

DESIGNATIONScientist E/Officer in charge

DEPARTMENTForest Tree Seed Laboratory, Silviculture Division

INSTITUTEForest Research Institute,

(Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education)

Dehradun (Uttarakhand)


S. No. / Degree / Year / College/University / %/Division
1. / M.Sc. (Botany) / 1995 / HNBGarhwalUniversity, Srinagar (Uttarakhand) / 69.0 -Ist (College Topper )
2. / Ph.D. (Botany) / 2009 / HNB Garhwal (Central) University, Srinagar (Uttarakhand) / Awarded


12 years of research experience in the field of forest tree seed technology (medicinal plants, oilseeds, conifers, oaks) seed ecology, biodiversity (RET species) and wildlife conservation.

Worked as Scientist in Division of Biodiversity, Institute of Forest Genetics & Tree Breeding, Coimbatore, (March 1998 to July 2001) and successfully completed following projects:

  • Conservation of some endangered and endemic plants of Western Ghats.

Species Recovery Program for conservation of some medicinal plants of Medicinal Plant Conservation Areas (MPCAs) of SilentValley (Kerala) and Kolli Hills (Tamil Nadu). (28 species)

Working as Scientist in Forest Tree Seed Laboratory, Silviculture Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun (from August 2001 - till date). As In-charge of Seed laboratory (from May 2004). Have successfully completed the following projects:

World Bank FREE Project on Forest Seeds – Worked on collection, processing, testing, germination and storage of seed of 10 species.

Evaluation of production and quality parameters of seeds from Seed Production

Areas vis-à-vis natural stands of Pinus roxburghii (Chirpine) (As PI)

Studies on Himalayan Pines – funded by USDA (As Co PI)

Chemical screening of the oilseeds and development of seed handling practices and plantation trial of some high oil yielding tree species in the Himalayan region

(Funded by Dept. of Biotechnology, New Delhi) (Initially as Co PI and as PI from

May 2004)

Development of technological package for the production and quality evaluation of seeds of important medicinal plant species (Funded by National Medicinal Plant Board, New Delhi. ) As CoPI

Germination ecophysiology of seed of Carpinus viminea(As PI)

Enhancing the longevity of acorns of Quercus dilatata and Quercus leucotrichophora (As PI)

Have established multilocational provenance trials of Pinus roxburghii, Sapindus mukorossi, Putranjiva roxburghii and Prinsepia utilis for evaluating their growth performance and also their germplasm conservation.

Photogallery of FRI showcasing the 100 years of its existence was created at Shatabdi Kendra, (As) Co PI

Enhancement of seed longevity of Diploknema butyracea -collection of seeds, seed quality, germination and vigour experiments, desiccation and storage of seeds, developing nursery technology (As PI)

Developing seed technology and propagation techniques for germplasm conservation of Buxus wallichiana- collection of seeds, seed quality, germination and vigour experiments, storage of seeds, developing propagation methods (As PI)

Variability studies on seed quality parameters and seed mycoflora of Bauhinia purpurea, Bauhinia semla and Bauhiniavariegata for their ex-situ conservation (As PI)

Research Papers

Have published over 50 papers in Journals of International and National repute, International and National Conferences, Conference proceedings, book chapters, etc.

(Details in Annexure I)


Have attended and presented papers in more than 20 International and National Conferences including the prestigious Indian Science Congress


Have published several information brochures and booklets on various aspects of seed testing procedures, seed collection, testing, storage, species leaflets, etc.


Have co-edited/co-authored two Souvenir on centenary of FRI, Proceedings of XII Silviculture Conference, two books on medicinal plants.


Won the Young Scientist Award for best oral presentation in Environmental Science & Forestry for the paper ‘Seed Morphology, Germination and Desiccation Studies inDiploknema butyracea’ at 5th Uttarakhand State Science & Technology Congress, Doon University, Dehradun. 10-12th November 2010.

Teaching Inputs

Have been regularly providing teaching inputs to FRIUniversity, to the students of M.Sc. (Forestry) and PG Diplomas; to IGNFA and SFSCollege.

As an Examiner conducted practical examinations of M.Sc. (Forestry) students of FRI (Deemed) University and HNBGarhwalUniversity.

As expert member of Research Advisory Committee of Silviculture, seed technology and management have been giving inputs to Ph.D. scholars for their research work.

