Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Checkley Parish Council held on Tuesday,

18th June 2013 at Greatwood Hall, commencing at 7.15pm


Councillor Flunder (Chair) Councillor Ball

Councillor Hulme Councillor Pearce

Councillor Trigger Councillor P Wilkinson

In Attendance

Ms S Farnell – Parish Clerk, Cty Cllr. Mark Deville, Vicki Ellis (SMDC), Mike Green (SMDC), Mr E Plant, Richard Amos (Tean Albion FC), Brian Stubbs

, Liz Turnock (MAM Craftmakers)


Cllr. Maryon( Personal Commitments) Cllr. McGarry, Cllr. A Wilkinson (Holiday) and Cllr. Hayward (Work Commitments)

13.085 Declaration of Interests

Cllr. Pearce declared an interest in Greatwood Hall Management Committee. Cllr. Pearce declared an interest in the planning application at North Plantation.

Cllr. Ball declared an interest in Greatwood Hall.

13.086 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 21st May 2013

That the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Council held on 21st May 2013 having been circulated and be confirmed as being an accurate and true record and be signed by the chairman and clerk. Proposed Cllr. Hulme, seconder Cllr. Wilkinson. All councillors were in favour.

13.087 Public Participation

David Hughes from Staffordshire County Council attended the meeting to discuss the flooding in Lower Tean. He said that a lot of the drains in the area were very old and needed replacing.

David Hughes asked the council if they could afford any contribution towards the scheme. Mike Green from SMDC said that his role is to ensure correct drainage is adequate for any future planning applications.

Cllr. Deville said that he would enquire to see if last year’s fund for flooding could be carried over to this year to help to finance the project.

Cllr. Trigger proposed that this matter be discussed further at next month’s meeting. Cllr. Pearce seconded. Clerk

Liz Turnock from Mums Art Makers attended the meeting to ask for funding for the group. She gave a brief history of the group. Cllr Pearce asked how much money they are looking for. Liz said that any amount would be appreciated and suggested £500 or £1000.

Cllr. Flunder asked Liz for a specific figure that they are looking for. Liz said £1000. The matter is to be discussed later in the meeting.

The clerk read out the email from Richard Amos of Tean Albion FC requesting the use of The Wentlows for football matches for the next season. Cllr. Ball asked Richard if it would be possible to organise a junior side for this next season. Cllr. Ball proposed that we let them use The Wentlows rent free for twelve months with the commitment that Richard looks into organising junior teams and to let them use the Portakabin on the ground.

Mark Deville said it has always been the ambition of Tean Albion to bring on a junior football team.

Cllr. Trigger suggested that it be used for a training facility for juniors. Cllr. Flunder said that we could review the situation when the grant comes through and also help them to advertise for youngsters to play football.

Brian Stubbs asked the council in relation to the Cheadle Rd development if we needed all the new development in the village and commented that Tean Mill flats have still not been sold. Cllr. Deville said the application has not gone through yet and is still in the consultation period.

Vicki Ellis attended the meeting to discuss the scooter park. She said that she would try and get the police architectural liaison officer.

Cllr. Ball suggested that the area at the rear of Greatwood Hall could be used as a skateboard park.

Cllr. Pearce proposed that Vicki has her meeting with the youth and we will progress from there.

13.088 County Councillors Announcements.

Cllr. Deville reported on issues relating to a care home in Mobberley, and asked the council if they hear of any anti-social behaviour to report it. The county council have an interest in three young people at the home.

A joint project has been launched to clear the disused railway between Cresswell and Cheadle and to have it resurfaced. The long term plans are to put the railway lines back on the track but for now it will be adopted as a walkway and cycle track.

13.089 Announcements from the Chair

Cllr. Flunder said that Cllr. Pearce had stepped down as Lengthsmans Co-Ordinator. Cllr. Trigger thanked Cllr. Pearce for his work as a co-ordinator. Cllr. Flunder also thanked Cllr. Pearce and Cllr. Ball for helping out since Cllr. Pearce stood down. Cllr. Ball proposed that Cllr. Flunder as chair carries on with the role of co-ordinator.

