Project Number: IST-2001-32795
Project Title: Network of Excellence in Content-Based Semantic Scene Analysis and Information Retrieval
Report on SCHEMA presence and dissemination activities at ICIP 2003
1. SCHEMA presence at ICIP 2003
The SCHEMA Network of Excellence in Content-Based Semantic Scene Analysis and Information Retrieval participated as an exhibitor at ICIP 2003, held in Barcelona, Spain, on September 14 – 17, 2003. The exhibitor’s booth allocated to SCHEMA was used for housing poster presentations of both SCHEMA and relevant EC funded projects, for making available to ICIP delegates printed brochures, as well as for housing live demonstrations.
The posters presented at the SCHEMA booth included three SCHEMA posters and two posters of relevant EC funded projects. In particular, the following posters were presented:
- A poster outlining the SCHEMA Network of Excellence Project: its aims and scope, current and expected results, the partners involved in the project and the affiliated members that have joined since the beginning of the project.
- A poster presentation of WP3, illustrating the proposed Reference System design and the progress that has been made in the realization of the Reference System in the few months since the beginning of WP3. This included a clear view of the relation of the Reference System with the Qimera initiative currently active under the auspices of SCHEMA.
- A poster presentation of the Qimera initiative: its objectives, the SCHEMA partners involved in it, current results of the Qimera segmentation software and future research directions.
- A poster outlining the, relevant to SCHEMA, EC funded project BUSMAN.
- A poster outlining the, relevant to SCHEMA, EC funded project FAETHON.
The live demonstrations housed at the SCHEMA booth included the following demonstrations:
- A live demonstration of the first working version of the SCHEMA Reference System for content-based indexing and retrieval of still images, using four different segmentation algorithms of the Qimera software.
- A live demonstration of the Qimera software, featuring various segmentation algorithms for still images and image sequences. Both on-line segmentation of sequences and playback, using the Qimera player, of already created segmentation results were demonstrated.
The printed brochures made available to ICIP delegates included, in addition to the known SCHEMA brochure, the following:
- A project summary, including the objective and technologies used in SCHEMA, as well as the list of partners and the updated list of SCHEMA affiliated members.
- An application for becoming a SCHEMA affiliated member
A Call for Proposals for the Special Session on relevant IST Projects: “Connecting Knowledge and Multimedia Content Technologies Communities”, organized by SCHEMA as part of the 5th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, to be held on April 21-23, 2004, at the Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal.
These printed brochures are presented in the next section of this report.
2. Printed brochures made available to ICIP delegates
In this section, the printed brochures made available to ICIP delegates are presented.
Network of Excellence in Content Based Semantic Scene Analysis and
Information Retrieval
User-friendly access to all forms of data
SCHEMA is a Network of Excellence aiming to promote research and innovative applications in the field of Content Based Semantic Scene Analysis.
OBJECTIVES- bring together a critical mass of partners
- exchange information among the partners in order to combine their research work and skills
- disseminate the results of the partnership
Industries targeted
arts, entertainment, broadcasting, media, information technology, publishing, content, archives, museums, galleriesTechnologies used
JPEG, MPEG, text search technologies, TV / video technologies, XMLACTIVITIES AND RESULTS
SCHEMA activities include:- design of a reference system for content-based semantic scene analysis, interpretation and understanding;
- organisation of relevant international workshops;
- dissemination of the results of the partnership through common publications, presentations, participation in exhibitions, web pages, workshops and conferences.
The following new research topics, activities and standards are being investigated in the SCHEMA Network:- access to the information using query structures that come naturally to human beings;
- retrieval processes which understand the nature of the information in the database;
- content-based multimedia analysis;
- copyright issues of multimedia;
- new methods for multimedia access and delivery;
- semantic web technologies;
- MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 standards;
- user interfaces and human factors.
- Common R&D agendas are developed and new technical road maps are drawn in these areas, to strengthen European expertise and research excellence and disseminate it worldwide.
- Informatics and Telematics Institute, Greece
- Tampere University of Technology, Finland
- BTexact Technologies, UK
- Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
- Laboratoire d'Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Universite de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, France
- Dublin City University, Centre for Digital Video Processing, Ireland
- Fratelli Alinari, Italy
- Munich University of Technology, Germany
- Queen Mary, University of London, UK
- University of Brescia, Italy
- Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
- Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Italy
- Macedonian Press Agency, Greece
- LTU technologies
- Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment (ENEA)
- Kangwon National Univ., Multimedia Security Lab, Korea
- Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (HPL), USA
- Thomson multimedia R&D France
- Motorola UK Research Lab (MUKRL)
- Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP)
- Computational Linguistics Department, University of Saarland
- Multimedia Coding and Watermarking Group (MCWG), University of Patras
- INESC PORTO - Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit
- Dipartimento Sistemi e Informatica, Università di Firenze
- National Technical University of Athens, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Multimedia Group
- Middle East Technical University, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Multimedia Research Group
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Informatics, Computer Vision and Image Processing Group
Prof. Michael Strintzis
Informatics and Telematics Institute
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
PO Box 361, 6th Km Charilaou-Thermi Road
GR-57001 Thermi-Thessaloniki, Greece
Telephone: + 30 2310 464160, Fax: + 30 2310 464164
Start Date: 1st May 2002 / Duration: 36 months
European Community “Information Society TechnologIES” Programme
«SCHEMA Network of Excellence in Content-Based Semantic Scene Analysis and Information Retrieval, IST–2001-32795»
Application Form for becoming a SCHEMA Affiliated Member
Short description of the organization/department:
Relation to SCHEMA (related projects/work, etc.):
European Community “Information Society TechnologIES” Programme
«SCHEMA Network of Excellence in Content-Based Semantic Scene Analysis and Information Retrieval, IST–2001-32795»
5th International Workshop on Image Analysisfor Multimedia Interactive Services
Special Session on relevant IST Projects: “Connecting Knowledge and Multimedia Content Technologies Communities”
April 21-23, 2004, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
The International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS) is one of the main international fora for the presentation and discussion of the latest technological advances in interactive multimedia services. The objective of the workshop is to bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry working in all areas of image, video and audio applications, with a special focus on analysis. After Louvain'97, Berlin'99, Tampere'01 and London'03, WIAMIS, from now on held annually, will be organized in 2004 by Instituto Superior Técnico, in the city of Lisbon, Portugal.
During WIAMIS 2004 a Special Session on relevant European Projects will be organized as part of the SCHEMA clustering activities. Aim of the Special Session, entitled “Connecting Knowledge and Multimedia Content Technologies Communities”, is to search for common grounds between ongoing projects and discuss possible ways of collaboration.
Relevant IST projects are invited to present themselves and demonstrate their achievements during the workshop. They are also strongly encouraged to submit a paper to WIAMIS 2004 describing their project activities and related research activities.
Submission of proposals
The web site of the conference is For more information on the Special Session on relevant IST Projects or for submitting a project presentation proposal, please send an email to no latter than December 15, 2003.