to ______

pass ______

succeed ______

success ______

successful ______






Hospitality phrases your language

Don’t worry about … ______

Help yourself to … ______

I’ll (take your coat) if you like ______

Do you need anything? ______

Is everything all right? ______

Just leave your bag (on the sofa) ______

Shall I …? ______

Why don’t you …? ______

Would you like me to …? ______






Types of film your language

action film ______

comedy ______

drama ______

fantasy film ______

musical ______

romance ______

science fiction ______






Politics your language

capital ______

conservative ______

democracy ______

election ______

head of state ______

national ______

political ______

the president ______

represent ______

republic ______

socialist ______

United Nations ______






Permission words your language

allow ______

forbid ______

permit ______

prohibit ______






War words your language

army ______

battle ______

confess ______

enemy ______

evil ______

protect ______

rebel (vb) ______

rebel (n) ______






Extreme adjectives your language

amazing ______

awful ______

brilliant ______

dreadful ______

enormous ______

exhausted ______

fantastic ______

furious ______

terrible ______

terrified ______

wonderful ______






Behaviour your language

bully ______

friendly ______

helpful ______

kind ______

naughty ______

noisy ______

nosy ______

polite ______

rough ______

rude ______

swear ______

well-behaved ______






Character your language

active ______

aggressive ______

ambitious ______

artistic ______

confident ______

generous ______

imaginative ______

kind ______

lively ______

nervous ______

serious ______

shy ______

unfriendly ______

well-known ______

well-mannered ______






Looks your language
(bushy) eyebrows ______

clean-shaven ______

curly (hair) ______

fashion-conscious ______
fringe ______
ginger (hair) ______

good-looking ______

high forehead ______

loose-fitting ______

moustache ______

old-fashioned ______

round face ______

shoulder-length (hair) ______

straight (hair) ______

wavy (hair) ______

well-dressed ______






Age your language
around forty ______

in her teens ______

in his late twenties ______

in his mid thirties ______

in his seventies ______






Phone expressions your language
break down ______

call by ______

cut (me) off ______

get away from ______

(I can’t) get through ______

hand (somebody) over to somebody ______

hang on hang up Hello, can you put me through to … ______

ring (me) back ______






Reporting verbs your language

agree (to) ______

advise (somebody to) ______

invite (somebody to) ______

offer (to) ______

refuse (to) ______

promise (to) ______

warn (somebody to) ______






Weather your language

blowing ______

boiling ______

cloud ______

floods ______

freezing ______

gales ______

heat ______

wave ______

lightning ______

mild ______

pouring ______

shining ______

showers ______

snowing ______

soaking ______

stormy ______

windy ______






Direction of movement your language

along backwards downhill downwards forwards inside outside towards you uphill upwards ______






Packaging your language

bag ______

bottle ______

box ______

can ______

carton ______

jar ______

lid ______

packet ______

pot ______

tin ______

tub ______







Shopping your language

available ______

bargain ______

deliver ______

replace ______

sale ______

upgrade ______







Accommodation adjectives your language

comfortable ______

delicious ______

delightful ______

efficient ______

elegant ______

friendly ______

magnificent ______







Health your language

emergency ______

first aid kit ______

injection ______

insect repellent ______

local foods ______

medical insurance ______

mosquito net ______

pill ______

sun block ______

tap water ______

vaccination (certificates) ______






Travel problems your language

get lost ______

get stopped for speeding ______

get stuck ______

(have a) flat tyre ______

(have a) breakdown ______

(have an) accident ______

lose your wallet ______

lose your way ______

lose your ticket ______

miss your plane ______

miss your stop ______

miss your turning ______

run out of petrol ______

run out of money ______




