DEADLINE –Tuesday, April 17, 2018


NAME ______STUDENT # ______

Program: □ MSc□ PhD

Year in Program as of September 2018 (please circle) 1 2 3 4


2018-19 External Awards Applied For (i.e. NSERC, OGS, CIHR) ______

Are you a resident of Ontario? YesNo

Being a resident of the Province of Ontario is the criteria for several awards, please read definitions below and then check the boxes that apply to you.



None of the above

Definition of Ontario resident, for OSOTF Awards

An Ontario resident is deemed to be a student who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada who resides in the Province of Ontario by virtue of his/her registration status as a full-time or part-time on-campus student at the undergraduate or post-graduate level. Students newly admitted to the University, whose address upon admission is outside of Ontario, will not be deemed to be residents of Ontario during their first term of study. Providing the student is continually registered as an on-campus student in consecutive terms of study, or academic sessions as appropriate, the student will be deemed to be a resident of Ontario.

Definition of Ontario resident for OSOTF II and OTSS Awards:

An Ontario resident is deemed to be a student who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada who has most recently lived in the Province of Ontario for a period of at least 12 consecutive months, excluding time spent as a full-time student at a post-secondary institution. All reasonable effort will be exercised to determine the residency of potential recipients to ensure conformation with the Ontario residency restriction from the OSOTF II and OTSS guidelines. This will entail ensuring that both the address on admission and the undergraduate institution of the student were in Ontario. Where these criteria do not apply, the student may be eligible if he/she can prove residency in Ontario twelve months prior to registration at the undergraduate university.

If your permanent home address is in the Province of Quebec you may be eligible for a Senator Frank Carrel Fellowship.

Are you eligible? Yes ______No ______

Please complete numbers1 OR 2and3 AND 4

1. Students entering 1st or 2nd year graduate studies in Sept. 2018:

Average in each of the last two completed years of study: ______


2. Students entering 3rd year or beyond of graduate studies in Sept. 2018

Average over all graduate courses completed: ______

3. Average in most recent year that you had a mark ______

4. Average in second most recent year that you had a mark ______

Graduate Courses Taken (Queen’s and elsewhere):

Indicate Course No. & Mark obtained



Current Graduate Courses: (if applicable)



List any publications, papers presented, or other indicators of productivity and performance.

(You may use attachments)

Comments or explanations of incongruities or other problems:

NOTE: When you are ranked at the Departmental level, the primary criteria are marks. For senior students publications are also taken into account.

Student's signature ______

Supervisor's signature ______

Both signatures are required so if your supervisor is going to be away best to get the signature now.