Identification and testing of seeds

Routinely extend the services of evaluating and quality testing of seeds to forest departments and other buyers of seed from FRI.

Training Programmes

As Course Director/Co-ordinator have conducted several training courses on Tree Seed Technology, Afforestation Techniques, Nursery Technology for various SFD personnel, Ecotask Force of Indian Army, Farmers, Railways and NABARD personnel, Paramilitary forces and other stakeholders.

Annexure I



  1. Thapliyal, M., Ghosh, M. and Bennet S.S.R. 2000. Screening of six medicinal plants for their antifungal protein activity. Asian Journal Microbiol. & Env. Sci.2 (3&4): 215 – 218.
  1. Thapliyal, M. and Ghosh, M. 2000. Biotechnology: A promising tool for conservation of Phytodiversity. Pl. Cell Biotech. & Mol. Biol. 1(3&4):73– 80.
  1. Ghosh M., Thapliyal, M., Thangamani, D. and Yasodha, R. 2000. In vitro antifungal antifungal protein activity of crude protein extracts of Plumbago capensis against Trichosporium vesiculosum. Indian Forester 126: 685 – 689
  1. Thapliyal, M., Selvi, K.G., Uma,L. and Mohan, E. 2002. A comparative study of ground flora of unilocational monoculture of Acacia auriculiformis, Casuarina equisetifolia, Eucalyptus tereticornis and Tectona grandis in Panampally, Palakkad district, Kerala. Ind. Jour. Forestry 25(1): 82-86.
  1. Thapliyal, M. and Thamilarasi, R. 2002. Leucaena leucocephala – an exotic weed in the botanical garden. Ann. Forestry 10(2): 361-363.
  1. Thapliyal, M. 2004. Twin seedlings in Putranjiva roxburghii Wall. Ind. Jour. Forestry 27(1): 43 - 44
  1. Thapliyal, M. and Venkatasubramanian, N. 2005. Some observations on two rare endemic dipterocarps of southern Western Ghats. Jour. Bom. Nat. Hist. Soc. 101 (3):475 – 477
  1. Thapliyal, M. and Thapliyal, R.C. 2005. Recent advances in research on seed technology of medicinal plants – Indian Scenario’. Jour. Med. Aromatic Plant Sci. 27(2): 320-327.
  1. Ghosh, M., Thapliyal, M. and Gurumurthi, K. 2005. Plant derived anticancer drugs – An overview. Jour. Med. Aromatic Plant Sci. 27(4): 706-720.
  1. Thapliyal, M.2008. Polyembryony in Taxodium mucronatum Ten. (Montezuma bald cypress) Taxodiaceae). Indian Forester 134 (2): 281-283.
  1. Thapliyal, M. 2008. Seed technology: Its role in conservation of Forest Genetic Resources. Envis Forestry Bulletin, 8(1): 1-7.
  1. Thapliyal, M., Singh, O. Sah, B. and Bahar, N. 2008. Seed source variation and conservation of Pinus wallichiana in India. Annals of Forest Research 51: 81-88.
  1. Thapliyal, M. 2009. Climate change and fecundity of forest trees. Envis Forestry Bulletin, 9(2): 65 -69.
  1. Verma,D., Singh,G. Ram, N. and Thapliyal, M. 2010. Effect of storage temperature on germination behaviour of seeds of Himalayan hornbeam (Carpinus viminea L.). Indian Forester 136 (8): 1096-1103.
  1. Thapliyal, M. 2010. Recalcitrance in seeds: An impediment to their conservation. Envis Forestry Bulletin, 10(2): 75-80.
  1. Thapliyal, M. and Joshi, S.P. 2011. Effect of temperature on seed germination of Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn. Annals of Forestry 19(1): 75-79.
  1. Thapliyal, M. and Tewari, R. 2011. Seed germination response to pretreatments and storage behaviour in Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken. – Indian lac tree. Forests Trees and Livelihoods 20 (4): 295-300.
  1. Singh, O. and Thapliyal, M. 2012.Variation in cone and seed characters in blue pine (Pinus wallichiana) across natural distribution in western Himalayas. Journal of Forestry Research 23(2): 235-239.
  1. Thapliyal, M. and VRR Singh. 2013. Occurrence of albino seedlings in Dendrocalamus asper (Schultes f.) Backer ex Heyne. Journal of Bamboo and Rattan (Accepted).