Cllr. Flunder said at the lengthsmans meeting Eddie suggested we keep the mower. Cllr. Pearce proposed that we keep it for the time being. Eddie Plant is to clear out the unit and Clerk

the clerk is to give one month’s notice on storage to Adams Valley Turf.

13.090 Correspondence

For Consideration
Richard Amos – Tean Albion / Request to use the Wentlows / See Public Participation
For Information
Mr & Mrs M Edge / Thank You Card / Read out and noted
Mr & Mrs Corkery / Thank You letter re: Planning appeal / Read out and noted

13.091 Planning

13/00099/FUL / The Gables, Uttoxeter Rd, Lower Tean / Change of use from guest house to residential dwelling.
13/00307/FUL / Land adj to Quarry Bank,Hollington / Agricultural storage building inc. of two stables
13/00323/FUL / 44 Oakhill Close, Upper Tean / Two storey bedroom and study ext. to side elevation
13/00365/FUL / The Red Barn, Hollington / Erection of single storey ext. and conversion of integral garage to provide granny annexe.
13/00327/REM / Land at North Plantation, Tean / Variation of conditions
13/00363/FUL / The Red Barn, Hollington / Erection of single garage

All the planning applications shown above that have been granted were read out and noted.

Cllr. Flunder reported on the meeting at SMDC regarding the planning application for Fole Dairy. Cllr. Flunder thanked Cllr. Trgger and Cllr. Deville and said that they

were very supportive and the project was taken on board and granted. Cllr. Flunder reported that there are still security issues on the site.

13.092 Finance

Cheques to be issued

Payable To / Details / Invoice
Total / VAT / Cheque
Adams Valley Turf / Storage Rent / 180.00 / 2840
E Plant / Lenthsmans fees and expenses / 776.53 / 2841
M Price / Litterpickers fees / 178.88 / 2842
Hewitt & Carr Architects / Greatwood Scheme Design / 180.00 / 30.00 / 2843
S E Farnell / Clerks Wages & Expenses / 729.51 / 9.90 / 2844
HMRC / PAYE / 30.80 / 2845

That authority is given for the cheques to be issued in respect of the invoices listed above. Proposed by Cllr. Pearce and seconded by Cllr. Trigger. All councillor’s in favour. Clerk

The grant for Mums Art Makers was discussed and it was suggested that the clerk and Cllr. Flunder look at their accounts and report back. It was suggested that one possibility Clerk/

would be for the council to pay their rent to Greatwood Hall for them. The item is to be discussed at the July meeting. Flunder

13.093 District Councillors Announcements

Cllr. Pearce reported that Steve Massey from SMDC had looked at the overhanging trees on car park in Tean and it was on the works programme for the next two months.

13.094 Greatwood Hall Working Group

The Greatwood Hall Working Group minutes had been distributed to all councillors.

Cllr. Flunder was asked to have a word with Cllr. Quinton regarding his comments about other councillors in emails. Flunder

Cllr. Flunder informed the council that Checkley Parish Council cannot pay John Burney a honorarium for project work for Greatwood Hall, but they can give money to Greatwood

Hall as a grant for them to pay John Burney.

13.095 Well Meadow Garden Murals Plaque

The wording for the plaque was discussed and agreed as follows:

The artwork contained within this garden was only made possible by the generosity of the people within the parish and the following groups:

Checkley Parish Council

2012 Art students at Leek College

Moorlands Together, safer, stronger communities

Your Housing Group

QPS Screenprint Ltd

Staffordshire Police

Staffordshire County Council

Cllr. Trigger proposed that this wording be used on the plaque, Cllr Wilkinson seconded and three other councillors voted for. Clerk/


The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 16th July 2013.

There being no other business the Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 9.20pm

Signed ……………………………………...... Chairperson 16th July 2013

