Partnership for Health Call
January 15, 2009, 1:00pm EST
Denver: Helen Burnside, Rosemary Thomas
California: Jen Shockey, Dana McCurdy, Linda DeSantis
Dallas: Daniel Casillas, Jesse Tarbutton, Anne Freeman,
CDC:David Whittier
Rochester: Maureen Scahill
Item / Discussion / ActionTraining Updates / Dallas:For GY02 Dallas will be focusing on Health Depts. They will also be doing large marketing campaign in the South. They have had some struggle schedulingclinics since GY01 they had completed 4 orientations and need to f/u with clinics that still need to do the training.
Rochester:No new updates from GY01.For GY02 they sent an email blast out to the State Health Dept HIV division received 2 calls out of it-they fund 130 clinics where PfH can possibly be marketed to. Planning an overview of PfH to management team of these clinics. 2 clinics interested in DC but they want to look for funding so waiting to continue. Albany Medical has expressed interest but they are having problems with time constraint for 4.5 training. Hopefully will give a presentation at Univ of Rochester annual HIV update still planning to co-market w/ Boston Part 1 and ASI.
Denver:No new updates from GY01. For GY02 planning training with a Montana clinic at the end of January. It will be working with Native American providers and include clinic staff on the reservations. Two clinics have been screened for PfH one in St Paul, MN and one in Milwaukie.
California: From GY 02 still need to complete booster sessions for Desert AIDS and PACE clinics. Still struggling with scheduling around this. 3 potential clinics for GY02 HOPES clinic in Nevada will be a collaborative effort with ASI and PfH training with clinic staff. EastBayAIDSCenter has expressed interest but need to work out time constraints and logistics. Also looking at possibility assessing Kaiser’s HIV clinic. Also looking to market to DrewUniversity in LA since they have been trained in ASI and fit our target population for the grant. / Presentation for CDC Project officers and talk about them about funding challenges and marketing challenges. David will update us on the next call.
Look into other presentation options perhaps Ryan White or HRSA. If anyone has other ideas or wants to look into these options by the next call that would be great.
Marketing Updates / Discussed Co-marketing with ASI and working with state chapters of national organizations such as ANAC, HIVMA, and ISDA. CBAC willpresentan overview of PfH on March 20 in Atlanta to CDC project officers to help with diffusion of PfH to local Health Depts. Health Dept webcast to take place on April 7th.
Rochester suggested that we place a direct link to PfH on the Assoc of Nurses AIDS care website not just the link to NNPTC.Rochester has been in contact with ANAC about this – more to follow. Discussed marketing PfH through National conferences with all six PTCs and market PfH within ASI packets at all 10 PTC clinical sites.
We need to explore or modify Denver’s brochure to be able to distribute at 2009 conferences and to organizations with a CDC disclosure statement. We will talk more about this on the next call. / Helen will update us on the next call about co-marketing PfH with ASI in conjunction with the 6 funded Clinical PTCs.
Booster Sessions / Conference calls might increasingly become the way PTC’s will conduct Boosters due to continued scheduling difficulties. Conference call boostersstill count towards 0771 deliverables. There is no requirement that the boosters must be done in person and should be based on clinics needs and capacity.
Also discussed designing a reinforcement plan for PTCs? CBAC suggesteda CD rom for clinicswhere they can conduct a booster session on there own time making it the clinic coordinators responsibility. CBAC is also working on designing a web based model for clinics trained in PfH to reinforce message framing. / Who will look into designing a reinforcement plan for boosters?
Evaluations / No new info still needs an update on JSI. / David will f/u with Aisha on this and have her send it out to PTCs.
Technical Assistance Task Force / The taskforce met and developed a draft table for PTCs to define TA for consistent reporting. It was taken to the Directors but not approved so now awaiting revisions and then will take to Directors for final approval.
Materials Update / Revisions to PfH curricula are complete – need to get feedback form PTCs and then send to CDC to finalize and get approval. Feedback needs to be in by Jan 30th to Daniel. Ok to use the curricula with draft watermark on it until it is approved. Orientation and Booster guide complete as well. Participant manual still needs to be updates with new slides.
Assessment instrument for PTCs to use but PTCs need to define intheirprotocol of how instrument will be used. Instrument just for key stakeholder and/or clinic coordinator in the clinic that has been trained. CBAC uses it to assess TA needs post training and pre booster. A question was posed around can we develop something for implementers too? / Daniel will send a CD rom to all PTC of draft curricula so to give feedback by Jan 30th.
Need to discuss who to make changes to PTC protocol re: assessment instrument? PTCs should review this instrument and how it will be used.
Next Call / Dallas will coordinate the call and possible dates. We willlookinto a standardize time for our bi-monthly calls. / Next call will be in March 2009 and coordinated by Dallas.