Safeguarding Children Board JULY TO SEPT 2011
The Key Issues identified were
Schools failure to identify and act on child’s injuries
Lack of focus on the child’s needs / knowledge re increased vulnerability of disabled children
Agencies did not share information appropriately
Inadequate assessment / identification of issues relating to work with resistant / hard to reach families
Communication with disabled children
Neglect – including dental care and medical attention
Disguised compliance
The outcome of the Serious Case Review published in February 2011 noted that
‘the review concluded that Nathan’s quality of life would have been much improved and that he would have been spared further injuries had appropriate action been taken by professionals’
(Information kindly provided by the South Tees LSCBs Training Co-ordinator)
Other Areas Serious Case Reviews
What is a Serious Case Review?
When a child dies and abuse or neglect is known or suspected to be a factor, organisations should consider whether there are any lessons to be learnt about the ways in which they work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Consequently when a child dies in such circumstances the LSCB should conduct a Serious Case Review.
The list below includes those Serious Case Reviews that have been published recently and can be found on the Local Safeguarding Children Board of the associated area.
CHILD C (CUMBRIA LSCB) – Child C was a few weeks old when he was admitted to hospital with potentially life-threatening injuries. The injuries he had sustained were as a consequence of physical abuse, which was perpetrated by his mother’s partner.
BD09 (DERBY LSCB) – The two young people were known to agencies with concerns about their welfare over a number of years. However, despite these concerns, they were seriously abused both before and subsequent to being looked after by the local authority. Both young people were involved in and subjected to child prostitution.
CHILD X (SUNDERLAND LSCB) – Child X arrived in the UK in 2001, his mother having entered the UK four months earlier. Child X and his mother initially lived in London and were later dispersed to Sunderland. Sunderland Children’s Services Social Care input was not informed by a comprehensive assessment of need and they did not respond to requests to accommodate Child X. Child X was later arrested for a serious sexual assault of another child.
CHILD J (WOLVERHAMPTON LSCB) – Child J’s mother placed him with her cousin and partner because she could not cope with the demands of 2 small children. As a single mother wanting to access educational and training opportunities and in order to be able to cope, she needed some reliable childcare arrangements to be made. Under this arrangement Child J was subject to serious physical abuse, which lead to his death.
NSPCC Launch New Text Helpline
You can now text the NSPCC Helpline from your phone on 88858 any time, day or night, 365 days a year. The NSPCC will aim to read and respond to your text within three hours. You will receive a personal reply by text from one of the Helpline Advisors.
This service is free.
Please make your text message to the NSPCC as concise as possible. Provide as much information as you can about the child and the concerns you have. If you have seen any warning signs, let them know. If you have any details that help to identify the child, such as their name or address, please share them to.
Remember, texts to the NSPCC are free, so please send more than one text about your concerns, if you need to
However, if you think a child is in immediate danger, call the emergency services or alternatively call the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000. Please do not text them, as they may not be able to respond to the text immediately. / UK’s Child Protection Centre to lead National Response on Missing Children
A new dedicated team of experts from CEOP will strengthen and lead the UK’s ability to respond to missing children.
Speaking on International Missing Children’s Day (25.05.11) HO Minister James Brokenshire outlined that CEOP will from Friday 1st July 2011 take the national lead for missing children’s services.
Through the creation of the UK’s first ever team of experts dedicated to tackling missing children issues, CEOP will bring their considerable expertise to bear and ensure the right arrangements are in place to protect vulnerable children.
CEOP’s new capability will provide operational support to the police through resources such as the Child Rescue Alert system and the Missing Kids website. It will also ensure arrangements are in place to co-ordinate the collective response to complex cases of missing and abducted children.
Cleveland Police Tops League for Child Rape Reports
Shocking figures have revealed that the highest number of child rape reports to North East Police Forces were made to Cleveland Police. In 2009 and 2010, 162 reports were logged with the force. Only 34 of these led to a conviction in court.
Peter McPhillips, Head of the Public Protection Unit at Cleveland Police said ‘Cleveland Police is working hard with all of our partners on the Local Safeguarding Children Boards to understand and tackle the problems of child sex abuse. It is hoped that this work gives victims the confidence to come forward and seek the help and support that is available to them. Tackling the crime remains a priority for Cleveland Police and we will continue to put every effort into targeting child sex offenders’.
You can read the full report on this matter using the following web address:
Ofsted Announced Inspection 2011
Prior notification was received in respect of Middlesbrough’s latest Ofsted Inspection, which reviewed the Safeguarding and Looked After Children’s Services. The Inspection Team consisted of:
Gary Lamb, Lead Inspector / Safeguarding Management
Maureen York, Education & LAC
Sarah Urding, LEAD LAC
Judith Nelson, Lead Safeguarding
Peter McEntee, Lead Safeguarding
Lea Pickerall, Lead Health
The leads within Middlesbrough for the preparation and inspection arrangements were Richenda Broad Assistant Director Children’s Trust & Performance; Neil Pocklington Deputy Director Safeguarding and Alex Giles Tees Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children (Health / CQC involvement in the Inspection).
