

Title / Critical Development of Knowledge for Higher Specialist Social Work (20)
Code / SSM112 20 credits
Level / M
Credit rating / 20
Pre-requisites / Students must be registered social workers and meet entry requirements for Higher Specialist Social Work courses
Type of module / Extensive over two semesters with attendance
Aims / This module aims to allow students to develop, extend and critically evaluate, synthesize and apply advanced knowledge, appropriate to the demands and responsibilities of complex Higher Specialist Social Work, to their particular, specialist area of practice (i.e. Social Work with Adults; Social Work in Mental Health Services; Leadership and Management in Social Work). The module aims particularly to facilitate: familiarity with M level study; return to study ; development of knowledge congruent with student’s area of practice
Learning outcomes/objectives / By the end of the module, having designed, carried out and evaluated a personal, independent learning programme successful students will have enlarged and deepened their knowledge base, in order to inform and support her/ his Higher Specialist Level practice and will demonstrate:
1.  In-depth knowledge relating to their particular area of specialist practice (in relation to either: adults; mental health or management) based upon on critical evaluation of relevant theory/ research/ / law and policy
2.  The ability to systematically and critically apply detailed knowledge to decision making in complex practice with regard to specialist area.
3.  Sound and advanced skills in critical analysis and evaluation of, and reflection on, own development needs in relation to knowledge necessary to inform complex and demanding practice
Content / Specific content will be guided by Higher Specialist Level Social Work GSCC. 2005 Post Qualifying Framework for Social Work Education and Training: Para 51 i-ix), and by the Specialist practice context standards: GSCC. 2006/7. Specialist Standards and Requirements for Post-qualifying Social Work Education and Training: Social Work in Mental Health Services; Social Work with Adults; Leadership and Management. Content will depend also on the precise nature of the student’s particular area of specialist practice and upon her/ his needs, responsibilities and interests of within it. In determining the nature of their knowledge development all students will be expected to support, develop and enhance their contribution to complex practice. The precise focus of study will be agreed with the Tutor through developing a Learning Contract, which must be agreed by the Module Team.
Depending on student numbers following the module, attendance at either individual tutorials or at tutor facilitated action learning sets will be agreed at the start of learning.
Between either Tutorials or Action Learning Sets, students will be required to carry out self directed learning, which will be supported by the Tutor via email/studentcentral. The Learning Contract, with the aims and objectives of study identified must be completed within 8 weeks of commencing the module
Teaching and learning strategies / This module aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge base in relation to a specific area of / specialist social work practice. The module requires students to identify their own learning and development needs and to manage their own learning through either individual tutorials or tutor facilitated action learning sets (depending on student numbers) . Each student will agree a Learning Contract with their Tutor in the University and the outcome of their study will be assessed against the learning contract.
Learning and development will be facilitated through action learning and self directed learning, but also supported, as appropriate, through SASS PQ Social Work Workshops and Seminars; Making Research Count Seminars; Work Based Training; attendance at other, external Conferences and workshops . At the start of the module a workshop on the principles of action and self-directed learning will prepare and inform students on this approach. Students will then participate in pre-arranged and agreed action learning sets/tutorials, facilitated by the Tutor.
If the Tutor is not a subject expert in relation to the student’s area of specialist practice, students will also have access to a relevant specialist from the social work group of staff in SASS or in the agency

Indicative Hours 20c

Contact 25
Start of Module Introductory
Tutorial/ Action Learning
Directed Study /Private Study 175
/Conferences/ Agency Training/
Assignment Preparation


Learning support /

Indicative Reading

Action Learning Sets http://www.actionlearningsets.com/php/news.php?id=4
Hull University, Reflective Learning. http://www.studyadvice.hull.ac.uk/resources/acadw/01pdfs/reflectlr.pdf
Oxford Brooks University. Independent Learning: Some ideas from the literature. http://www.brookes.ac.uk/services/ocsd/2_learntch/independent.html
Anderson, G. , Boud D., Sampson J. 1996. Learning Contracts. London Kogan Page
Boud, D. Keogh, R. and Walker, D. (Eds) (1985) Reflection: Turning Experience into Learning. Kogan Page.
Boud, D. and Cohen, R., 1993. Using Experience for Learning. Buckingham, Society for Research into Education: Open University Press
Brechin A et al (eds) (2000) Critical Practice in Health & Social Care, Sage
Knowles, M.S. 1986. Using Learning Contracts . San Francisco. Jossey Bass
Marshall, L. and Rowland, F. 1993. A guide to Learning Independently OUP: Buckingham
McGill, I. and Beaty, L. 1992. Action Learning: A Practitioner’s Guide. London: Kogan Page
White S. Fook J. and Garner F. (2006) Critical Reflection in Health and Social Care. Maidenhead. OUP
Assessment tasks / 20 credit
·  The production of an agreed Learning Contract (formative)
·  3000 word written assignment (summative)
The precise nature of the assignment will be agreed in the Learning Contract and will address the learning outcomes: This might be, for example, an essay critically examining the knowledge base to inform decision making in relation to a critical incident in practice; a practice or ethical dilemma; knowledge base in relation to a particular project/ practice development need or other practice issue
40 credit
·  The production of an agreed Learning Contract (formative)
·  5000 word written assignment (summative)
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / This module is designed to enable social work practitioners who are studying for/ plan to study for Higher Specialist Social Work Award to develop their knowledge bas in relation to their area of particular specialist practice. It affords the student the opportunity to deign a supportive programme of study specific to their own area of practice and is particularly relevant for those students returning to study or who are new to M level study. The module uses independent learning, supported by action learning in either a tutorial context or action learning set. Agreeing a focused Learning Contract and the Assignment task, aims to support knowledge development for Higher Specialist Social Work and reflective practice
Area examination board to which module relates / SASS Combined Post qualifying Social Work AEB/CEB
Module team/authors/ coordinator / Lindsay Hill; Julia Stroud; Jem Price; David Watson
Semester offered, where appropriate / 1 and 2
Site where delivered / Falmer
Date of first approval / April 2007
Date of last revision
Date of approval of this version / June 2009
Version number / 2
Replacement for previous module / N/A
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / Post Qualifying Social Work Programme M/0
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in course / PGDip Higher Specialist Social Work with Adults
PGDip Higher Specialist Mental Health Social Work
PGDip Leadeship and Management in Social Work
School home / SASS
External examiner / Alan Butler, University of Leeds