Papers presented in Conferences, Seminars, Workshops

  1. K. Subramanian and Thapliyal M. (1998). Integration of Biodiversity with working plans and management plans. In National Coference on Biodiversity conservation October 1998, FRI Dehradun.
  1. Thapliyal, M., Tewari, R. and Bahar, N. 2006. Oilseeds of Forest Origin: Potential source of biofuel. In: Proc. XIIth Silviculture Conference, Ed. S.S. Negi, Srivastava, R.K., Thapliyal, M. and Singh, O.Shiva Offset Press, Dehra Dun. Pp. 292- 298.
  1. Singh, O. and Thapliyal, M. 2006. Establishment and management of ex-situ conservation stands – A new approach in Silviculture. In: Proc. XIIth Silviculture Conference, Ed. S.S. Negi, Srivastava, R.K., Thapliyal, M. and Singh, O. Shiva Offset Press, Dehra Dun. Pp. 57 – 63.
  1. Thapliyal, M., Bahar, N., Sah, B. and Srivastava, R.K. 2006. Nursery and field performance of seed source trial of Pinus roxburghii Sarg. in Uttaranchal. Paper presented in IUFRO International Symposium on Breeding and Improvement of Asian Conifers during 20th century at FRI, Dehra Dun 11-13th September 2006.
  1. Thapliyal, M., Singh, O., Sah, B. and Bahar, N. 2006. Seed Source variation and conservation of Pinus wallichiana in India. Paper presented in IUFRO International Conference on Breeding and Genetic resources of Five-Needle Pines in Valiug, Romania 19-23rd September 2006.
  1. Thapliyal, M. 2009. Germination ecophysiology of Himalayan hornbeam (Carpinus viminea). Paper presented in 4th Uttarakhand State Science & Technology Congress, Pantnagar 10-11th November ’09. p 212.
  1. Singh, V.R.R., Sah, B., Verma, D. and Thapliyal, M. 2009. Effect of temperature on the seed storage behaviour of some important medicinal species. In: Abstracts IV National Forestry Conference 9-11 Nov. 09 Dehradun, Uttarakhand. p 39.
  1. Thapliyal, M. 2009. Germination behaviour and combinational dormancy in two tree borne oilseeds of Sapindaceae. In: Abstracts IV National Forestry Conference 9-11 Nov. 10 Dehradun, Uttarakhand. p 40.

9.Thapliyal, M. 2009.Seasonal germination behaviour of some important medicinal plants – its implications for ex situ conservation of germplasm. In: Abstract 4th Global Summit on medicinal plants, December 1-5, 2009 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. p 91.

