Lady Q’s JO Volleyball Tournament
Saturday May 9, 2009
Southwest Star Concept High School, Okabena, MN
Doors will open at 7:30
Pool 1 play will begin at 8:00 am, Pool 2 9:00 am
Pool 1 (North Court) Pool 2 (South Court)
A: Southern Lights A: Prairie Fire White
B: Prairie Fire Red B: S.F. East 13’s
C: Prairie Fire Black C: JCC Jr’s Silver
D. SDVC 14’s Yellow
Pool 1 Play Officiating Pool 2 Play Officiating
A – B D A – B C
C – D A C – B A
D – A B A – C B
C – B A
A - C D
B - D C
Pool 1 Play will consist of 2 games, each to 21, win by 2, with a cap at 23. Pool 2 Play will consist of 3 games, each to 21, win by 2, with a cap at 23, a third game if needed to 15, win by 2, cap at 17. Warm-ups will be 4-4-2 for the first match for each team, and 2-2-1 thereafter. Should Pool 2 finish pool play before Pool 1, Pool 1 will then begin pool play on the South Court with the top two teams of Pool 2 officiating, site director will coordinate this. Bring your own balls for warm-up. The top two teams from each pool will advance to Tournment Play. Tournament play will consist of two games to 25, win by 2, with a cap at 30. A third game to 15 will be played if needed with a cap at 21, win by 2. There will be a short coaches meeting at 8:45. When officiating, the coach must be the up ref. Please see the site director before leaving for the day to ensure all officiating duties are completed.
Concessions will be available throughout the day. Please keep all volleyballs in the gym, and stay off the top of non-retracted bleachers. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 507-840-1081 or email me at . Thanks and hope you have a great day of volleyball!