October 16, 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes

Mission Statement: A Celebration of Price County’s Best - Something for Everyone.

Members Present: Jeff Moenssen, Dee Eberhardt, Amanda Seitz, Jodie Anderson, Deb Popejoy, Sue Polacek, John Vlach, Joyce Lind, Todd Hintz, Krista Polansky, Jan Hardginski, Michelle Drobnik, Amber Rehberg, Gena Brown, Chris Lyons, Miriam Lyons, Lynn Peterson, Peter Dahlie, Jay Janssen, Kristy Reichert, Gail Huycke, John Walasek, Jodi Grendys, Jackson Grendys and Natalie DeLeasky.

Call to Order and Welcome:

Chair Todd Hintz called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm. Hintz welcomed everyone to the annual meeting and reminded them that this was a meeting of the public, not a board meeting, and encouraged the public to participate.

Approve Minutes of October 17, 2013 Annual Meeting

Anderson made a motion, seconded by Seitz to approve the minutes of the October 17, 2013 Annual Meeting. Motion passed.

Annual Fair Report:

Hintz gave the annual fair report. Statistics: 5130 people attended. Thank you to the county and local people for their support of the Price County Fair.

Public Comments:

Miriam Lyons: Thanked the Fair Board. Judges were very good this year. Advertising for the shows could be better.

Jackson Grendys, representing Market Animal Sale Board

·  Please put up beef stalls in the barn for the beef

·  Also the wash rack for the cattle and sheep could be improved and have better drainage

·  Have the fair work days moved up in summer so they are not so close to the fair as 4-Her’s are busy getting ready for the fair

·  Barn speaker boxes could be moved up out of people’s viewing area

·  Have boards on the bottoms of the pig pen to keep the shavings in

·  Some of the pens are also getting bent out of shape and the latches don’t work.

·  Some dividers between the pens have been broke or are warped out of shape from pigs fighting.

·  More swine wash racks – about 60 hogs need to be washed by 8 a.m. on show day. Currently there are only 2 wash racks

·  The lock on the sheep stalls are not secure. The sheep bump into them and they come open. There were instances of loose animals because of this.

Thank you!


Amendments to Bylaws and Action

Hintz reminded the public that the annual meeting was their meeting and they were entitled to make motions, participate in discussions, and vote on all items during the annual meeting. Huycke informed the membership there were a few clerical corrections needed for uniformity and clairity within the Bylaws.

Article III. Membership A. An annual meeting of any interested Price County resident shall be held in

October for the purpose of electing Directors, addressing any amendments to the bylaws

to this Article III regarding membership, provide general information regarding the Fair and public comments. The annual meeting shall be advertised at the Price County Fair and as otherwise directed by the Association including the local newspaper and the Price County Fair website. Comments be made in person, via e-mail, or written letter.

Article IV. Officers and Duties, C. Vacancies occurring during an unexpired term shall be dealt with as in Article III, D 2 C.

Article IV. D. 1. Chair – plans meeting agendas, signs contracts for the body, and oversees the work of the Commission Association.

Motion by Huycke, seconded by Vlach to approve the clerical corrections to the bylaws. Motion passed.

Discussion was held concerning who should be doing the job performance reviews. This should be part of the policies. Also discussed was the number of family members on the fair board. Jay Janssen suggested we allow only 2 member(s) of a family (define what is a family). Moenssen suggested limiting it at the committee level. Motion by Jay Janssen, seconded by John Walasek, to limit the membership to two immediate family members from first cousins on up. Motion passed with a hand vote. Discussion recommended that the policies include that committee meetings should be held in public places. Motion by Popejoy, seconded by Anderson to approve bylaws as amendmended. Motion passed.

Review Board of Directors Applications

Applications were received from Peter Dahlie, Sue Polacek, Deb Popejoy, Michelle Drobnik, John Walasek and Miriam Lyons (youth). Eberhart resigned at this time effective immediately.

Election of Board

Motion by Vlach, seconded by Lynn Peterson to cast a unanimous ballot for John Walasek for a 2 year term (expiring in 2016) representing the North. Motion passed.

Motion by Jay Janssen, seconded by Lynn Peterson to cast a unanimous ballot for Deb Popejoy for a 1 year term (expiring in 2015) representing the North. Motion passed.

Motion by Jackson Grendys, seconded by Miriam Lyons to cast a unanimous ballot for Peter Dahlie for a 3 year term (expiring in 2017) representing the North. Motion passed.

Motion by Joyce Lind, seconded by Dee Eberhart to cast a unanimous ballot for Sue Polacek for a 3 year term (expiring in 2017) representing the Central. Motion passed.

Motion by John Vlach, seconded by Joyce Lind to cast a unanimous ballot for Michelle Drobnik for a 2 year term (expiring in 2016) to represent the South. Motion passed.

Motion by Dee Eberhart, seconded by Jo Anderson to cast a unanimous ballot for Miriam Lyons for one year term (expiring in 2015) representing an At-Large position. Note: Miriam is our first youth board member.

Hintz noted there was still vacancies for a 3 year term representing the south and (2) – 1 year at large positions. Vacancies will be filled according to bylaws and interested parties should complete an application.

Next Annual Meeting Date

October 15, 2015 at 6 pm at the Price County Normal Building.


Motion by Seitz, seconded by Popejoy to adjourn at 7:06 p.m. Motion passed.

Minutes submitted by

Jan Hardginski, Secretary