Self-Reflection Tool for Sites with Exemplary RTI Practices

School: / Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Plan in Development / Needs Development / COMMENTS
1.  Core Instruction with Differentiation
2.  Use of Learning Targets and Kentucky Academic Standards
3.  School Implementation Team
4.  Student Intervention Team, including Collaboration
5.  Comprehensive Schedule for All Students
6.  Student Intervention Plans
7.  Flexibility of Tiers, including Criteria for Tier Movement
8.  Multiple Forms of Data
9.  Diagnostic Assessments and Progress Monitoring
10.  Data Management Tools
11.  Leadership
12.  Fidelity to the Intervention Process
13.  Use of resources
14.  Ownership of Goals and Plans
15.  Reading Interventions
16.  Writing Interventions
17.  Math Interventions
18.  Behavior Interventions
19.  Family Involvement
20.  Professional Learning
Criteria Descriptors
1.  Core Instruction with Differentiation - a variety of teaching strategies to address diverse learners (e.g. questioning techniques, role playing, manipulatives, literature circles, movement activities, project-based learning, flexible groups, etc.)
2.  Use of Learning Targets and Kentucky Academic Standards – learning targets are visible and/or addressed during instruction
3.  School Implementation Team – team members understand roles and meet regularly to discuss school wide implementation (e.g., schedule, data, criteria for tier movement, resources, etc.)
4.  Student Intervention Team, including Collaboration – team members understand roles and meet regularly to discuss specific student data, effective instructional strategies, and next steps for students
5.  Comprehensive Schedule for All Students - schedule is intentional for all students (struggling and advanced) to receive interventions consistently
6.  Student Intervention Plans – plans are individualized and constantly changing as the needs of the student changes
7.  Flexibility of Tiers, including Criteria for Tier Movement – all shareholders understand timeframe and data that is required to move in and out of tiers
8.  Multiple Forms of Data – utilizes universal screener, diagnostic assessment, progress monitoring, classroom formative assessments, etc.
9.  Diagnostic Assessments and Progress Monitoring – after students are identified with a universal screener, a diagnostic assessment is in place to accurately identify areas of strength and weakness so intervention can be targeted and consistent progress monitoring matches the targeted skill and is used to drive instruction
10.  Data Management Tools – organized method of tracking student placement and progress which is accessible to all shareholders
11.  Leadership – personnel take on leadership roles around instruction and the intervention process
12.  Fidelity to the Intervention Process – consistency of intentional instruction using evidence based strategies How is it monitored?
13.  Use of resources – personnel, programs, professional learning
14.  Ownership of Goals and Plans – all stakeholders have clear expectations of individual goals
15.  Reading Interventions – targeted evidence based interventions are in place and consistently implemented, analyzed and revised
16.  Writing Interventions – targeted evidence based interventions are in place and consistently implemented, analyzed and revised
17.  Math Interventions – targeted evidence based interventions are in place and consistently implemented, analyzed and revised
18.  Behavior Interventions – targeted evidence based interventions are in place and consistently implemented, analyzed and revised
19.  Family Involvement - informs families of RtI process, individual child’s progress and targeted plans
20.  Professional Learning – professional learning occurs for all shareholders delivering instruction, intervention, progress monitoring, etc.