Additional key roles within the inspection process for Middlesbrough were undertaken by David David Performance & Planning Manager, Sue Little Planning Officer and Lesley Spaven Partnership Manager.
The full report in respect of the outcome of the Inspection will be made available to Middlesbrough on Friday 22nd July 2011. Further information in respect of the inspection will be made available within the next MSCB News.
NEW First Contact Team
The new First Contact Team, which is based at MTLC, replaces the old Duty Team and comprises of the following:
Caroline Kendrick, Team Manager – 201870 Alison Barnes, DISC, Family Practitioner - 201824
Vicky Cairns, EDU Welfare Officer – 201871 Mark Carter Smith, Data Analyst - 201972
Diane Curnow, CAF Project Worker – 201974 Mel Dadd, EDU Welfare Officer - 201871
Lynette Dennis, Family Resource Worker – 201899 Mary Griksaitis, CP Officer Education - 201822
Ruth Ingoe, Access Officer – 201876 Tracy King, Team Clerk - 201860
Maggie Lancaster, Duty Officer – 201877 Carol Marchant, LADO (Mon to Wed) - 201835
Kelly Reynolds, CAF Co-ordinator – 201975 Karen Simmonds, EDU Support Worker - 201822
Joanne Tennant, LADO Clerk – 201823
Tees Neglect Conference – When Good Intentions Are Not Enough
Friday 6th May 2011 – Norton Education Development Centre
Middlesbrough, Redcar & Cleveland and Stockton LSCBs held a one-day conference in respect of neglect. The course was facilitated by Patrick Ayre who is a Researcher / Lecturer at the University of Bedford.
Forty places were made available to each LSCB with each providing a full compliment of professionals in attendance. The aim of the day was to improve participants’ responses to neglect and provide an update on recent research. Its focus was to identify:
Why neglect is bad for children? Including research update about the effects on the developing child’s brain.
Vulnerability of neglected children to further abuse including research on the increased vulnerability of disabled children.
The need to assess new information with fresh eyes and not get stuck in a mindset.
Working with resistant families – in reality what does this mean for professionals who may be fearful?
What do we know about what works? Thinking about effective interventions.
Feedback from the event was noted to be very positive with many professionals noting via their evaluation forms that the information provided within the event would change the way they work.
Additional reading material was supplied prior to the day ‘Early Intervention – The Next Steps (An Independent Report to her Majesty’s Government) by Graham Allan MP dated January 2011. A copy of this very substantial but very worthwhile document is available to download from the MSCB website.
NEW E-Learning Course – DOMESTIC VIOLENCE including impact on children
On completion of the course, learners will be able to:
Explain what domestic violence is and who is most at risk
Recognise the difference between the facts and myths surrounding domestic violence
Describe the physical and psychological effects of domestic violence
Explain the impact of domestic violence on the unborn child, children and young people
Classify the behaviours displayed by a perpetrator
Identify positive and negative ways to support cases of domestic violence
Outline how the victim may feel
Describe best practices
Identify the ‘dos and don’ts’ of assisting in a domestic violence case
Recognise when and where to get help.
This e-learning domestic violence course is now available to all professionals within the LSCB partner agencies. Applicants should have completed the basic awareness of child abuse course prior to requesting this module. Further information can be gained from either Claire Seymour and / or Ann Snowdon at LSCB Training Administration or via the MSCB website.
Training Courses – September & October 2011
Unco-operative Families (Half Day) – 21st September 2011 / Young People who Sexually Harm (Full Day) – 22nd September 2011
Impact of Parental Mental Health (Full Day) – 30th September 2011 / Child Sexual Exploitation including Child Trafficking – 4th October 2011
Drop In / Briefing Sessions –
Friday 7th October 2011
Open to all professionals from all agencies
Further details to be made available when known.
BOARD MEMBERS – Middlesbrough Safeguarding Children Board
Mark Braithwaite
Chair / Dr Kailash Agrawal
Designated Doctor / John Bate
Acklam Grange School / Elizabeth Benson
NSPCC / Julia Bracknall
Steve Brady
Middlesbrough College / Richenda Broad
M’brough CF&L / Mike Carr
Middlesbrough Council / John Catron
M’brough CF&L / Sam Crammond
NHS North East
Cherry Diemoz
Breckon Hill Primy Schl / Sandra Egleton
Barnardo’s / Bridget Farrand
Adult Service, Mbro Cncl / Alex Giles
NHS Tees / Jane Kochanowski
M’brough CF&L
Lesley Mawson
TEWV (Health) / Peter McPhillips
Cleveland Police / Sandra Mitchell
South Tees YOS / Keith Norman
DTV Probation Trust / Neil Pocklington
M’brough CF&L
Gill Rollings
M’brough CF&L / Lesley Spaven
M’bro Children’s Trust / Susie Thompson
Fabrick Housing / Beverley Walker
STHT (Health) / Gary Watson
Celia Weldon
PCT (Health) / Alison Wild
Working together as an inter agency partnership to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.