Historical Background:
ob is one of the most heart searching and beautiful book in the Bible. It is about human life, about innocence, and about sufferings. This book is regarded as one of the great prefigure of Christ in the Hebrew Scriptures.
Job, non-Hebrew lived in the region of Edom or Arabia and he was greater than any men in the East. He was pious, upright, blameless, wealthy, successful and a happy man. Such an ideal irreproachable in character, he suffered a sudden and complete reversal of fortune. He lost his properties and his children, a loathsome disease afflicted his body and sorrow oppressed his soul. Nevertheless, Job did’nt complain against God. Instead Job said “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21). “We accept good things from God and should we not accept evil? (Job 2:10).
When his friends visited to console him, he affirmed his innocence and did not understand why he was afflicted. Job’s friends insisted that his flight can only be a punishment for personal wrongdoing and an invitation from God for repentance. Job rejected their explanations and call for a response from God. This is my final plea: Let the Almighty answer me. In response to Job’s plea that he be allowed to see God and hear from Him the cause of his sufferings, God answered him “I am going to ask the questions and you are to answer me.” John 38:3) Where were you when I founded the earth? All their marvels and their function, the dawning sunlight and its setting. Who determined the earth size? Do you know? God answers are not to justify His actions before men but to refer to His own Omniscience and Almighty power. Job was content with God’s response. As a result, he recovered his attitude of humility and trust in
God, deepened and strengthened by his experience of suffering. Job became aware of
the sufferings of the poor and the mistreated people. He recognized that the people of God must lighten the unjust burdens of the innocent suffering people.The lessons from the Book of Job are the following:
- Even the just may suffer and their sufferings are a test of their fidelity to God.
- Our finite mind cannot probe the depth of the Divine Omniscience, it is only through God’s revelation in Jesus Christ.
- The problems we encounter can be solved by a broader and deeper awareness of God’s power, presence and wisdom.
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Selected Inspirational Verses
1:21 “Naked I came forth from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I go back there. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;blessed be the name of the LORD!”
2:10 But he said to her, “You speak as foolish women do. We accept good things from God; should we not accept evil?” Through all this, Job did not sin in what he said.
6:8-13Oh, that I might have my request, and that God would grant what I long for: Even that God would decide to crush me, that he would put forth his hand and cut me off! Then I should still have consolation and could exult through unremitting pain, because I have not transgressed the commands of the Holy One.
6:24 Teach me, and I will be silent; make me understand how I have erred.
10:6-8 That you seek for guilt in me and search after my sins, Even though you know that I am not wicked, and that none can deliver me out of your hand? Your hands have formed me and fashioned me; will you then turn and destroy me?
10:18-19 Why then did you bring me forth from the womb? I should have died and no eye have seen me. I should be as though I had never lived; I should have been taken from the womb to the grave.
12:12-13 So with old age is wisdom, and with length of days understanding.. With him are wisdom and might; his are counsel and understanding.
23:11-12 My foot has always walked in his steps; I have kept his way and not turned aside.From the commands of his lips I have not departed; the words of his mouth I have treasured in my heart.
28:20-21 As for wisdom, where does she come from?Where is the place of understanding? She is hidden from the eyes of every living thing; even from the birds of the air she is concealed.
28:28And to mortals he said: See: the fear of the Lord is wisdom; and avoiding evil is understanding.
29:11-16The ear that heard blessed me; the eye that saw acclaimed me. For I rescued the poor who cried out for help, the orphans, and the unassisted; The blessing of those in extremity came upon me, and the heart of the widow I made joyful. I wore my righteousness like a garment; justice was my robe and my turban. I was eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame was I. I was a father to the poor; the complaint of the stranger I pursued,
30:20 I cry to you, but you do not answer me; I stand, but you take no notice.
31:2-3 What portion comes from God above, what heritage from the Almighty on high? Is it not calamity for the unrighteous, and woe for evildoers?
40:1-2 The LORD then answered Job and said: Will one who argues with the Almighty be corrected? Let him who would instruct God give answer!
42:1-6 Then Job answered the LORD and said:
I know that you can do all things,*and that no purpose of yours can be hindered.
“Who is this who obscures counsel with ignorance?” I have spoken but did not understand; things too marvelous for me, which I did not know. “Listen, and I will speak; I will question you, and you tell me the answers.”
By hearsay I had heard of you, but now my eye has seen you. Therefore I disown what I have said, and repent in dust and ashes.
42:10 The LORD also restored the prosperity of Job, after he had prayed for his friends; the LORD even gave to Job twice as much as he had before.
Father God, we praise You and adore You. You are an awesome God. You are ever merciful to your people. We are here to beg for your forgiveness for our faults, for the bad things we have done and the good things we failed to do. Father God, we praise and thank you for everything you have given us – your blessings, the spiritual and physical nourishment, our family especially our children, the challenges you send our way, and our aches and pains. Thank you for your words from the Book of Job that reminds us that everything is comes from you. “Naked I came forth from my mother’s womb and naked I shall go back there”. You have taught us so much through Job: love, patience, understanding, acceptance, perseverance and wisdom. Father God, we hope You will continue to love us, to keep us in the right path, away from harm and temptation.
We pray this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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