SCME241Materials for Biological and Medical Application (3 credit)

Academic Year 2017/semester 2

Class Schedule: Tuseday (9:30-12:20 pm)


Course Coordinator: Assit. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan

Contact details: email:

Office: K554, Phayathai campus

Phone: 022015935


  1. Assit. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan


Office: K554, Phayathai campus

Phone: 022015935

  1. Dr.KanlayaPrapainop


Office: Department of Biochemistry, Payathai campus

Phone: 022015450

For consultation relating to this course, please contact the instructor and arrange a time for meeting if necessary. In the case of contacting guest lecturers, please do it through course coordinator.

Course Description: This course introduces students to properties of biological materials, biocompatible materials, development of bioinspired-materials, materials for enzyme immobilization, materials for crop production, materials for waste utilization and waste treatment, materials for in vitro and/or in vivo of biomolecular sensing, plastic surgery, implant, drug release, ophthalmics, and photothermal therapy.

Grading Policy:Course assessment will be based on the following:

Attendance: 10%

Students must attend all classes for full marks, and 80% of classes overall to pass. Late (> 10 min) will be recorded as absence.

Quizzes and class activities 25% (for weeks 1-7,10-12, 14)

Midterm Examination 30%

There will be questions from week 4-7 lectures

Final Examination 25%

There will be questions from week 9, 12-15 lectures

The final grade given will be based on letter scale (A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, F). In order to pass the course, you must achieve an overall mark of at least 50%.

Reference Materials

  1. Andrew W. Batchelor and MargamChandrasekaran, Service Characteristic of Biomedical Materials and Implants. Vol.3, Series on Biomaterials and Bioengineering. London: Imperial College Press, 2004.
  2. Other material as indicated by instructors

Class Schedule

Date / Week / Topic / Instructor
16 Jan 2018 / 1 / Introduction: Materials in biology and medicine / Asst. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan
23 Jan 2018 / 2 / Biological materials and biomaterials / Asst. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan
30 Jan 2018 / 3 / Basic biomaterial properties / Asst. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan
30 Jan 2017 / 4 / Biocompatibility and biodegradability of biomaterials / Asst. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan
6 Feb 2018 / 5 / Physiological movement of the human body / Asst. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan
13 Feb 2018 / 6 / Implantation and physiological responses to biomaterials / Asst. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan
20 Feb 2018 / 7 / Designing materials for biology and medicine / Asst. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan
27 Feb 2018 / 8 / Hydrogels for medical applications / Asst. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan
7 Mar 2018 / 9 / Development of bioinspired materials / Asst. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan
Midterm examination March 12-16, 2018
20 Mar 2018 / 10 / Materials in plastic surgery / Asst. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan
27 Mar 2018 / 11 / Materials in ophthalmic and photothermal therapy / Asst. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan
3 Apr 2018 / 12 / Materials: Immobilized enzyme technology / Dr.KanlayaPrapainop
10 Apr 2018 / 13 / Cell encapsulation / Asst. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan
17Apr 2018 / 14 / Materials: Waste utilization and waste treatment / Asst. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan
24 Apr 2018 / 15 / Materials: Crop production / Asst. Prof.Dr.DakrongPissuwan
Final examination May 14-25, 2018