CHEM 480 Industrial Internship

Spring 2010

Instructor: Ms. Cindy LambertyOffice: Pel 202

Phone: 985.448.4167e-mail:

Office Hours: 9:45-12:00 MW, 1:00-3:30 TTH and by appointment

Catalog Description: CHEM 480. Industrial Internship. 3-0-6 Chemistry major and permission of departmental committee. Practical work in an industrial setting under the joint guidance of a practicing chemist and Nicholls faculty member. (40.0599)

Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing, completion of CHEM 300/302

Required Texts and Other Materials: No texts are required unless by supervisor. Approved safety goggles are required for each student. Other safety attire may be required for some settings.

Objective: Student will learn to work independently, responsibly, and efficiently to solve problems occurring in an industrial plant setting. The student will demonstrate clear oral and written communication skills.

Student Outcome Objectives

  1. The student will demonstrate an ability to find and use applicable procedures and chemical methods.
  2. The student will demonstrate an ability to connect technical information and laboratory results and to prepare technically sound progress reports.
  3. The student will interpret laboratory results and their application to industrial processes.
  4. The student will apply textbook knowledge to real-world problems.
  5. The student will demonstrate an ability to work within a group setting and facilitate on-going progress of an industrial site.

Attendance: Regular attendance is expected and demanded of the student. The content of the course is based on a laboratory setting; there is no adequate substitution for this experience. Work cannot be made up at a later date.

Assessment: The student grade will be based upon the following criteria:

Attendance: More than 2 unexcused absences will result in lowering of one letter grade.

Evaluation: 100 points

The immediate supervisor will submit a completed written evaluation of the student and a score based on a total of 100 points.

Written Communication: 100 points

Progress reports, submitted once per month will be graded based upon successful completion of student objectives. Each objective is given equal weight toward grade.

Oral Communication: 100 points

The student will give an oral presentation either at a professional chemical meeting or on the last day of classes. Faculty in attendance will grade the oral presentation using criteria of Chem 450 Seminar.

TOTAL POINTS300 points

The grading scale used in this class will be a standard 10 point scale.

Academic Honesty Policy: Any student found cheating, including plagiarism, will be subject to the penalties as stated in the Student Code of Conduct handbook; including but not limited to a score of zero on exam, review or report, expulsion from the class or expulsion from the University.

Semester Withdrawals : The last day to withdraw from the class with a “W” is 31 March 2010

Academic Disabilities Policy: If you have a documented disability that requires assistance, you will need to register with the Office of Disability Services for coordination of your academic accommodations. The Office of Disability Services is located in Peltier Hall, Room 100-A. The phone number is (985) 448-4430 (TDD 449-7002).

Academic Grievances. The proper procedure for filing grade appeals or grievances related to academic matters is listed in Section 5 of the Code of Student Conduct and at he following link: .

Continued Learning following an Extreme Emergency:

In order to make continued learning possible following an extreme emergency, students are responsible for:

  • reading regular emergency notifications on the NSU website;
  • knowing their Blackboard (or designated system) student login and password;
  • knowing how to use and access Blackboard (or university designated electronic delivery system);
  • being familiar with emergency guidelines;
  • evacuating textbooks and other course materials;
  • contacting faculty regarding their intentions for completing the course.

Faculty are responsible for:

  • their development in the use of the Blackboard (or designated) software;
  • having a plan for continuing their courses using only Blackboard and email;
  • continuing their course in whatever way suits the completion of the course best, and being creative in the continuation of these courses;
  • making adjustments or compensations to a student's progress in special programs with labs, clinical sequences or the like only in the immediate semester following the emergency.

Class Disruptions: The use of cellular phones, pagers or any other electronic personal devices is prohibited in class. Any infractions will result in dismissal from class and zero for the experiment.

Nicholls State University Department of Physical Sciences

Evaluation of ______(Nicholls Student)Date______

To be completed by immediate supervisor

Please rank the individual on the following criteria / 5 = excellent 4 = very good 3 = average 2 = fair 1 = poor
1. / The student is on time for work. / 54321not applicable
2. / The student is attentive to instructions. / 54321not applicable
3. / The student is knowledgeable about the tasks to be completed. / 54321not applicable
4. / The student demonstrates a willingness to work. / 54321not applicable
5. / The student works well with others in the laboratory. / 54321not applicable
6. / The student completes tasks on own. / 54321not applicable
7. / The student has well developed communication skills. / 54321not applicable
8. / The student follows safety mandates. / 54321not applicable
9. / The student applies chemistry skills to the project. / 54321not applicable
10. / The student takes the initiative on aspects of the project. / 54321not applicable

Please include any comments you feel are relevant.



Immediate Supervisor

Please return to Cindy Lamberty, PO Box 2022 NSU, Thibodaux, LA 70310