State Special Plans
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Plan Review Guide

Plan Type: / Special Plan Special Sub-Plan Associated
Review Date: / Day Date Month YYYY
Reviewed By: / Name and contact details (position, email and office phone)

This Review Guide is in two parts and is deigned to support coordinated arrangements by identifying agreed, important common points to check in plans. These are not intended to be exhaustive (others can be added).

Review of the Arrangements

Row / Checkpoints: / Comments /
Section 2 Governance and Management
1  / Roles and responsibilities are included and are recorded accurately for:
·  SEMC Advisory Agency
·  Management Authorities
·  Support Agencies
Section 3 Emergency Management Arrangements
3.1 Prevention and Mitigation
2  / Prevention and mitigation arrangements are clearly linked to the risk context for the hazard/function.
3  / Appropriate reference to other relevant areas: eg protective security, business continuity management, design specifications, regulatory frameworks etc
3.2 Preparedness
4  / Stakeholder management and engagement arrangements eg committees are recognised within the current, State consultation framework?
5  / Arrangements for having resources/supplies available for emergencies is addressed (capacity and capability)
6  / Training arrangements for emergency management workers (workers, supervisors and senior managers) is included
7  / Community warning, and public information/community awareness programs/arrangements including reference to pre-impact timeframes.
8  / Planning arrangements for local, regional, state, national levels
9  / Validation arrangements: how the arrangements are validated eg exercises, debriefs, workshops
10  / Debriefs arrangements are included, and including recording findings and sharing lessons identified
11  / Administration: important MoUs, arrangements for cost sharing methods, registering identified individuals/groups, and systems for impact assessment are identified.
Section 3.3 Response
12  / Arrangements for response including escalation, managing offers of assistance are included.
13  / Response management structure is included and shows interfaces with regional, state and national levels (where required)
14  / Response strategies are outlined (using a timeline approach may be useful), linked to key criteria/triggers. Evacuation arrangements may be relevant.
15  / Special powers for emergency situations are explained and how they usually work with powers under the Emergency Management Act 2006 and any other relevant State or national legislation is included.
16  / Community warnings and public information arrangements (post impact) are included. Reference to TEIS/NEWS and any specific media arrangements may be appropriate.
17  / Supporting arrangements are included:
·  operations, coordination, assembly/evacuation
·  impact assessments
·  access to other support eg DPIPWEs GIS services
·  others- hazard/function specific
18  / Arrangements for requesting inter-jurisdictional /Commonwealth support are included
19  / Ending response and handing over/transition to community recovery arrangements are included
20  / Debrief timings
Section 3.4 Community Recovery
21  / Activation arrangements for immediate needs (psycho-social, infrastructure, environment and economy aspects)
22  / Transition to longer term recovery and priority matters
23  / Community Recovery management structure-immediate and longer term arrangements
24  / Public information arrangements
25  / Arrangements for centres eg recovery, information

General Comments/Notes

Review of the Plan Presentation

Checkpoints / Comments
Plan Structure & General Presentation
26  / Aligned with current model/using template
27  / Formatting is consistent (eg Fonts, headings, spacing etc)
28  / Title page includes: plan title and type, issue number, space for approval authority signature
29  / Plain English is used consistently through the plan
30  / Table of contents matches contents
31  / Cross referencing in plan is accurate
32  / Sections or paragraphs are numbered/numbering is sequential
33  / Headers and footers show page ‘X of y’ format/page and numbering is continuous
34  / Terms and acronyms are current, with consistent/accurate use
35  / Glossary appears complete/does not duplicate
36  / Aim, scope and objectives are compliant and seem appropriate
37  / Context statement provides adequate overview
38  / Arrangements through PPRR appear to be consistent with aim, scope and context statement
Plan Administration Matters
39  / Includes:
·  points of contact for the plan
·  issue summary
·  summary of consultation
·  communication arrangements
·  distribution list (noting electronic publication)
40  / Check exercise/validation arrangements for the plan are included.
41  / Distribution list includes :
·  appropriate agency representatives (Check Section 2)
·  SES including: Manager Planning, Regional Managers, Regional Controller. NOTE SES Manager Planning maintains collections for Director SES, State Controller and manages legal deposit with the State Library.
42  / Associated Documents provides adequate referencing and shows where the plan fits
43  / ·  Contact lists (Check arrangements for maintaining/distributing and level of detail is appropriate for broad distribution.
44  / General appendices check for presentation and relevance

October 2009 Page 2 of 3