  1. Thapliyal, M.,Thapliyal, R.C. and Singh, V.R.R. 2010. Storage of some forestry seeds for their germplasm conservation. Paper presented during IUFRO Conference on Sustainable Utilisation and Conservation of Forests in the Genomics Era at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from March 7-12th 2010. p 69.
  1. Thapliyal, M. 2010. Climatic changes and phenology of some forestry species. Paper presented in International Conference on Wildlife and Biodiversity Conservation at SKUAST, Srinagar, J&K, India from June 3-5th 2010 p. 43.
  1. Thapliyal, M. 2010. Desiccation sensitivity and the effect of temperature on storage of acorns of Ban oak (Quercus leucotrichophora). Seed Symposium Abstracts, 29 th ISTA Congress, Cologne 2010, Published by International Seed Testing Association, Bassersdorf , Switzerland; ISBN 978-3-906549-66-8. p. 46
  1. Thapliyal, M. Singh, O and Thapliyal, R. C. 2010. Seed Source Variations in Cone and Seed Traits in Three Himalayan Pines. In: IUFRO Tree Seed Symposium: Recent Advances in Seed Research and Ex Situ Conservation, Taipei, Taiwan 16-18 August 2010. Proceedings, Taiwan Forestry Institute. pp 119- 128.
  1. Rawat, G.S., Thapliyal, M. Joshi, G. and Arun Kumar, A.N. 2010. Forest Seed Science Research in India. In: IUFRO Tree Seed Symposium: Recent Advances in Seed Research and Ex Situ Conservation, Taipei, Taiwan 16-18 August 2010. Proceedings, Taiwan Forestry Institute. pp 217-238.
  1. Thapliyal, M., Sharma, P. and Bahar N. 2010. Seed morphology, germination and desiccation studies in Diploknema butyracea. Abstracts: 5thUttarakhandState Science & Technology Congress, DoonUniversity, Dehradun. November 10-12th 2010. p. 182.
  1. Thapliyal, M. , Sah, M. and Verma D. 2010. Germination response of seeds of four Ocimum species to presoaking treatments. Abstracts: International Conference on Folk and Herbal Medicine, MohanlalSukhadiaUniversity, Udaipur, India November 25-27th 2010. p. 284
  1. Saklani, R., Thapliyal, M. and Veerababu, O. 2011. Influence of temperature and pretreatments on the germination of seeds of Buxus wallichiana-an alternate species for the woodcraft industry. In: Abstracts 6thUttarakhandState Science & Technology Congress, KumaonUniversity, SSJ Campus, Almora. November 14-16th, 2011. p. 161.
  1. Thapliyal, M. and Dhiman, D. 2011. Variability in seed quality parameters of seeds of Bauhinia purpurea from different sources in Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. In: AbstractsIst IndianForest Congress, NAAS Complex, New Delhi. November 22-25, 2011. p.130.
  1. Thapliyal, M. and Singh, V.R.R. 2012. Seed quality evaluation and pretreatments for enhanced germination in few high altitude medicinal plants .In: Abstracts 99thIndian Science Congress, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, January 3-7th, 2012. p 83
  1. Thapliyal, M. 2013. Desiccation and chilling sensitivity an impediment for

ex situ conservation of recalcitrant seeds: A study on tropical and temperate recalcitrant seed. In: Abstracts 100th Indian Science Congress, Kolkata, West Bengal, January 3-7th, 2013. p 119


  1. Singh, Y.P., Kumar, D., Nautiyal, R., Thapliyal, M. and Chauhan, A.S. (Eds.) 2006. FRI: Glimpses of a Century, 1906-2006. Forest Research Institute, Dehradun. 80p.
  2. Singh, Y.P., Kumar, D., Nautiyal, R., Thapliyal, M. and Chauhan, A.S. (Eds.) 2006. 100 Years of FRI. Forest Research Institute, Dehradun. 112 p.
  3. Srivastava, R.K., Thapliyal, M.and Tomar,A. (2007). Medicinal Plants Seed – Information booklet. Sunrise Printers Dehradun. 118p
  4. Singh, V.R.R.., Thapliyal, M.Sah,B. and Verma,D. (2008). Medicinal Plants Seed – Information booklet II. Sunrise Printers Dehradun. 118p

Book Chapters

  1. Thapliyal, M. and Nawa Bahar (2007). Quality seed production of Himalayan pines. In: Advances in Seed Science and Technology, Vol. IV. Forest Tree Seed Production (Ed.) Vanangamudi, K. et al., Agrobios, Jodhpur, (India), 490p.
  1. Thapliyal, M. (2007). Seed production and regeneration in Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. In: Advances in Seed Science and Technology, Vol. IV. Forest Tree Seed Production Vanangamudi, K. et al. (Ed.) Agrobios, Jodhpur, (India), 490p.
  1. Ghosh, M., Thapliyal, M. and Gurumurthi, K. (2009). Anticancer compounds of plant origin. In: Maria Cecilia Carpinella and Mahendra Rai Eds.Novel Therapeutic Agents from Plants. Science Publishers, New Hampshire, USA. pp 1-35.
  1. Singh, Y.P., Chauhan, A.S., Kumar, D. and Thapliyal, M. 2011. History of Scientific Forestry in India. In: Forestry in the service of the nation: ICFRE Technologies (Ed.)V.K. Bahuguna, Rabindra Kumar, R.P. Singh & Ramakant Mishra, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehradun. pp. 13-42.

Popular articles

Sinha, B. C., Thapliyal, M. and Moghe, K. 2000. An Assessment of Tourism in CorbettNational Park. WII Newsletter 7(2): 7-12.

Thapliyal, M. 2007. Beej bankon mein bhandaran: viral tatha mahatvapoorn van vrukshon ka sanrakshan. Vigyan Viloki 2(5): 8-9.