I Timothy

  1. 1: 3 Where was Timothy to remain?
  1. Ephesus
  2. Rome
  3. Athens
  1. 1: 9 Who is the law not made for?
  1. The Gentiles
  2. A righteous person
  3. The lost
  1. 1: 13 Why did Paul obtain mercy for formerly being a blasphemer, a persecutor and an insolent man?
  1. Because of God’s grace
  2. Because he repented of his old ways
  3. Because he did it ignorantly in unbelief
  1. 1: 15 Paul said that he was the chief of what?
  1. The apostles
  2. The tribe of Benjamin
  3. Sinners
  1. 2: 2 What kind of life should we lead?
  1. A Christian life
  2. A simple life
  3. A quiet and peaceable life
  1. 2: 8 Where should the men pray?
  1. Everywhere
  2. In the temple
  3. At the dinner table
  1. 2: 9 With what should women adorn themselves?
  1. Braided hair
  2. Modest apparel
  3. Costly clothing
  1. 2: 15 How will the woman be saved?
  1. In childbearing
  2. By her husband
  3. By superman
  1. 3: 1 If a man desires the position of a bishop, he:
  1. Has to live a Godly life
  2. Desires a good work
  3. Must be sober minded
  1. 3: 12 Deacons must be the husband of how many wives?
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. He must remain unmarried
  1. 3: 14 When did Paul hope to come to Timothy?
  1. Before winter
  2. After the new year
  3. Shortly
  1. 3: 15 What is the pillar and ground of the truth?
  1. The word of God
  2. The church of the living God
  3. The gospel
  1. 4: 1 Who expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith?
  1. Timothy
  2. The Spirit
  3. Satan
  1. 4: 7 What was Timothy to reject?
  1. Practical jokers
  2. Vain worship
  3. Profane and old wives’ fables
  1. 4: 12 Let no one despise:
  1. Your youth
  2. Your grandmother Lois
  3. Your mother Eunice
  1. 4: 14 What was Timothy not to neglect?
  1. The gift that was in him
  2. The elderly
  3. The needy children
  1. 5: 1 Who was Timothy not to rebuke?
  1. Unruly children
  2. An older man
  3. A younger woman
  1. 5: 8 If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied what?
  1. God’s grace
  2. His own family
  3. The faith
  1. 5: 9 A widow under what age is not to be taken into the number?
  1. 40
  2. 60
  3. 80
  1. 5: 17 Who was to be counted worthy of double honor?
  1. A faithful minister
  2. A deacon who serves well
  3. The elders who rule well
  1. 5: 20 Where was Timothy to rebuke those who are sinning?
  1. In private
  2. In the presence of all
  3. He was not to rebuke those who are sinning
  1. 6: 6 Godliness with contentment is:
  1. Great gain
  2. What we should strive for
  3. Worth more than silver and gold
  1. 6: 9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in what?
  1. Holy water
  2. Destruction and perdition
  3. The lake of fire
  1. 6: 13 Christ Jesus witnessed the good confession before whom?
  1. Pontius Pilate
  2. John The Baptist
  3. Julius Caesar
  1. 6: 20 Profane and idle babblings and contradictions are falsely called what?
  1. Understanding
  2. Wisdom
  3. Knowledge